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SECOND RACE 12 Mile 2ycaroIds Allowances 3G75 17 2 109 ENVY b f 2 106 10647g By Kenilworth Mitten Chanticler Stable 3716 Salt Lako 12 47g fast 5 5PAT 105 1 I3 1s Buxton 8 KNelson MrsGamp PrcttyDalo PrcttyDaloBy PAT GANNON ch p 2 100 By Abe Frank Burnie Bunion J F Newman 3706 Salt Lake 58 100 00 fast 4 4l70r 110 5 5 4 Buxton 5 Floral Park MKatcham AlBIoeh l70r C dAleno 12 48 fast 6 65 112 1 1 1 1 Taplin 11 StoutHeart VestedRights Truly 2081 C dAIene 31 f 42J slow 1 I2 I1 Buxton 8 TWolffarth Hula Welsh Attain 1717 Juarez 12 48A fast 30 101 5 5s 53J S Johnson G El Palomar Inquieta Bine Jay 1120 Juarez 31 f 40 fast 85 109 1 ink 3j J Callahan 7 Negligee John Hurie Blue Jay 1108 Juarez Si f 40 fast G 105 2 32 21 J Callahan 7 Hawthorn 1C Stalwart OKrlpp 1060 Juarez 3S 34 fast G 109 3 4i 35 Borel 7 Hawthorn Palatable Roller 1036 Juarez 38 34J fast 6 110 1 21 351 T Rico 10 Hawthorn Palatable KStalwart 1012 Juarez 38 351 fast 1 109 2 2ORLIN 2 STi Gross 7 Hawthorn KStalwrt Palatable PalatableBy ORLIN KRIPP br c 2 115 1153S90 By Sileo Afamada Rivervicw Stable 3S90 Salt Lake 41 f 51 good 5 107 1 I2 11 Gross S Truly M Katcham Kid Nelson 614 Salt Lake 41 f 622 fast 8 101 5 31 3 Gross 7 Floral Park Pan Zareta Truly 3509 Salt Lake 12 48g fast 21 112 5 I1 TrulyI1 I1 Gross G Jf Richards Kid Nelson Garter 1108 Juarez 31 f 40 fast 10 103 5 5TROJAN 41 4 Gross 7 Hawthorn PGannon KStalwt KStalwtBy TROJAN BELLE br f 2 104 By Hamburg Belle of Troy J W Young 3538 Salt Lake 41 f 55 fast 135 109 7 51 5s Taplin 7 Vd Rights Auto Run Kenneth 2829 C dAIene 12 4S fast 12 112 3 3TRULY 1J Kenneth1J 11 Buxton G Debutante Kitty W Vivltz VivltzBy TRULY br f S 113 113S90 By Leonid Dolly Hayman W McLemoro S90 Salt Lake 41 f 54 good 8 109 4 5nt 21 D Boland 8 OKripp MKatchara KidNclson 3614 Salt Lako 41 f 52 fast 8 107 1 133SS 54 410 Kirschm 7 FloralPark PanZareta OrKripp 33SS C dAIene 12 49 slow 32 112 4 41 11 Groth G OrBldssom BulaWoIsh Calcium 3331 C dAIene 5S 102 fast 51 109 4 42 3 1 Groth 7 Floral Park RStar Bula Welsh 2785 C dAIene 12 48J fast 95 107 3 31 2 Groth 8 VestedRights Barium KNelson 2705 C dAIene 12 48g fast 6 112 7 723H B1 41 Cavajigh 11 PGannon StoutHeart VRights 23H C dAIene 31 t 421 fast 46 115 3 2 14 Groth 8 Rosiris TWolffarth JNewman 2225 C dAIene 41 f 54g fast 20 102 4 4nic 45j Groth 5 MKatcham St Heart VRights 2162 C dAIene 12 47g fast 15 101 2 6 5T Groth 6 Negligee VRights M Katcham 1084 Juarez 38 35 fast 32 109 3 B J 5 Small 9 Palatable K Stalwart Blue Jay 1075 Juarez SI t 401 fast 3 110 5 5KENNETH 2i 2J Groth 5 Pan Zareta V Forty McKee McKeeBy KENNETH ch c 2 107 By Bos Dinah Shad E Gaylord 3936 Salt Lake 58 1001 fast 40 104 6 6S890 32 47 Anderson S Pan Zareta Auto Run Bells S890 Salt Lake 41 f 541 ffood 10 105 7 G BellsG G5 Cavangb 8 Orlin Kripp Truly Mo Katcham 2538 Salt Lake 41 t 55 fast 4 112 3 11 3 1 D Boland 7 Vested Rights Auto Run Bells 3101 C dAIene 12 48 fast 51 115 3 12 I1 B Hoffman 8 Mercurium Kitty W Satchelte 2182 C dAIene 12 49 fast 30 113 7 7COEUR 7 7 B Hoffman 7 BWelsb T Wolffarth FCathay COEUR D ALENE ch f 2 104 By Nasturtium The Red Filly H McDaniel 3890 Salt Lake 41 f 642 good 15 105 3 4l McDaniel4l 5 J Henry 8 Orlin Kripp Truly Mo Katcham 3705 Salt Lake 58 100 fast 12 307 3 4ll E12iJ Henry 5 FloralPark MKatcham AlBIoeh 3675 Salt Lake 12 471 fast 2J 106 4 4nt 3 1 J Henry 7 MKatcham KidNclson Gasket 2303 Louisville 12 48 fast 27 115 7 8 SlTiIoleswh 10 Briar Path Chmas Star Oneidn 12 4SZ mud 166 112 1 Gh 8 lolcswh 10 T W Moon In tilcta Brstono 33 Lcxingtbp 4 t 651 fast 05 1 1 Uoleswb 9 Batoucfe Cliatoa Marshon