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rOTJRTH RACE 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Gentlemen Riders 97004 139 1 HANNIS b G 7 By Bandringhajn Lizzie Kontroso MrsL GHenry 77 1 Salt Lake 11421 fast 2J 105 2 1 21 3i J Henry 9 Mlpprision Zalirn Wicket r7 Salt Luke F C l10g fast 7 100 10 7 7 J Henry 10 Chas Goetz B Stone liar Maid 2677 Salt Lake F C 1104 fast 4 109 1 3i 52 J Henry S M Musgrave Dcsdant li Bush 2777 Latonla 1 316 1692 fast 43 106 9 5 525CO 81 8J J Henry 10 Sister Florence Spindle Belfast 25CO Louisville 1 l44g fast 9 151 8 7 4 331 Mr Leon 0 Wander GTreasure TCafferata 239 Lsville 1116147 fast fid 111 12 10 51 5 J Henry 12 Daingerfield Hanly S Florence 2358 Lsville InVTOy 1454 slow 40 108 6 9 9 8 3Gau7 10 Pulka Hanly The Royal Prince Prince6J 1752 Juarez 1 139 fast 7 103 2 4 6J 6T A Murray 11 Layinlnster Pit npat L Creed 1714 Juarez 7S 1203 fast 3 108 5 10 10 9 Estep 10 Gus Hartridge Heretic Zulu 1679 Juarez 5i f 107 fast 10 110 1 51 1 Keogh 0 LStalwart FanI Hall DocAlleo 1269 Juarez 1 l41g fast 6 108 5 5 7 53 J Henry 9 Pit apat Ed Keck Fern L 1245 Juarez 11404 fast 6 106 4 2 2 ° t 5S3 J Henry S Zulu Figent Eye White 1151 Juarez 1 l41g fast 3 115 7 1 1MONTGOMERY 1 3 = J J Henry 10 Onatassa Wicket Pedro PedroBy MONTGOMERY ch h 8 150 By Pessara Montgomery Cooper California Stable S720 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 910 112 2 3 3r 2iik 5 Taplin S BUncas MEmily PeatriceSonle PeatriceSonle2h r 00 Salt Lake 1 1414 fast S5 114 3 2 22C7S 2h 2j Taplin G Jack Laxson Arhutus F Louise 2C7S C dAlene 7S 1274 fast 5 113 1 2 4 4 J Forsythe 7 Chilla Muff Ada Meade 583 rdAlene 1 116 l4Sg fast 96 117 1 1 lot 2 J Ilanorer 4 Discontt DEnrique ETFryer Z CiiAiene 1 18 1554 fast 21 109 1 1 I1 1s J Hanover 7 Johnstown The Peer Zoroaster IC4S C dAlene 1 1415 fast 1110 112 6 5 5 418 J Hanover G DWarflold LCreed Portarlton 19 r Jamesfn 1 110 14S2 fast 12 102 1 2 21 21 J Hanover 5 J Geddes Hedge Rose MadRivor 1961 Jamestown 1 1423 fast 8 107 2 4 415 4 j Forsythe T JeunyGeddes LittleErne Norhitt 1 33 Charlesn 1 116 1481 fast 10 106 5 6 61S1J 5 6s Forsythe 8 El Oro Sir Cleges TG Butterfly 1S1J Charlesn 1 116 1494 fast G 118 3 7 6Ji 7l5 Forehand 11 El Oro Hatturns T G lintterlly 1784 Chariest n 1 1S 1562 fast 4 105 G 3 3CABIN 1i 1V Forehand 5 Console TGBntterlly HkyLud HkyLudBy CABIN ch ff 10 150 150i771 By Pontiac Poncho ITmensetter ONeil i771 Salt l ake 1 1 42 fast 30 10T 7 6 63G74 5 21 Konl 7 Aftermth lld mid Ud AMeGoe 3G74 Salt Lake 1 l40g fast 20 UK 1 3 335i3 4 4J Corev 4 Wolferton JackStryker Abound 35i3 Salt Lake 1 1422 fast 8 111 2 3 3Sol3 31 li Corey 8 Zahra Ben Uncas Royal River Sol3 Salt Lake 1142 fast 10 300 7 2 4 4s I Boland 7 Ed Graney Wolferton R River 2471 Sal tUike lm20y 1421 fast 31 ill 2 3 332SJ 3 3 ilulllgan G Sandpiper Arbutus Royal River 32SJ C dAlene 1 142 fast 25 109 5 2 2s S5 W Fischer 10 B Soule Fort Johnnon Tlie Peer 2942 f dAlene 1 18 1551 fast 20 110 3 5 8 814 Cavangh 8 Juan Icarian Johnstown SOS C dAlene ll42gfast 143110 2 4 5T 48 U Hoffman S D White COesuirmd Aftermatb 2741 C dAlene 1142 fast 8 110 1 2 226S3 421 3s W Fischer 10 Dahlgren Media Dr White 26S3 flAIene 1 116 34SJ fast 1C 111 3 4 4 5SJ Cavangh 9 I ayminster Sal pearl Whiddeu 2677 C dAlene 34115 fast 20 108 10 8 GJ Cavangh 11 Old Mexico Media Sam Unrher 25CO C dAlene 1 141 fast 60 104 6 2 2BANTHEL 7 7 Anderson 8 Figent Ed Keck Ben Uncas UncasBy BANTHEL ch m 6 150 15037S By Boanerges Ethel T C B Clow 37S Halt Lake FCl10Rfast 40 104 3 4 5 C U MillerlO Chas Goetz B Stone liar Maid 9034 Salt Lake 1 145J hvy 30 111 1 1 1S61SJ 7 73 = W Fischer 7 Marigot Tahoe Pedro S61SJ alt Lake F C 111 fast 50 109 3 39G121 8 SleW Fischer S TiUghast EHamilton Hampass 9G121 Salt Lake 31 1144 fast 40 109 5 9 10MJW Fischer 10 Balella Seagreen Rey el Tovar 94062 Juarez 1 141 fast 30 108 7 7 8 8183Anderson 11 Pilain SinkSprlng Judith Page 94011 Juarez ll40gfast 23 106 26 269394S 10 103HTohnson 10 LElizabh AOWalker Mprisc 9394S Juarez 34114 fast 15 10911 9 7iMcCulgh 12 Sona F E Shaw Hcknows 93S3S Juarez 34 l14g fast 5 IOC 7 7ABE 7 Gi McCulgh 9 NedCarmack Bellflower Gunston GunstonBy ABE SLUPSKEY b g 4 160 160370S By Golden Bodge Rubescent J Murphy 370S Salt Lake F C l10g fast 6 107 9 9 91S Cavangh 10 ChasGootz ItStrouie HarMaid 3503 Salt Lake 5J f 1074 fast 9 114 3 7 7 ° 3 Frasch 7 Gold Point Orimar Lad Evelina 2275 C dAlene 31 1155 fast 10 109 1 I2i EvelinaI2i I1 Gross 12 Gal Gale Bellsnicker Alchemist 2241 C dAlene 5S 1014 fast 15 104 6 9 9I Gross 9 Ncllo Swagerlutor Short Cut 2144 C dAlene 5 f 1094 fast 5 109 5 7 7s Gross S Misslicnic Louise B Sorrowful 2127 C dAlene 34 1154 fast 20 111 1 12CS3 3h Sorrowful3h 2 E McEwen G TommyMcGee Oscuro KIdNorth 2CS3 C dAlene 51 f l09g slow 7 104 5 59916C G G Gross S Angelns Americus Sorrowful 9916C C dAlene 34 11 5 fast 85 104 3 1 Il J CallahanlO Rntn Blnck Fluid St Silmnn 99041 C dAlene 34 1151 fast 30 101 4 4BELDEN 6Z GJ J Callahan 9 Waner GilhertRose LytcKnlght LytcKnlghtBy BELDEN br g 9 150 150rG5 By Handspring Allie Belle C P Dye rG5 Salt Lake 1 116 1482 fast SO 11 1 7 79CS44 7 7 Corey S Aftermath Misprision Mk Don 9CS44 Salt I ike 7S 1 28 fast 112 9 7 79655S 9 9 = S Martin 9 Ilameraway MRandolph Critic 9655S Salt Lake 34 1131 fast 50 114 G G9G475 10 1018 Moriarity 10 Descdant Banorella SwedeSara 9G475 Salt Lake 55 f 1094 fast 60 114 8 10 914 Moriarity 9 Sam Barber Eudora Laily Alicia 80277 Ogden 1 1 51g hvy 15 110 110S57SS G1B1S Johnson 12 Sixteen Jim Me Bellflower S57SS Salt Lake 1 1422 fast 30 109 819 Murphy 7 Merlingo SBarbor AksArIJen