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SECOND RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 9S3S FIREMAN ch o 4 108 1371 Juarez 118153 fast 21 1C 1334 Juarez 1 1372 fast 20 1039 Juarez 1 138 fast 15 100 4 98510 Louisville 1 12 240i hvy C 98272 Lexington 1 18 1568 slop 2 4 Cherryola Leauieiioe Me Hoy 97981 Windsor 1 18 l52i fast 3 97 3 3 a 2 Startler 97955 Windsor 1 116 1431 fast 1M100 122 97S01 Hamilton 78 1251 fast 12 1M 1 4 3iJ Glma 7 SirJ Johnson Rtlsche Aldrlo SPINDLE Mk r 5 110 11055S9 By Heap Twetdie Bpiet Powew 55S9 DougPk 1 11C 1471 fast 41 110 1 4 4 45J6S 2 I1 11 Fain i Crossover Belfast Idleweiss 5J6S DougPk 1 11C l47g fast SJ 109 6 5 5 4 4 = 3 ° Loftus o Console Wander Hanly 4975 Lex Eton 1 116 146 fast 6110 112 43 2 2 4s 31 Fain c Console Sis Florence Fly Feet 4657 Lexington 1 1S 1531 good 41 111 3 1 1 1 14 I1 Fain nanly Snpplo Vnncn 4738 Lexgton Im70y 145J fast 6 112 1 1 2 232S8 1 1 14 Fain s Boh Co Dorbie Letonrno 32S8 Latonia Im70y l41g good 15 IOC 4 2 3 4 4i 4 i J Henry 10 RStone HHowdy PccssThorpe 3048 Latonia 1 116 147 fast 19 108 2 1 2 3 6i 5 J Deavpt 11 WRins Eof Riclimd NFergn 2979 Latonia 1 316 1532 fast 21 10S 2 3 5 6 6 6JJ DcavptlO Colston Effendi Pulka 2818 Latonia 1 116 1461 fast 175 111 3 4 5 4 4 41 Moleswh 7 HHowrty Wander J W Cartel 2777 Latonia 1 316 l59i fast 12 106 2 2 3 3 3 2 Moleswh 10 Sister Florence Belfast Console 2731 Latonia 1 18 1531 fast 42 103 612 612PATBUCHE 1 4 61 Moleswh 0 Labold Console Hanly HanlyBy PATBUCHE oh c 3 101 1015T45 By Broomstick Sans Pareil II H Benzinger 5T45 DougPk 1 116 146 fast 5310 103 5 5 4 3 3i 3 i Moleswh 8 Giy Bird Puck Pliant 5419 DougPk Im70y 145 fast 9 110 3 5 5 4 4 41 Obert 7 Ymir Working Liid Chartier 5404 DougPk 1 11C 148 slow 195 103 3 4 4 4 51 35i Obert 10 My Fellow WorkLad BlkMate 5333 DougPk 1 110 1471 good 9 103 5 5 5 5 3nt 3 Moleswh 9 Wander Effendi Hanly 244 DougPk 1 110 1472 fast C310 IOS 143 3 3J 2 Moleswh 8 Daingerfleld Yanker Cap Bravo 5179 DougPk 1 116 1478 fast 4110 103 454 5 4i 32 Obert 10 Howdy Howdy Hanly Tay Pay 5035 Lexgton Im70y 1442 fast 7 1021 3 C 4 3 11 11 Obert 10 Carl Club Black Mate Yanker YankerC 4ST2 Lexington 34 1151 Rood 165 110 G 7 C 2n 2 Obert 8 Bonanza Ben Prior New Haven 2460 Lsville 1 116 l46g fast 81 97 5 7 7 7 7 7ojMcCahey 7 Star OKyan J Dockery Grif 1404 Juarez 1140 fast 1120 105 664 4 2 2 Gross S KKlk Koseworth Portarlington 98 7 Louisville 1 l43i good 2 107 2 4 4 4 4 2 1 Ixftus 10 JGeddes BEullw ColHalloway 9S743 Louisville 34 1171 hvy 5710 103 6 5 4 4 3 Goose 10 PresTimptn LLIghtnp TReacb 9S544 Louisville 34 116 slow2110 112 11 8 6 32 2nk Loftns 12 Dilatory G Oxnard G Jones 9S49C Louisville 3 113J good 115 103 6 8 8SUPPLE 6 31 3 A Burton 10 Bredwell Merode JennyGeddna JennyGeddnaBy SUPPLE ch f 4 107 107r232 By The Commoner Flexible J T Hughes r232 DouffPk 1 11C 148 Rood SG3 110 5 5 5 5 53 5s W Aridress 7 Console Dick Baker Pliant 5179 DougPk 1 11C l47g fast 14 107 3 C 5 6 04 5ZJ J Callalmn 10 Howdy Howdy Ilanly Patruclie 5012 l xgton 1 1S l Sg fast 165 109 3 3 3 2 ink in w Aridress 5 BlackMate Sager M Militant 4913 Lexington 1 l40g fast 10 107 3 2 2 24S57 3 5 5 1 Goose G HowdyHowdy BlackMate Sager 4S57 Lexington 1 1S 1535 good2310 109 1 3 3 3 3s 3 Goose 6 Spindle Hanly Vanen VanenJ 4738 Lexgton Im70y 1451 fast 65 108 3 Fell J Callahan 8 Spindle Bob Col Dorbie 2150 Latonia 1 116 150 hvy 4 107 2 2 2 1 li 1 Goose 6 Labold Garneau Sir Catesby 2821 Latonia 1 116 1461 fast 245 108 33 332C71 3 34 2 Byrne 7 CAsbmeade WLad Husky Lad 2C71 Latonia Im70y 1492 hvy 126 104 44 4 4 4J Callahan 4 Wander Ella Bryson Be 2361 Lsville 1 116 1471 good 11 105 1 98 7 8 71 J Callahan 10 Crossover Effendi F Duster 2286 Lsville Im20y 1428 good 71 105 63 2 in li J Callahan 6 Effendi Forehead Oakhnrst 2217 Lex gton Im70y 1431 good 245 103 4 2 1 11 li J Callahan 9 Hanly Rash Arbutus 2134 Lexington 1 18 1531 fast 8J 107 7 2 3 4 4 J Moleswh 9 Flying Feet Explicit Hanly 2054 Lexgton Im70y l52i hvy 141 1041 544 4 21 11 Moleswh 7 Galley Slave Explicit Sandrian 99356 Latonia 1 116 153 ft hvy 325 100 8 6 2 2 31 3 i Skirvin 11 SwartsHill NanFerguson Rash 99207 Latonia Im70y 146 hvy 13 101110 7 4 4 3i 3 A Burton 10 Mar Asur Merry Lad Montciair 98862 Lsville 1 116 l49g slow 5 93 4 2 3 3GAGNAHT 3 3 3 A Burton 8 Sam Barber Leopold Irish Kid KidBy GAGNAHT ch f 3 101 101E57S By The Commoner Alyeria M F J Pons E57S DouglasPk 51 f 1061 fast 16 105 6 S 8 71 71 Spellman 10 Snreget Merrick Duquesne 5300 DouglasPk 51 f l06g fast 81 106 4 7 6 4i 3ij Spellman 9 Cohort Salesia Toy Boy 5202 Douglas Pk 34 1151 hvy 24 1021 2 5 3 31 I Spellman 8 WLad TNIgbtmare P Duma 4701 Windsor El f 1101 hvy 20 94 2 5 5 51 3 Hopkins 8 Cbepontuc SenSparks ToddllnR 4672 Windsor E f 1081 slop 10 96 8 7 7 71 O2 Hopkins 10 Ethel Le Brume Elma Detroit 2569 Louisville 34 1121 fast 29 95J 9 9 6 8 8 J J Callahanll Sea Cliff Working Lad Sir Gllei 2343 Louisville 34 114 slow 76 98 10 10 6 6i 44 Jahnscn 11 JS Barr Viley Cong James 1975 Charleston 34 1151 slow 75 102 3 1 1CLUBS 1 I4 1 C Turner 11 Jennie Wells Rlnda Electric ElectricBy CLUBS ch gr 3 98 By Boy Flush IIL Melton Mowbray M C Moore 5543 Douglas Pk 34 113 fastCl10 105 4 C 5 5 35J Moleswh 11 ConDelivery Bonanza Pr Chap 1972 Lexington 34 1141 fast 1710 104 2 8 5 3i 14 W Andress 9 York Lad Jack Ellis Parisian 3284 Latonia 34 1141 fast 78 102 8 8 6 6n 6s J CallahanlO Dorbie Detour Winifred D 2534 Louisville 34 113 fast 97 102 5 7 793C8 8 7s 75i Karrlck 12 Presumptn Cockspur BNelson 93C8 Latonia 34 115 hvy 33 107 1 4 4 61 6jGanz 9 Free Lance Pliant Brossean 99318 Latonia 6i f 111 hvy 13 110 3 7 6 61 6 Kennedy 11 ZIm Pierre Dumas Sir Giles 99252 Latonia 34 1141 fast 51 103 8 3 3CYNOSURE 3 3 3 C Turner 12 CheerUp W Baths McClintock McClintockBy CYNOSURE b gr 3 98 98r447 By Star Shoot Mercurial F Brown r447 Douglas Pk 34 113 fast fid 104 12 8 9 9 9slObert 12 Gay Bird Sir Blaise Dor Dean 1381 Douglas Pk 34 116 hvy 48 102 7 5 5rS4 4 6i 4 J Obert S Salesla Royal Tea Font rS4 Douglas Pk 34 1154 slow 101 109 4 3 4 31 34 Loftus 9 YorkLad JackEllis Winifred D 5204 Douglas Pk 34 1141 hvy 99 101 4 4 5 5i 5 Moleswh 8 Reciplty MThorpe LLigbtnK 4727 Windsor 34 1131 fast 50 101 7 6 8 10 9U McCabe 11 Elma Sal Volatile Union Jack 46C8 Windsor 51 f slop 0 98 5 5 5 6 3 J McCabe 6 UnlonJack MissNett True Step 8S5 Windsor 107 fast 50 9719 10 10 9 9tJB Steele 10 BillyVanderveer Pluvious Salall 3830 Windsor 1 142 good 30 101 3 1 4 4DYNAMITE 8 S 8 Hopkins 8 Reciprocity Carl Club Magneto MagnetoBy DYNAMITE b c 3 101 101M4S By Orsini Belle of Palo Alto B F Carman M4S DougPk 1 11C 1461 fast 128 103 6 C C 6 6 6 J Rhtmire 7 Volthorpe Effendi Jy Geddes 5315 DougPk 1116146 fast 90 103 645 7 8 SiojRhtmire 8 Gay Bird Puck Patruclie 5447 Douglas Pk 34 113 fast fid 105 11 11 8 Gh 5J Rhtmire 12 Gay Bird Sir Blaise Dor Dean 5424 Douglas Pk 34 113 fast ISO 1061 7 7 7 7 7 J Rhtmire 7 Ortermaster Morristwn MLad 3044 Latonia 34 1131 good 15 107 9 7 6 61 5 O Peak 12 Hedge Nonpareil McClintock 99303 Latonia 3t 1172 hvy 41 110 6 5 59SK70 4 41 4 E Dupan 12 Chaumere Zlm Tom King 9SK70 Latonia 51 f 1091 good 15 107 9 7 7979C6 3 3i 24 R Hoffmanll CaseyJones McClintock SGlles 979C6 Windsor 34 1131 fast 100 101 2 5 4 4n 4 3 Hoffman 5 C Touch Bnckhorn EtonBlue EtonBlueBy BOBBIE b f 3 98 98C4C7 By Baldnr Dunluce J P BOM C4C7 DougPk 1 116 140 fast 73 100 S 7 6 6 7Z 6JB Steele 8 Cliftonian Crossover Blfc Mat 537 DougPk Im70y 1471 hvy 17 100 1 2 2 4 5 5 B Steele 7 Pliant Helene Beautiful 5357 l ouglas Pk 34 l13g fast 42 104 7 7 75J05 7 8 S8 B Steele 11 Duquesne Moisanr Bonanza 5J05 DougPk 1 11G l49g hvy 131 103 1 1 1 1JXjHG 1 3 34 B Steele 6 Fther Duster Yanker Letourno JXjHG Lexgton Im70y 1454 fast 8 100 6 3 3 4 41 3 B Steele G Love Day Yanker P Dumas 4908 Lexington 34 1131 fast 20 101 9 8 848C9 8 8 Si6 B Steele 10 New Haven Etbelda Yanker 48C9 Lexington 1 l39g fast 71 107 6 5 4 4 4s 41B Steele 6 Win Witch Flex Sis Florence 4728 lxxgton Im70y 1451 fast 196 99 6 2 3 3 22 34 B Kteele 8 Spindle Bob Co Letonrno 3284 I atonia 34 1141 fast 61 100 6 5 3 21 11 McCahey 10 Detour Winifred D Jack Ellis 2044 Latonia 34 1131 good 33 100 7 9 8 61 6i J Daniels 12 Hedge Nonpareil McClintock 2216 Lexington 34 1151 eood2310 96 2 1 1 2i 34 J Callahan 8 Bob Co Wn Belle Jack Weaver 2174 Lexgton Im70y 150 mud 375 88 6 1 2 2 31 31 Daniels 7 Charley Straus Hanly Arbutus 20C8 Lexington 3t 1161 slow Id 107 2 4 4BOB 2 21 4 1 J Allen 12 Dahomey Boy Inlan Fawn FawnBy BOB FABLEY b c 4 105 10555IC By Miller Black Lady J H Mead 55IC DougPk Im70y 141 fast 102 105 6 C 4 44S72 5 6 6 = 1 J Henry C Ozana Sleeth Dutch Rock 4S72 HdeGrace 5 f 1OG fast 100 107 7 7 7 71 ° 7i ° lBuxton 9 Thrifty Fond Clem Beachey 2491 Louisville 3J 1131 fast 16 112 8 10 10 10 10C Peak 11 Viley Sylvestris Gertrude Hill 1770 Juarez 1 l41g fast 135 106 9 3 2 2 9 ll SBuxton 11 KiddyLee KMoving LllyPaxton 1702 Juarez 1 1391 fast 4 104 1 1 1 11CS5 1 la 42 Buxton 11 Laymlnster Pitapat LiCreed 1CS5 Juarez 1 1401 fast 6 105 4 1 1 11C66 1 2s 2J Selden 8 Abound Layminster Jack Laxson 1C66 Juarez 1 1411 fast 4 106 7 6 5 6 7 71S Buxton 7 LMarcbmont Abound Mycenae 1573 Juarez 1 141 fast 65 103 1 1 1 1 2i 4 J Henry 7 Onatassa Juan Ben Uncaa 1474 Juarez 1 140 fast 135 102 2 2 1 1 14 1 ° J Callahan 8 Mamac Bake The G Butterfly 1428 Juarez 1 1401 fast 2 107 6 1 1 1 1 1 Keoeh 12 Mycenae Cameo Minnolette CHARLEY 8XRAU8 cb c 4 108 By Stalwart Resignation J L Beeson 5053 Lexington S4 1141 fast 48 115 4 S 7 6 C Fain 8 LLightning Phil K WinlfredD 4864 Lexijton Im70y l45g fast 100 111 266 7 7 7 Goose 7 Leopold Helene T H McBridc 4754 Lexgton 1 116 1471 fast 41 111 2 3 6 6 6 7 Andress 7 Effendi T IIMcBride Hanly 3112 Latonia Im70y 151 hvy 365110 645 4 5 5 iByrne G Hanly Tay Pay Helene 3048 Latonia 1 116 147 fast 754 110 8 10 9 9 9 9 lGanz 11 WRing Eof Illchmd NFergn 2684 Latonia 1 18 150 good 83 112 8 9 8 824C3 8 71 7 Fain 9 Effendi Labold Steeplejack 24C3 Lsville 1 116 l47g fast 56 110 7 7 7 7 7 7 lFaln 7 Superstition M Beau C Bravo 2358 Lsville Im70y 1451 slow 48 107 10 10 10 10 10 10JA Murray 10 Pnlka Hanly The Royal Prince 2174 Lcxgton Im70y 150 mud 41 112 2 2 1 1 11 l k C Peak 7 Hanly Dorbie Arbutus 2134 Lexington 1 1S 1531 fast 20 108 226 6 6n 6T Koerner 9 Flying Feet Explicit Hanly 2073 Lexgton 1 110 1491 slow 9 113 1 1 2 2JACK 2 11 21 C Peak 5 SCatesby JCafferata Ornamosa OrnamosaBy JACK BIGHT ch h 6 108 By Standing Colnmbell J Cook 5 tl Douglas Pk 34 114 slow 79 107 7 7 5 8 8JLoftus S Follie Levy Helene Cliftonian Sr T Douglas Pk 34 113 fast fid 104 11 11 1132SC 11 11 11 J Henry 11 Tranco Prince Cliap Husky Lad 32SC Latonia Im70y 1431 fast rid 109 3 5 C 8 81 710iJ Deavptl2 WishBlng SumNight MCasey 2111 Latonia Im70y 1501 hvy 93 112 7 6 7 7 7 7 T Davles 7 Crossover All Red F Duster 3048 Latonia 1 116 147 fast rid 111 11 4 8 8 8 7lBorel 11 WBing Eof Richmd NFergn