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SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling r So5 1431 LORD ELAM b K B 111 111530i By Lord EaterlinE Kate Elam W G KingDodoi 530i Toronto 1 1S 1561 slop 2J 105 3 3 3 351S6 5 a 45J Teahan 7 Irish Kid Apiaster Naughty Lad 51S6 Montreal 1 1S 156 good 3 102 2 3 3 349SS 2 21 1 Teahann Lcsh My Gal Naughty Lad 49SS Montreal 1 141 fast 95 103 S 7 4 3 3s 5 1 Teahann 10 L of Langden Heretic B Lass 4748 Windsor Im70y l44g fast 10 107 2 4 4 44GS3 3 21 2ll McTagrt 9 John Reardon F Duster Pliant 4GS3 Windsor 1 1S l52i fast 30 100 3 3 5 5 56 510 Connolly 5 Volthorpe Edda The Rump 4397 Hamilton 1 140J fast 4 109 3 8 7 D RumpD G 41 Schutger 10 Dang March Bach Girl Limpet 4141 FortErie 1 116 153 hvy 31 102 153 153OTILO 2 2J 311 Teahann G War Horn Stairs George Eno OTILO ch B 6 111 By Leonid Prn W C Went 5136 Montreal 1 1S 1561 good 6 10S 411 1 ink scj Small 0 Lord Elam Lesb My Gal Gal3i 4476 KingEd 31 116 fast 2 112 3i StelcllfTIt Woods 5 Fundamental MasJim StelcllfT 4034 KingEd 1 116 149 fast 3 110 It Small G S Pin Gold Treasure Montclair Montclair4Ji 4024 KingEd 1 1161 4Sg fast 21 112 112399C 4Ji Small 5 Slin GTreasnre B of Fortune 399C King Ed 6 f 123 fast 3 113 11 Small G Gift Faneuil Hall Starboard 3930 King Ed 1 116 l53i fast 6 107 1073S12 12 Small S Montclair GTreasure CSquaw 3S12 Vallcyfd 1 116 1502 fast 4 109 22 Small S S Pin L Marchmont Nty Lad 3308 Fort Erie 1 116 146 fast S 112 6 3 3 4 4 4 = i Small 10 FlygFeet MissWiggs Hkr Lad 3466 Fort Erie 1 316 1591 fast 20 108 311 31130S1 2 2i 32i Small G M Street F Mulholland Limpet 30S1 Mrlboro Ab6J f 126 mud 135 111 122 2 21 lnk PIckcns 5 Argonaut Gold Castle Premier 3023 Marlboro Ab7S 1 2Sg fast 95 112 654 6542S93 5 5s 4 = J PIckens S Frog Moltke Golden Castle 2S93 Marlboro I 1S 206 hvy 32 US 3 1 1 1MISS 2 3 3 Tensftn 5 Annie Sellers Stairs Orphanry OrphanryBy MISS JOE ch f 3 93 9353S6 By Islington Rose Prim M Lambrix 53S6 Toronto 34 Il5g hvy 45 9614 6 4 3l 3 = 1 Braziley S Inlan Itof Pleasure Bcing Lass 3433 FortErie Im70y 1431 fast 30 100 12 12 12 12 12 II27 Schutger 12 Zim CongJames Bouncing Lass 1921 Jamestown 34 1142 fast 115 100 6 5 51SS7 6 6 5s Schutger G K LeBrume RodGun Pedlgre 1SS7 Jamestown 7S 1283 fast 85 104 1 3 4 4 4 421 Schutger G Klttery The Rump Stalmore 1863 Jamestown 5i f l09i good 12 103 7 9 7 7J 54J Schutger 11 RIdgeland Hempstead TheRnmp 09631 Jamestown 51 f 109 hvy 25 102 8 S 8 8 712lSchutger 8 CmgCoon SGrump Dangerfleld 99443 Jamestown 7S 131 hvy 6 102 6 5 4 4 5 4 Schutger 9 Key Gift Mad River 99426 Jamestown 5S 1031 hvy 8 101 4 3 4 4 3 Schutger S Kittery SadieShapiro Maxentlus 99278 Jamestown 31 1141 fast 135107 7 6 6 7 78J Schutger 7 EtonBlue LadyMcGee TheRumn 99122 Laurel 1 142 good 3 98 7 4 4 2 Is I2 Schutger 10 WoodDove Jawbone SenSuarks 99062 Pimlico 1 143J hvy 6 102 4 4 3 3FANEULL 2 2 2i Schutger 4 Caliph Tactics Avernus AvernusBy FANEULL HALL ch g 6 105 By Rubicon Genna D Gephert 5343 Toronto 34 116 slop fld 106 8 7 750S3 5 3 32 Mondon 12 Detroit Hay of Pleasure Fro 50S3 Dufferin Ab5S 101 fast 115 111 4 4 3l 35 Kvie2s C Knight S Modern Priscilla Glipian Kvie 4663 Hillcrcst 7S 136J hvy 85 112 2s Mondon 5 J H Barr ConCarne Gold Ruby 4606 Hillcrest 7S 1 35 hvy 3 112 45 Mondon 7 Irish Kid Stick Pin Radation 4535 Hillcrest 7S 142 hvy 32 109 1 5 Mondon G Rinda DofBridgewater D Webb 4430 Hillcrest 5S 104J slow 1 10S 3 i Mondon S Secrete Lelaloha Satin Bower 4221 Dufferin Ab5S 102 fast 3 111 111TA 32 Mondon 8 Blagg Doll Boy Eva Padwick TA NUN DA b g 5 105 By Chuctanunda Mai C A Crew 51570 Toronto 1116150 hvy IS 108 4 G 5 4 4n 4 ° 1F Adams 10 Flower Girl Apiaster Chemulpo 529 Toronto 1 115 1493 slop 11 115 5 G 6 7 7 75 F Adams 7 Chepnntnc LiveWire ILestrade 5063 Montreal 1 34 306 good 21 114 111 111474S 3 4 413 F Adams 4 Cliff Stream At Once Garth 474S Windsor Im70y l44y fast 6 109 9 7 5 54G73 4 o 8 F Adams 9 J Reardon Lord Elam FDuster 4G73 Windsor 1 143J slop 5 104 466 7 51 51 JF Adams 7 Husky Lad Pluvious Hamilton 4373 Hamilton 118154 fast 5 112 464 1 I1 I1 F Adams 9 L of Langden Fly Feet My Gal 4317 Hamilton 1 116 1481 good 7 110 4 4 4 4TROY 1 I1 I1 F Adams G Flying Feet My Gal Mad River RiverBy TROY WEIGHT ch g 4 105 By Golden Maxim Trojana Miss E A Tyson 5102 Montreal 7S 1 27 good 3 116 1 5 4 4 T 711 McTagrt S Chemulpo Colston Live Wire 2121 Pimlico Im60y 145 fast 7 110 5 4 6 5 75 8 C Turner S CSwanson BVauderveer Taboo 2022 Jamesfn Im70y 146 fast 85 107 7 6 4 3 4 43 Ambrose S Lord Elam Bertis Crania 2009 Jamestn Im70y 14S slow 125 106 4 5 3 31SS9 1 1 2n Ambrose G El Oro Bertis Norbitt 1SS9 Jamestn 1 116 l4Sg fast 8 103 7 6 6 6 5 5 Obert 7 Beaucoup Sticker Candidate 1866 Jamestn 1 116 l50g good 21 111 5 3 1 1TOM 1 21 21 Gould 7 L Elam Hedge Rose Woodcraft WoodcraftBy TOM SAYERS blk g 5 105 By Contestor Housegirl P Gorman 5269 Toronto 1 116 1473 fast 11 106 4 1 1 1f097 2 2i 4 S D McCthy 11 Colston Lesh At Once f097 Montreal 78128 fast S 110 4 1 1 1 I2 I2 McTagrt 9 Apiaster Detroit Turbine 4372 Hamilton 1 116 1474 fast 30 114 5 2 2 3 2n 3si T Davies 9 Rudolfo CastSteel LuckvGeor e 4330 Hamilton 34 l13i fast 50 104 S 6 6 Sn 7 T Davies 10 Sea Cliff Moncreif Miss Nett 3222 Hamilton 1 116 l47g fast 31 107 3 3 3 5 12 122 Butwell 12 Mud Sill PAslnorum War Horn 3141 Hamilton 7S 126 fast 3 112 11 10 9 92S3 9 8Z S 2iSmall 12 Sal Volatile Shelby Carrillou 2S3 Montreal 1 1431 good 95 110 3 1 1 1 1 2 ° Butwell G Airey Pons Asinorum Wd Dove 2571 Toronto 34 1131 good ISO 106 6 4 4BIT 3 3 21 Butwell 8 KComner LIrma LofLangden LofLangdenBy BIT OF FORTUNE b g 5 109 By Altamax Bit of Fashion P F Sheridan 3300 Toronto 1 1S 1 56j flop 42 112 5 5 6 6 6s 5 = J Mondon 7 Irish Kid Apiaster Xaughtvlad 5102 Montreal 7S 1275 good S 114 7 7 7 749SS 7 62 5 i Small S Chemulpo Colston Live Wire 49SS Montreal 1 1412 fast 30 112 10 10 9 94CG4 5 71 G ° 5 Mooney 10 L of Langden Heretic B Lass 4CG4 Hillcrest 7S 1352 hvy 2 113 25 C Knight S Stick Pin Dust Fatherola 4573 Hillcrest 7S 140 hvy 32 109 2s C Knight n Radation Rose Oneil LittleErne 4177 Dufferin 78 131 J fast 3 110 21 C Knight 7 Camel Crania Anavri 4024 KingEd 1 116 l4Sg fast 45 112 112CHILTON 3 2 C Knight 5 Stick Pin GoldenTreasure Otilo CHILTON TRANCE br f 3 98 By Chilton Metempsychosis J G Wagnon 53S6 Toronto 34 1153 hvy 43 6 71 S11 F Adams 8 Inlan Bay of Pleasure Miss Joe 521S Dufferin Ab5S l00g fast 6 97 1 6 8 81 Snider S Fundamental Temeraire Dipper 5199 Dufferin 6i f 1241 fast 5 100 3 3 3 4 785 Snider 8 McAndrows Sc Pimpernel Nila 5109 Dufferin Ab5S 102 fast 4 102 3 2 y I1 Snider 7 Johnny Wise Dipper Dominica 5016 Dufferin GS f 1251 fast 5 104 3 4 44GG4 3 31 22 Snider S MPriscla LErne HenriottaW 4GG4 Hillcrest 7S 135 hvy 4 97 974G04 57J HenriottaW57J GWCarll S Stick Pin Bit of Fortune Dust 4G04 Hillcrest 61 f 129 hvy 3 105 3JJ MarianI2 Connor 7 Dipper MadRivcr Little Marian 4570 Hillcrest Ab5S 106 hvy 32 98 98KALDEMAN I2 Connor T MadRiver Tackle MlnnleKriglit MlnnleKriglitBy KALDEMAN b o 4 108 By McGee Long Cienn W Birnie 5370 Toronto 1 11G 150 hvy 13 111 1 5 G 5 55 5lclTensen 10 Flower Girl Apiaster Chemulpo 5316 Toronto Im70y l47g slop 185 109 7 7 7 7 6l 5 Jensen 7 1nion Jack Colston Camellia 5209 Toronto 1 116 1473 fast 48 114 8 2 5 6 S 922J Jensen 1 1 Colston Lesh At Once 3097 Montreal 7S 128 good G 113 3 7 7 749SS 9 71 711 Jensen 9 Tom Sayers Apiaster Detroit DetroitG 49SS Montreal 1 l41g fast 5 107 687 6872S25 G S Sl5JJenseu 10 L of Langden Heretic I Las 2S25 Montreal 1 142 good 15 108 9 10 5 1 1s I1 Small 11 O Em Lad of Langden ArbutiM ArbutiMBy JIM L ch B By Ben Strome Blue Jacket J H Lamb 5367 Toronto 4 G1 7JF Adams 11 VWiilov Master lim SCriimp 5300 Toronto 1 1S l5Gj slop 100 104 4 1 1 2 3 6 J F Adams 7 Irish Kid Aplastor XaughlyLad 521G Dufferin 7S 1341 fast 4 111 3 2 3 3s 34 E GriUin i Uuncraggan Kyle Dust 5146 Dufferin 7S 132 fast 3 124 1 1 1 1s I2 F Jackson 7 Dust Mad River Argonaut 50S2 Dufferin Ab5S l01g fast 10 112 7 7AT 4 41 42 Bauer 7 JNunnally Starbd McAndrews McAndrewsBy AT ONCE ch f 4 106 By Simontault Tout Suite J E Seagram 5117 Toronto 1 18 1551 hvy 5 109 6 5 4 4J 451 Musgrve C Apiaster Irish Kid Nghty Lad 5269 Toronto 1 116 1472 fast 71 106 5 3 3 4 41 36J Mnsgrve 11 Colston Lesh Tom Sayers 5063 Montreal 1 34 306 good 4 104 244 4 22 22 Musgrve 4 Cliff Stream Garth Ta Nun Da 4373 Hamilton 1 1S 154 fast 4 101 6 7 6 6 8 S12lSchutger 9 TaNunDa L of Langden FFeet 4065 Fort Erie 1 1S 1522 fast 8 104 5 5 7 8 81 G Musgrve 11 Falcada Puika Lesh 2863 Montreal 78 128 good 40 90 4 4 4 5 51 5lWolf G Spellbound Altamaha Busy 97441 FortErie 1 116 1468 fast 95 105 7 5 4 49G870 5 6 5TJ Musgrave 10 Corinth Barney Igoe Startler 9G870 Fort Erie 1 1391 fast 10 103 8 4 5 5 31 11 Musgrave 8 BarIgoe Supervisor The Whip 96544 Hamilton 34 1151 fast 12 110 7 3 3MONKEY 3 2 I1 Musgrave 7 MKernan FlintRock HalComet MONKEY ch f 3 99 99C26G By Locohatchce Missing Link J W Hcdrick C26G Toronto 31 1 14p fast 23 103 G 8 8r14S Fell Snider 12 TTusvby MeAiidrews Malitine r14S Dufferin 61 f 123 fast 3 102 1 1 1r177 1 1 I5 Connor 7 Henrietta W Lelaloha D Webb r177 Dufferin Ab5S l01g fast 1 102 1 1 1 1 = Connor S Mother Chess Sally Savage 3072 Dufferin Ab5S 1011 fast 65 102 4 3 3s 335 Connor 7 Fleming Curious Mother 5014 Dufferin AbaS 102 fast 21 102 7 G 55 3JJ Connor S Imprudent Secrete Sgof Rocks 4667 Hillcrest Ab5S 104 hvy 32 100 100GOLDLASH 22 Connor 7 Igloo Sanctim Donovan GOLDLASH br m 5 105 1055JC9 By Gold Heels Lash F Campbell 5JC9 Toronto 1 116 1472 fast SO 10SS 9 11 11 9 9 S22 Small 11 Colston Lesh At Once 3213 DutTerin 78 1322 fast 4 2 1 1s Steinhdt 7 E Collins Inclement Xada Mas 51C6 Dufferin 61 f 1261 fast 3 3 3J 3 J C Knight 8 T D Kiten Gcn Bend Rodman 50SO Dufferin 6J f 122J fast 3 115 G 5 5 41 C Knight 7 L des Cognets Xila Argonaut