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SECOND RACE 1 Mile 4yearoWs and upward Selling 97001 139 1 102 ROTA b c 4 105 105HIST By Governor Foraker Vedas T H Stevens HIST C dAleue 1 139R fast 15 90 411 3J 471 Hill 5 Meadow Lochiel Mycenae 3009 C dAlene 7S l27g good 3 109 1 3 3 32SS7 4nk Mycenae4nk 15 Taplin S Juan Old Mexico Sleepland 2SS7 C dAlene 1 l41g fast 10 102 S 5 2 3 i 43J J Mclntyre 8 J Laxson Setback IIHntchisou 2741 CdAlene 1116148 fast 5 105 2 1 2 221 21 Corey 5 Maizie Girl DonEnrique Force 2657 C dAlene 1 142 mud 7 108 5 3 3 3250S 2ll Force2ll 2i Corey 9 Oscuro Sona Rake 250S C dAlene 7S 1284 good 7 110 10 10 7 4 2 Corey 11 Godfather Voting Sam Barber BarberTh 2440 C dAlene 58 1034 mud 6 108 11 10 10BEN Th 5 Coroy 11 ITammeraway S Barry TFaust TFaustBy BEN UNCAB b 0 4 108 By Contestor Miss Uncas H Branch 3720 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 20 110 5 6 5 5G70 32 1 = Anderson ft Mary Emily IS Soulc Marigot G70 Salt Lake 1141 fast 25 110 3 7 7 4 35J Anderson S Onatassa Gretchen G LPaston 565 Salt Lake 1 l42g fast 95 112 7 7 6 41 3i Gross 8 Cabin Zahra Royal River 3514 Salt Lake 7S l27g fast 2 112 8 7 7 73C53 3h River3h 33 Gross S SirBarry GRussell HarlemMaid 3C53 C dAlene 1 14 210 fast 5 110 3 4 5 311 321 E McEwen 7 S Lump My Bouquet Marigot 3213 C dAlene 1 l41g fast 15 llf 10 10 9 929S2 6s 6si E McEwenll Eddie Mott Onatassa Whidden 29S2 C dAlene 78 127 mud 20 109 2 4 7 5 5T E McEwenlO EutIsle Narfl Lieut Sawyer 2609 C dAlene 1 140 fast 15 109 8 10 8 8 S10 E McEwenlO Setback Ada Meade Maizie Girl 2550 C dAlene 1141 fast 15 112 2 6 6 3fc 351 E McEwen 8 Figent Ed Keck Zoroaster 2412 C dAlene 78 1291 slop 10 110 2 2 2 223S6 1 11 E McEwen 9 Rake Setback Oscuro 23S6 C dAtene 78 128 fast 10 102 8 8 7 5 2 Kederis S EmilyLee MPicnic BGreenleaf 2348 C dAlene 1 142 fast 5 113 365 6 6 Taplin 7 Miss Korn Mycenae Layminster 2229 C dAlene 1 1414 fast 10 112 1 1 1 1ANNE 3 3 J E McEwen 8 ETFryer Layminr EStewart EStewartBy ANNE McGEE b m 6 103 By Marta Banta California E Gaylord 707 Salt Lake F C l10g fast SI lor 1 3 8 743 J Henry 10 David Warlicld Deerfool Sixteen 213 C dAlene 1 1414 fast 4 101 4 1 1 3h 7 JKcdcris 11 Eddio Mott Onatassa Whidden 3105 C dAlene 51 f 108 fast 95 110 fi 3 32iriO 3 i t3 R HolTinanlO Sanel THSheehan Eddie Mott 2iriO C dAlene 34 l15j mud 6 109 3 1 11 7s R Hoffmanll BenGrceuleaf Binocular Blondy 2640 C dAlene 34 114J fast 1 101 G 1 lh I1 R HoffmanlO aiarie Hyde SamBarber Blondy 2385 C dAlene 78 1274 fast 15 99 5 4 2 21 7s Hill 9 Loween Lotta Creed Force 2227 C dAlene K8 1004 fast 25 104 6 4 413S2 7 715 R HoffmanlO LJane Binocular SilvStocklng 13S2 Juarez 34 1154 fast 3 105 3 2 2nic 31 Carter 7 Ferrona Faneuil Hall Sona 1203 Juarez 7S 126 fast 4 98 1 1 1 m Sonam I1 Carter 7 L M Eckert Lotta Creed Zulu 1125 Juarez 1 140 fast 4 101 3 1 2 2irar 421 7 i Hill 0 The Monk Gelico Sona Sona4U irar Juarez 1 12S4 fast 4 98 3 1 1 4U 91 Hill 9 Miami Flying Feet Miss Korn KornBy AFTERMATH b g 8 105 105S63 By Star Ruby Recollection Fairfleld Stable S63 SaltLake 1 116 148 fast 16 109 5 2 2 11 121 Taplin 8 Misprision Montauk Don Zahra Zahrafi2 5 Salt Lake 1 l42g fast 10 111 6 2 3 fi2 6 ° J Toplin 8 Cabin Zahra Ecu Uncas 3372 C dAlene 1 l42g slow 20 106 7 11 11 10 710lCorey 11 The Peer Marigot Exchequer 3358 C dAlene 34 1164 slop 15 112 1 7 6 61 Hopkins 8 Sam Barber Hawley Footloose 32S3 C dAlene 1 1414 fast 8 107 7 10 9 9a5n S 58 C Grand 11 E Stewart Icarlan Exchequer 3211 a5n r dAlene 1 1434 fast 8 111 1 7 7 4J1 5 Hill 8 MEmily S Barber M Bouquet 1 2803 C dAlene 1 l42i fast 125 110 G 3 2 33 Si Taplin 8 Dr White Chief Desmond Cablu 2CS9 cdAlene 116 i4s SSt 25 111 7 3 2 21 42J Buxton D Layminster Salpearl Wlildden 250S C dAlene 78 1284 good 11 109 3 2 4 6s GI0iBuxton 11 Godfather Rota Voting 44 C dAlene 1 116 l51g mud 8 10S 2 4 4 4 3s Taplin 6 Zoroaster Robert Sam Barber 105 4 2 2 5 n Buxton 8 Force Edna Stewart The Peer PeerBy ARBUTUS oh f 4 103 By Holstein Rose Mary Kane T D Sullivan 3 8 Salt Lake F C 1092 fast 0 0T 7 813iC H Miller S Cool Tremargo Orba Smilo T Sat Lake 7S S 1274 fast 7 107 7 2 2 11 33 C II Miller S Gretchen G Abound MissPicnlc 3500 Salt Lake 1 141 fast 12 107 2 1 1 1yl 12 32 C H Miller 0 JLaxson Montgomery FLouise yl gfast 31 107 5 4 2 2i 2 C II Miller Sandpiper Cabin Royal River River8l 11414 fast 12 112 3 4 3 8l nts C Turner 10 CToucb Miss Wiggs Imprudent 25 MoK1 ii i iod od o m 1 2 5 3 45 MuFgrve 11 Haldeman O Em L of Langdnn 25 Toronto 1116149 slow 19 105 5 4 4 4 412JC Turner 5 Supervr Scrimmage Servicence 400 Toronto 78131 hvy 51 108 8 8 8 8 817 McTagrt 8 Qn Mark Planutess Mud Sill 2217 Lexston Im70y 1454 good 4 103 8 6 6 41 4 Moleswh 9 Supple Hanly Rash 174 Lwcgton lm70y 150 mud 186 107 3 3 3 4 4 i Moleswh 7 Charley Straus Hanly Dorble 2092 Lexington 1 1W2 fast 10 105 1 3 3 3OSCURO 31 3J Moleswb 8 Helene Brig Foxy Mary MaryBy OSCURO br E 5 By Rey el Santa Anita La Toluca C L McDonald 3G70 Salt Lake 1 141 fast nA 0 110 8 S S S S26 Fain S Onatassa Grctchun G B Uncas 2057 C dAlene 1 1421 mud 5 W 3 2 2 2250S 1 iu Carter 9 Rota Sona Rake Rake4H 250S C dAlene 5S 101M good 2a 102 8 8 4H 21 Carter 10 LadyStalwarr Sainest MHyde 2412 C dAlene 78 1292 slop 20 102 344 4 4 Carter Ben Uncas Rako Setback 2317 C dAlene 1 1424 fast 13 lOo 633 22 31 Carter 7 raIzie Girl MyBouquet Wicket 2229 C dAlene 1 1 1414 4 fast 8 104 2 3 6 41 5 = 1 Carter 8 ETFryer Layminster BUncas 2127 C dAlene 34 1 15i fast 31 104 6 4 3i Carter 6 TMcGee ASlupskey Kid North 2051 C dAlene 61 f 110 slop 13 103 2 3l Carter 8 GilbertBose BillyMyer ReensVV CABlN ch g 10 105 By Pontiao Poncho TTmensetter ONeil 3674 Salt Lake 1 1401 fast 20 106 1 4 4 47J Corey 4 Wolferton JackStryker Abound 3565 Salt Lake 1 l42g fast 8 111 2 3 31 11 Corey 8 Zahra Ben Uncas Royal River 3513 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 10 109 7 2 4 4 D Boland 7 Ed Graney Wolferton R River 3471 SaltLake Im20y 1421 fast 31 111 2 232S2 3 3 32 Mulligan 0 Sandpiper Arbutus Royal River 32S2 C dAlene 1 142 fast 25 109 5 1 2 5B W Fischer 10 B Soule Fort Johnson The Peer 2942 C dAlene 1 18 1554 fast 20 110 3 32SOS 7 8 8 Cavangh 8 Juan Icarlan Johnstown 2SOS C dAlene 1 l42i fast 145 110 2 5 5 4i R Hoffman 8 D White CDesmond Aftermath 2741 C dAlene 1 142 fast 8 110 1 3 42 3 W Fischer 10 Dahlgren Media Dr White 2689 CdAlene 1 116 148J fast 16 111 3 3 4J 5SJ Cavangh 9 Layminster Salpearl Whidden 2677 C dAlene 34 115 fast 20 108 10 9 8 542 Cavangb 11 Old Mexico Media Sam Barber 2550 C dAlene 1 141 fast 60 104 6 6ROUND 6 7 7 Anderson 8 Figent Ed Keck Ben Uncas UncasBy ROUND AND ROUND b g 7 105 By Sandringham Irish Reel E J Barnes 3623 SaltLake 1 116 1482 fast 135 109 4 5 53 5t4 Anderson 8 Aftermath Misprision Mk Don 3562 Salt Lake 34 l13g fast 30 106 6 8 8 813Andcrson 8 No Quarter FGHogan FLouise 3211 C dAlene 1 1434 fast 20 111 4 8 7 727lAuderson 8 MEmily S Barber M Bouquet 2048 C dAlene 1 142J fast 15 105 3 4 7 714iC Rosa 7 Sigurd Laymiuster H Walbauk 1170 Juarez 1 1S 153 fast 6 10S 1 2 4 43 Carter 4 Wolferton Discontent Azo 1071 Juarez 1 1392 fast 4 107 5 4 31 121 Keogh 6 MajzieGlrl J Walton OcQueen 1050 Juarez 1 l40g fast 710 108 5 5 41 1 Moleswh 7 C Green Roseworth Novgorod 1041 Juarez 1 11 207 fast 15 102 3 3 ° 5 Selden 7 Juan Wblferton Frog 1017 Juarez 1 139 J fast 10 110 2 6 6i Selden 8 Lena Lech Miami Tim Judge