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SEVENTH RACE 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 83905 145 TOM HAYWARD b g G 107 By Cunard Mamie G J W Schorr 93154 Latonla 1 1402 fast 4 108 12 10 8 8 71 7 Taplin 12 Cliftonian Camel Stick Pin 98913 Latonia 1116154 slop 1120 104 333 3339S785 3 3l 3 1 Goose 6 J Walton Montclair P Pender 9S785 Lsville 3m70y 147S hvy 175 112 1 2 2 29S5G3 3 21 24 Ganz 9 FairyStory S Barber Phil Mohr 9S5G3 Lsville 1 116 1454 fast 49 1071 434 G 7 7 Sweeney 7 A Express Starbottlo AnyPort 95233 Jacksville 1 1414 fast 3 109 7 7 7 6 610 651 Fain 7 FPurcell CAsbmeade FHarry 5197 JacUsville 1 l43i hvy 65 109 122 4 4 3 J Wilson 6 LiveWlre PlateGlass E Bryson 95142 Jkville 1 116 l46i fast 41 113 2 6 5 4 61 21 7 Wilson 6 Ozana HerTurner Friendllarry 95075 Jackvllle 1 14 205 fast 7 109 7 6 4 6 6 G4J J Wilson 8 Aylmer Countless The Nigger 95003 Jkville 1 11G 1478 fast 31 108 3 3 3 3LAD 4 4 1 4 i J Wilson 8 Countless WhiteWool GovGray GovGrayBy LAD OF LANGDEN b e 8 102 By Algol Loss of Langderi R E Watkins 3462 Fort Erie 34 1124 fast 4S 110 2 7 9 91 614iBuxton 12 Bettie Sue Reciprocity Anavri 3208 Hamilton 1 110 1464 fast 6 104 1 6 G 4 5 42i Buxton 0 John Reardon Busy Ozana 3061 Hamilton 1 116 148 fast 3 105 2 5 5 3 31 3J Buxton 10 Reybourn Bounder Scrimma 2825 Montreal 1 1421 good 1 107 4 3 7 7 51 34 Ambrose 11 Haldeman O Em Arbntus 2757 Montreal 1 142 good 75 106 3 1 1 1 lnk 21 C Turner 5 John Reardon Busy Dan March 2571 Toronto 34 1131 goodVMO 112 S 8 8 61 4si G Burns 8 KCommoner T Saycrs L Irma Hlpfmnco lm40yl4 fast 910112 2 2 2 1 I2 lll C Turner 7 CHollowy Taboo OFGralnger 2160 Pimllco 34 1144 fast 5 112 1 4 4W662 4 3h I2 G Burns 7 Theo Cook Queen Bee Smirk W662 Jamestpwn 1 hvy 41 100 2 6 6 6 4l 41 Rowley 8 OUBuster Montgomeryf Helene MELTON STREET ch c 4 114 By S ol Ionian Tchoupetoulas R J Mackenzie 3702 Windsor 1116152 slow 12 Hi 10 9 7 0 ReybournI1 = a ITlorel 10 Volthorpe Coppertown Reybourn il66 Fort Erie 1 3 16 1591 fast fiS 114 5 4 2 I1 I2 Loftus 0 FMnlholland Otilo Limpet 3219 Latonia 1139 fast fid 102 10 13 13 13 13 3 T Davics 13 Hedge Cherryola White Wool 2934 Latonia 1 1lfi l46g fast 57 108 4 6 6 B f I C H Shllg G Superstition W Wool MDavis MDavis2S59 2S59 Tjitouia 1 316 l59jj fast 1Q 112 1 3 3 2 2 Il C H Shllc G Star Oltyan Helenc Colston 2695 MorrisS3SS Latonia ImOy l43i fast 310 100 8 8 8 8 8 Ssa B Sf cele 8 Worth Cherryola Joa Morris S3SS Lsville 1 116 1452 fast 275 103 Left at the iost Taplin 8 Sticker AnyPort ColAshraeade 97396 Windsor 1 116 1453 fast 15 100 7 4 3 39795G 3s 3 J Hoffman 7 Qnes Mark Biackford Taboo 9795G Windsor 1 1394 fast 9 100 4 4 4 497S3S 32 3 Taplin 4 Starbottle Nimbus JndgeMonck 97S3S Hamilton 1 18 164 fast 135 104 7 5 3 3APIASTER 2 1s Taplin 8 LordElam CrudOr TaNunDa TaNunDaBy APIASTER b e 3 9 92SC6 By Bannockburn Lady Churchill P H Clvill 2SC6 Montreal 1 l42g good 5 106 5 G 4 4273S 32 381 Butwell 7 Hamilton Brosseau Defy 273S Montreal 1 1S 15S good S 93 9 3 2 21 55 Lounsby 9 Scrlmage FMulhold R Report 2716 Montreal 1 1424 slow 15 94 4 3 3 42 4s Lounsby S Beauconp FMulhold JReardon JReardon3s 2469 Toronto 1 116 l51ij hvy 61 9G 5 5 5 5243S 3s 3s Louusby 5 FMulholld Svicence TGdner 243S Toronto 1 116 154 slop 6 103 G 4 2 ink TGdnerink I1 C Turner G Supervisor Ta Nun Da Silicic 2377 Toronto 1 18 1551 good 74 112 7 S 8 7 7i Butwell S L OM Life JGeddes Froglecs 1982 Jamesfn 1 116 149 fast 7 95 6 5 5 58 55 Ambrose G SHKnlgut OUBuster L Elani 3934 Jamesfn 1 116 149 fast 31 SO 4 2 2 2LEOPOLD 21 I1 Forsytho 6 Aviator Agnar Third Rail RailBy LEOPOLD b if 4 111 By Woolsthorpo Leopoldiha W E Applogate 3709 Windsor 34 1164 slop 20 110 4 G 9 918 Borel 11 Rosseaux Montcalm Vreeland 3107 Fort Erie 1 1S 1528 fast 8 107 8 6 6 73 715 Borel 8 Ozana Lord Elain Busy 3400 Ft Erie 1 116 l46g fast 10 111 322 41 4J Borel 13 Caliph Paton Fred Mulnolland 3219 Latonia 1 139 fast 12 99 11 12 12 10 92 62 5Estep 13 Hedge Cherryola White Wool 3047 Latonia Im70y 143 fast 11 111 11 4 3 4 42SSO 3 21 21 Borel 6 Puck Sis Florence Star ORyan 2SSO Latonia 1 116 1468 fast 115 107 07 5 4 7 5 31 1 Borel 12 Sea Cliff Crossover Hanly 2793 Latonia 34 1131 fast 25 1091 1091 8 9 99 8 8Borel 9 Ella Bryson V Strome Merrick 2569 Louisville 34 1124 fast 13 111J10 7 Giles6h 6J Merrick6J 5 Borel 11 Sea Cliff Working Lad Sir Giles 1691 Charleston 7S 12S fast 6 107 9 7 7 7THE 6h 6 1 Borel 9 DDnenner JMonck G of Ophlr OphlrBy THE RUMP ch g 3 99 By Armeath n Renovah W Martin MartinI2 3478 FortErle Im70y 1434 fast 15 102 6 1 1 I2 11 B Steele 13 Camellia Com Touch Sir Giles 3141 Hamilton 7S 126 fast 20 104 7 11 10 10 10 9Foreuand 12 Sal Volatile Shelby Carrillon 2737 Montreal 31 1161 good 4 105 5 6 65J Musgrve 7 Capsize Carrillon Wood Dove 2500 Toronto 34 114 slow 121 106 4 31 35 Musgrve G Hamilton Elma Bouncing Lass 2270 Pimlico 7S 1304 fast G 130 2 41 4 J Mr T Wrt 7 Apache IndianMald Royal Vane 1S01 Jamestown 34 1152 fast 185106 1 32 Il Erne2h 1 Obert Obert1SS7 7 Hempstead Deduction Lit Erne 1SS7 Jamestown 7S 12SI fast 166 106 3 2 3 3 2h 2 21 Obert ObertHUCK G Kittery Stalmore Miss Joe JoeBy HUCK ch e 7 107 By AllanaDi AllanaDale Miss Gussie W G Wilson 3697 Windsor Ab 2 435 slow 40 333 S G 7 5 5 5 Gates 10 MysticLight Sight WonWorker 3204 Hamilton Ab 2 4OSg fast 35 347 G 8 7 7 RefusedGates 8 Rmaster TShaugn WWorker JSchutgt94S37 3055 Hamilton 34 l14g good 60 103 7 58 9 g JSchutgt 10 Lewis Elma Eton Blue 94S37 Jackvllle 1 14 207 fast 12 103 7 1 1 1 I Ink 2 20 Gross S SamBernard FirstPcep TheMonk 94801 Jkville 1 11C 34Sg fast 4 113 2 4 3 3 31 G G8 Butwell 8 Parkview Abrasion Agnar Hufnagi94GS7 94735 Jkville 1 11C 1484 fast 10 309 643 3 41 422 Hufnagi 8 Third Rail El Oro Wing Ting 94GS7 Jkville 1 116 l4Sg fast 31 111 3 2 2 2 G3 641 McCahe McCahey 7 GoldDust QMargrite Pedigree 91350 Jacksville 34 1132 fast 10 111 S S 8 7 G G83 3 Butwell 10 Manheimer Aspirin Sylvestris 93967 Jkville 1 116 1492 fast 3 114 7 1 1 1 I1 I1 McCahe McCaheMY McCahey 8 Brevite QMarguerite Longhand LonghandBy MY GAL b mi fi 105 By St Evox Babbie S Louis 3507 Fort Erie 1116 l4Cg fast 12 106J 4 7554 4G ° 412 McTagi 9 Falcada Shelby lima 2292 Pimllco 1 l43g slow 15 104 1 7 11 U 11 10 10JQuinn Quinn 11 LWeils Corinth IreneGummel 2141 Pimlico Im40y 1444 fast 20 100 7 S S 8 S 7 714 Rowley S West Point Agnar Mud Sill 2023 Jamesfn Im70y 146S fast 6 104 3 5 7 7 71B 6iMcCahe 8 Agnar DofBridgewater LErna 2002 Jamesfn Im70y 150 slop 8 96 2 4 4 62 5s Lounsby G TMelton Babbler D of Bguwr 1931 Jamesfn 1 116 149 fast 5 104 2 6 5 520 503 E Martin G Aplaster Aviator Agnar 3922 Jamesfn 1 1S 1541 fast 5 92 4 4 6 6NORBITT 3s 38 Ambrose 5 Woodcraft Lord Elam Oakhurst OakhurstBy NORBITT b e t 107 By Inspector B Varnish W S House 3228 Hamilton 7S 1263 fast 25 107 3 5 2 52 9jButwell 10 O Em Chepontuc Suffragist 2096 Hamilton 1 116 l46g fast 30 107 G 1 2 G2 H14lButwell 13 Ozana Ta Nun Da Vreeland 2573 Toronto 1 142 good 215 108 4 2 2 2 3 J Butwell 7 Chepontuc Siskin Dutch Rock 2402 Toronto 1 116 1521 hvy 20 108 1 1 2 3l 5 1 Butwell G CSwanson Scrimge TGardener 2159 Pimlico 1 l41g fast 30 113 G 3 4 7 721JButweli 9 Bounder Caliph Mr Golightly 2350 Pimlico ImGOy 146 good 10 112 2 3 3 52 5 Butwell G Sandhill Rey Supervisor 2009 Jamesfn Im70y 148 slow 21 108 3 2 2 219C4 31 421 Butwell G El Oro Troy Weight Bertis 19C4 Jamestown 1 1422 fast 15 109 3 2 2 3 321 Butwell 5 JGeddes LitErne Montgomery