Sixth Race [6th Salt Lake City, Daily Racing Form, 1912-07-26

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SIXTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 10 104 BTONEMAN ch s 7 109 By Ornament Independence J H Adarns Adarns3l Salt I ake 7S 127 good 8 111 1 1 1 2 3l nlShriner fl Col Cook Rue Clint Tucker 24 OkCity 1 116 l48g fast 18 114 12 A Morgan 7 Mchinonet Engraver LMEckt 3412 OklaCity 34 121 hvy 65 109 1 = E Smith G Pit apat Lt Knight Pid Hart 2215 OklaCity 3J 1241 hvy 4110 111 11131C9 42S Martin S LightKnight LMEckert Lajoie 31C9 OklaCity C f 12SJ slow 135 111 4H S Martin 7 LMEckert Mmouet Engraver 3054 OklaCity 6 f l30g mud 1 312 1s S Martin 5 Marchmonet Lt Knight ARose 2959 OkCity Im20y l46g fast 115 113 113Ml I1 S Martin 5 Minnolette Wolferton Regards Ml 2 OkCity Ab 78 1204 fast 3 113 4 J S Mnrnn 7 LMEckert NMlst CWKenon CWKenonnt OtUtf rdAlene 1 1S 156 fast 25 102 2 1 1 1 1 nt 11 Forsyth 10 The Peer Juan Edna Stewart StewartI2 9 128 C dAIene 1 1433 fast 1 104 7 3 1 1 I2 in Forsyth 9 B Cliff Zinkand L Rossington WJ2 CdAlne 1 116 1492 fast 4 106 3 5 3 2 3 3 J Forsyth 10 Edna Stewart Dr White Cifcko Cifckoli S 0I2 CdAlne 1 11G 149 fast 115 100 4 1 1 1MARY li 21 Forsyth 10 Elgin Johnstown E Stewart MARY EMILY en f 3 101 101M By Nasturtium Highland Princess J A Lawrence M Salt Lake 1 141 fast 10 J7 8 2 2 2i3T 3 714 Carter 9 Oblivion Portarlington FLouise i3T Salt Lake F C 1OHS fast 7 104 C 10 7 4 43t Anderson 11 An McGee Fl Fashion OrbaSmilo 354 Salt Lake 78 1268 fast 5 101 4 4 3 3 3ii 49i Forsythe S Arbutus Oblivion Chilla 3720 Salt Lake 1 l42g fast 5 100 4 2 1 1 I2 22 Buston 8 BUncas BcatriceSoule Marigot 3073 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 2J 05 4 2 1 13CG3 1 2i 3 ° J Forsythe S Gone Russell RRiver The Peer 3CG3 Salt Lake 5i f 107 fast 45 107 1 5 4 5s 41 Kirschm 7 Gold Point Orimar Lad Evelina 3510 Salt Lake F C 110 fast 4 107 1 3 3 1J 21 Kirschm 7 FFashion Evelina DoctorNeufer 3311 C dAIene 34 1132 fast 25 105 2 3 3Mil 3 41 4 1 Kederis 8 Flor Roberts Ncllo Manasseh Mil C dAIene 1 143 fast 65 100 3 1 1 1 I2 I1 Kederis S SBarber MBouquet MNaomi 3066 C dAIene 51 f 108 fast 32 100 4 2 227C2 2 22 2s Kedcris 7 FGHogan Sainest Bellsnicker 27C2 C dAIene 6J f 107 j fast 40 9S 4 3 3BURNING 3 31 7 Kederis 10 Nimbus Rich Reed Erner Isle IsleBy BURNING BUSH b s 8 109 By Lord Dalmony Minyon K Connors 0a Salt Lake 58 1001 fast 20 1M 11 S SST1 9 9 916 Forsythe 11 Descendant Riinisy Hawley ST1 Salt Lake 5 f 107 slow C 10 1 2 23C77 4 3ll 4l Kirschm 7 Joe Knight Evelina Voting 3C77 Salt Lake F C 110J fast 16 106 2 1 1Salt 2 u 3 5 Kirschm S MMusgrave Descendant QTrip Salt Lake 5S 101 J fast 5 109 2 1 3 52 5 = 2 J Eenry 10 Lctitia Mona Lisa Flying dOr 01 Salt Lake 34 l13i fast 50 10G 1 5 6 5i 5 = 5JMulligin 0 ButBall Tilliughast FGHogan 3007 O dAIene 34 114J good 50 112 2 1 12SGS 2 21 3 Cavangh 10 MIIanh SBarber Lof theFesi 2SGS C dAIene 5 f 1034 mud 25 111 7 2 2275S 3 3S C i Mulligan 9 Fair Louise Boas F Ruhstaller 275S C dAIene 34 115 fast 40 106 2 1 1 2J S1 Mulligan 12 Jack Lasson Sona Thistle Rose 2707 C dAIene 61 f l09i fast 15 106 7 G G2fiSG 7 11 109J Cavangh 12 McAlan 0 Shore A Schneider 2fiSG C dAIene 5J f l09i fast 80 109 1 2 2DR 2 2i 33J Mulligan 11 Rey cl Tovar Wiltrude S Boas BoasBy DR NEUFER b g 3 103 103K9 By Edinborough La Roma C W Mondorff K9 Salt Lake 58 100 fast 12 10110 3 8 7 S12 Groth 11 Descendant Ruinsv Hawley 71 Salt Lake 51 f 1 07 fast G 103 o 1 1r13 2 4 5ei Mulligan 8 La Cazadova Evelina Auto Girl r13 Salt Lake 51 f 107 fast 8 103 7 7 7TSUI 7 Ci 5 McDowll 10 Nello Valhal Colonel Cook TSUI Salt Lake F C 110 fast 30 106 2 1 1 2i 4s McDowll 7 F Fashion Mary Emily Evelina 7 1S Seattle 41 f 58 fast 112 112i7628 3 W Powers 0 Freewill ProttySoon Florences i7628 Vancouver 58 l01g fast 110 110754C 5 J W Mcliire 7 Rose Sweet Freewill Gimll 754C Vancouver 58 101 E fast 106 106i73GG 451 Post 8 Gimli Freewill Rose Sweet i73GG Vancouver 4i f 55 fast 100 100U7101 4 AnnuityIt J Post 7 Rubicon II Ah Moon Annuity U7101 Vancouver 41 f 562 fast 111 1119G932 It McDowell S Wanna Ah Moon Maxsono Maxsonofi5 9G932 Vancouver 4i f 66 fast 112 112ODELIA fi5 E McEwan 8 Maxsono Ah Moon Flor Roberts ODELIA br f 3 101 10138r4 By The Friar DelHart Benson Pierce 38r4 Salt Lake 7S l26i fast 5 101 G 5 C C3S74 7 7 7 Ford S Arbutus Oblivion Chilla 3S74 C dAIene 1 141 J slow 1S5 93 3 4 2 2377 Hopkins 9 LottaCrced Edna Stewart Rake i3t C dAIene 3t 114 fast 6 103 2 3 3ISO 2 31 3 Kederis 11 Canapa Ulfrun Oswald B ISO C dAIene 7S 129 mudll10 104 3 1 1 1 1 J 1 J R Hoffman 7 Thistle Rose Robert Mollie Cad 275 C dAIene 34 1141 fast 7 97 4 4 7 G1 S Carter 10 Cantem Clint Tucker B Soale 2346 C dAIene 34 115 fast 4 105 8 5 3 31 3 R Hoffmanll LSawyer Gus Hartridge Gimll i203 C dAIene 34 116 fast 3 99 4 3 3 2b 45J Carter 11 Drumi Montauk Don Cuvina 1447 Juarez 78 128 fast 3 96 1 2 1 1 1 I2 Carter 8 Mary Emily Gift Booger Battle 1373 Juarez 34 113 fast 4 95 8 8 7 4 343 J Callahan S Stafford LStalwart Bob Lynch 1254 Juarez Ei f 1072 fast 21 100 7 4 4 3 = 1 21 J CallahanlS Evelina Florence Kripp Hazel C 1202 Juarez 34 114J fast 10 92 8 G GRAY 3 3s 2 J Callahanll LyteKnight HidHand EmmaG EmmaGBy RAY EGAN b g 8 109 By Royal Flush in Canta C M Pulliam GS Salt Lake 34 l12g fast 100 KB G 5 5S942 7 7 8 = 6 Cavangh S Lady Macy Sixteen Hawley S942 Salt Lake 34 1131 fast 30 111 3 2 22I09 268 SiCavangh 10 Finnlgin Visible Gleiniadeano 2I09 Salt Lake 58 100 fast 10 109 9 10 10370S 10 10 1019 Cavangh 11 Descennant Ramsy Hawley 370S Salt Lake P C l10g fast 20 106 G 9 10 10 1019 McDowll 10 ChasGoetz BStrome HarMaid 91274 Cheyenne 12 43 fast 6 106 43 J Golden o JoeWells DoraPayne JWFtiller U1SO Chnvennp 38 36 fast G 129 6lTat 0 Sam F B Thomas SenBarrett SenBarrettBy TEMBROOK b g 4 109 109S51 By Kismet Brookwell G Price PriceS S51 Salt Lake 51 f 107 slow 15 309 4 47S S 2 r h 7 D Boland 7 Joe Knight Evelina Voting 7S Salt Lake 58 101 fast 6 109 9 9997 Ford 9 Parnell Girl King Earl MasGny J621 Salt Lake F C 1092 fast 30 109 5 5 3 41 G10 Anderson S LStalwart Gemmell LadyTendl

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Local Identifier: drf1912072601_4_1
Library of Congress Record: