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TWO TRACKS AT HAVRE DE GRACE Second Course Between Baltimore and Philadelphia to Be Completed for Fall Meeting Baltimore Mil July 15 Ilarford County is to have two modern race courses of a mile each separated only by a twentyfoot lane Both sire to run under the Jockey Clubs sanction At Belair Saturday the Havre de Grace Agricultural and Me ¬ chanical Fair Association of llarford County was incorporated incorporatedThis This new plant is to be located on the property owned by Attorney Harry B Wolf and adjoins the farm of John J Msihon UIK II which the other race course is to be built The twentyfoot lane sepa ¬ rating the tracks runs through Harry Wolfs prop ¬ erty ertyThe The incoriiorators and directors are Robert II Pennington Oliver U Currier Dr James II Bay of Havre de Grace and Harry D Hanway J Wal ¬ lace Bromrcl of Belair The capital stock is fixed at 200000 divided into 4000 shares of the par value of 50 This is the fourth racing association to bo incorparated in Ilarford County within the past few months monthsHarry Harry 15 Wolf is quoted as follows I purchased 2SO sicres of land on the main line of the Pennsyl ¬ vania and nbont 200 yards north of tho Baltimore sind Ohio Railroad near Havre de Grace I liought this land with nearly a mile of water front on the Snsquehanna river for a country home Prominent citizens of Ilarford County importuned me in the matter of holding sin annual sigricultural fair and nice meeting This we have agreed to do doWe We propose to hsivu our race course built within 10 working days beginning at once We will em ¬ ploy about 100 artisans There will lie little grad ¬ ing required and drainage is a simple matter matterDesigns Designs are being made for our grandstand and show buildings These will be strictly up to date as we expect to have annual races and shows for years to come comeWe We anticipate holding our first fair and race meeting in November We do not expect to rsice more than lift con days this fall and a like number of days next spring