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THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS Jockey Taplin is showing his oldtime form in the saddle at Lagoon and by riding thirteen winners last week wrested third place in the jockey list for 1912 from Butwell This is the chief change in the list since its publication one week ago The record of the thirty leaders from January 1 to and includ Ing the racing of Saturday last is as follows followsJockey Jockey Mts IsiTurner 1st 2d 3d Unp PULW Turner C 411 9 9Gross 90 09 55 191 23 Gross 407 S STaplin 87 87 74 219 19 0 Taplin 392 S SButwell 82 57 43 210 21 13 Butwell 303 7JKoerncr 78 59 53 173 21 Koerncr T 332 WHill W 53 47 1GS 19 Hill 429 G4 G4Hopkins 04 49 54 202 15 Hopkins 323 55Peak 55 53 40 172 18 Peak C 327 57 57Molesworth 02 38 170 17 Molesworth 341 51McCnhey 51 45 59 183 10 McCnhey 2SG KMartin K 34 40 100 18 Martin E 332 5JBuxton 5J 40 33 201 1C Buxton 305 51 51Skirviii 52 40 102 17 Skirviii 411 51 51Lof 58 38 204 12 Lof tus 250 5CCallahan 5C 50 37 113 20 Callahan J 417 50 50McTaggart 50 73 238 12 McTaggart 218 44 44Ambrose 32 35 107 20 Ambrose 323 42 42Fain 49 44 188 13 Fain 340 411Kepgh 411 46 40 212 12 Kepgh 190 4fGorfse 4f 30 IS 102 20 Gorfse 2G9 3J1Shill 3J1 34 38 158 14 Shill ing C II 130 3fCarter 3f 23 22 49 22 Carter 320 3SSchnttinger 3S 51 50 184 11 Schnttinger 230 34 34Schwebig 34 48 114 15 Schwebig 192 33 33Fairbrother 31 19 109 17 Fairbrother 195 33 33Hoffman 20 22 114 17 Hoffman R 24S 32 32Estep 31 20 159 13 Estep 271 32 32Henry 34 35 170 12 Henry J 208 3C 38 36 194 10 Small Selden