untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-07-26


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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY aily Racing Form Publishing Co 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILLINOIS A Dally Reflection of llie American Turf by Telegraph Editor and Proprietor F H Brunell BrunellAssociate Associate Editor Clinton C Rlley RlleySecretary Secretary Mrs F H Brunell Entered as secondclass matter April 2 1896 at the postoffice at Chicago Illinois under the Act of March 3 1S79 TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON For business and circulation purposes only This ielephone has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot he used to com ¬ municate with them To he considered and answered all queries to Pally Racing Form must he sent over the full name and with the address of writer The names and ad ¬ dresses are suhject to a local and foreign directory tost BACK NUMBERS 5 CENTS BACH If Mint by mall firstclass only six cents TERMS TERMSPer Per Week 50 50Per Per Month 150 150Hall Hall Year flOO flOOOne One Year 1700 1700The The above rates are for single copies as sealed letters firstclass mall mallDaily Daily Racing Form Publishing Co prefers to send elnglc copies as firstclass mail in all cases casesLocal Local subscriptions outside the downtown dis ¬ trict will be declined nt other than firstclass mall matter rates Subscriptions must be paid in advance ST LOD1S MO OFFICE 609 CHESTNUT ST Wm STWm Laser General Agent AgentTelephone Telephone Bell Olive 4055 Back numbers and monthlies supplied CINCINNATI O OFFICE 720 MAIN ST W S Manns General Agent AgentTelephone Telephone Canal 1S77 Back numbers nnd monthlies supplied DETROIT MICH OFFICE 85 CONGRESS ST West Corner Wayne Street StreetL L Grosscup General Agent Telephones Main 3252 City 3252 Back numbers and monthlies supplied LOS ANGELES CAL CALE E McDonald Newscart 132 South Spring St BUFFALO N Y YR R 3 Seidenberg Elllcott Square IOUISVILLE KY KYChas Chas T Dearing 232 Fourth Avenue PITTSBURG PA PAH H A Schafer News Co 307911 Third Avenue LEXINGTON KY KYE E T Graves 106 North Limestone Street DAYTON OHIO OHIOPony Pony House Newsstand DENVER COLO COLOKendrlckBellamy KendrlckBellamy Co 900912 Seventeenth Street TORONTO ONT ONTW W C Orrnsby Iroquois Hotel HotelH H V OConnor Palmer House HouseF F E Waldock Imperial Hotel HAMILTON ONT ONTMcArthur McArthur News Agency AgencyThomas Thomas French 90 James Street North DANVILLE ILL ILLLeseure Leseure Bros 44 North Vermilion PEORIA ILL ILLPeorla Peorla Newsstand COO Main Street KENOSHA WIS W H Robinson 263 Main Street NEW ORLEANS LA LAO O E Hill 10S St Charles Street CLEVELAND OHIO 7 0 Budd 1850 Sixth Street N E KANSAS CITY MO MORlcksccker Rlcksccker Cigar and News Co Ninth and Walnut WalnutStreets Streets HOT SPRINGS ARK ARKH H C Weaver Co opp Arlington Hotel INDIANAPOLIS IND INDJ J I Steinberg Terminal Station MILWAUKEE WIS WISFrank Frank Mulkern Third and Grand Avenues MEMPHIS TENN TENNWorld World News Co CoE E H Clarke Bro BroPeabody Peabody Hotel Newssland MINNEAPOLIS MINN MINNM M T Kavnnnugh 50 South Third Street NASHVILLE TENN ZIbftrt Bros 218 North Cherry Street BLUE ISLAND ILL ILLH H D Wattles 103 Union Street OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA OKLAMarch March Dally News Co Main and Broadway CHICAGO ILLINOIS JULY 26 1912

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912072601/drf1912072601_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1912072601_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800