Second Race [2nd Laurel, Daily Racing Form, 1912-10-08

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434 SECOND G 137 BACE About 2 Miles Short Course Steeplechase 3yearolds and upward Selling 98901 HISS H2NES br m 8 145 By Nickey D Kuey Glen K Parr 4014 Fort EMe S C 3572 fast 4 149 4 3 G 5 5 51W Allen 7 New Comer Idle Michael Sight 3777 Windsor Ab 2 430 good 4 147 3 3 2 2 2SO 2s J Kermatu C A jSnmmers Ennlskillen H Hat 3461 Fort Erie Ab 2 403 fast 2 149 5 Lost rld r H Stone StoneH 6 NComer I Michael SixtyTwo 3395 Fort Erie Ab 2 3591 fast 32 147 2 Fell H Stone 6 Ringmaster Luckola Enklllen 3154 Hamilton Ab2S 4562 fast 115 143 4 2 2 1 2 3 J Stone 5 Jim Lane Luckola Idle Michael 2723 Pimlico Ab 2 412 good 45 152 3 3 6 3 2 2 E Helder 6 Malaga Garterman Far West 2455 Bennlng 2 12 529 fast 710 157 1 Lt Alexer 4 Kn of Elway O K Grayfelds 2414 Benning Ab 2 458 slop 710 1GS li Lt Alexdr 4 Kt of Elway Grayfelds FIco 2262 Pimlico 2 407g good 6 147 S 3 1 1 1 W Allen 11 Vllhalla T Speaker Thlstledale 2138 Pfmlico 2 401 fast 20 147 3 6 6 6 610 4T1 W Booth 9 LNavarre TheLrophet DayBell 2039 Pimlico 2 414g fast 20 137 3 5 7 F 11 A Henry 11 HlghHat GnnCotton BIkBrldge BIkBrldgeL 39562 Marlboro Ab 2 455 hvy 10 J32 J32LIZZIE L p Jackson 8 Garterman TneKing TSpeaker LIZZIE 140C54S FLAT b m 8 140 By Flatlands Lizzie K by Eolus H Flippen C54S Laurel Ab 2 5041 fast 3 135 1 1 2 1 I1 1 S Stevson 5 Shan River SmAngelo Scholar 4718 rider4C76 Pimlico Ab 2 403J fast 10 137 Lost rider S Stvson G NoTime MFIetchcr Selena L 4C76 Pimlico Ab 2 3578 fast 15 135 535JMr Stvson 9 Enniskiln Gartcnnan Selena L 4544 Baltimore Ab 2 3501 fast 4 147 3 5 5 5 4 4 Jackson 6 JCEwalt NoTime MFletcher 4488 Baltimore Ab 2 401 hvy 7 147 2 Fell FellBLACK Jackson 7 Zellwood Ennlskillen NOTime BLACK BRIDGE b gr 7 135 By Bridgewater Slack Heart Mrs AUJT Singer 2119 Pimlico 2 4041 fast 20 133 9 10 10 7 715 G 5W Keatingll High Hat Thistleilale Vilhalla 599S63 2039 Pimlico 2 414g fast 12 139 1 G 6 5 4s 3 W Keatingll HlghHat GCotton The Speaker 99S63 Columbia AblJ 405g slow 6 146 6 5 5 5 Fell T Howard 5 The Speaker SamBall DrHeard 99664 Jamesfn Ab 2 412 good 45 148 2 2 2 2 3 3 Tuckey 3 Duffleld Lizzie Flat 99610 Jamesfn Ab 2 410 fast 3 148 3 2 3 2 2 2 Noe 7 Vilhalla LIzzieFlat AznreMaid 99555 Fell9G507 Jamesfn Ab 2 411 fast 3 145 1 1 Fell W AznreMaidW Allen 7 G Cotton Dnffield Ennisklllen 9G507 Jamesfn Ab 11 335 siow 5 150 5 3 5 4 3 3 Noe 5 SamBall Vilhalla DrHeard 99361 Jamesfn Ab 2 410 hvy 3 144 3 2 2 2 2JESUIT 22 32i Noe 5 Sam Ball Vilhalla Lizzie Flat FlatBy 1359G271 JESUIT ch g 6 135 By The Friar Clementina I Fox 9G271 FellDC24S Baltimore 2 521 fast 3 137 Fell Bryant 7 MItelit Kniiisklllen Orderly Nat DC24S Ii timore Ab 2 403 slop 5 151 521 Brntland 7 Gim Cotton BcrgiNi EnniskilUu ABSCONDER br g 4 137 By Disguise Swiftfoot T Bodrock 5548 Laurel Ab 2 5041 fast 3 138 5 5 4 Fi Fell Keating 5 LIzFlat Shan River SanAngelo 5390 IIdeGce Im70y 149J hvy 15 105 4 4 3 3 2 2 Ural 4 Futurity Patrick S Affable 5338 HdeGce Im70y 152 slop 25 107 3 3 1 1 I1 Z3 Ural 8 Stairs WoodDove Slim Princess 51C1 104S63 IIdeGce Im70y 1451 fast S 105 10 10 10 10 8J 6 Ferguson 10 S Jackson H Quinn S Princess 4S63 HdeGce Im70y 1441 fast 9 109 7 7 6 4 4s 4T Fbrother T Accord Mileajre Ballymena 4639 HdeGce Im70y 147 fast 8 107 7 6 4 3 4 4s Schutger 8 Yellow Eyes Ballymena Accord 2457 Bennins 1 14 216 fast 3 139 21 Mr Wright 4 Apache Dnllcare Faultless 2242 Pimlico 1 145 slow 8 107 2 6 6 4 62 6JDiggins 10 Kind Sir Harlem Lass Jingo 2176 Pimlico 1 1431 hvy 6 107 6 2 2 2 2SCHOLAR 3J 3 Diggins 8 Eyebrow Stairs Harlem Lass LassBy SCHOLAR ch s 3 130 By Islington Mary Stuart J H Lewis 551S Laurel Ab 2 504 fast 6 132 2 4 4 4108McAfee 5 LIzFlat Shan River SanAngelo 2251 Pimlico 34116J good 10 107 9 4 41 421 Schntger 9 Daingerfield Napier Little 2222 Pimlico 51 f l10g hvy 60 102 2 4 4 42 4 W Dunn 12 Tbeo Cook M Moments Incision Ep 2177 Pimlico 34 115 hvy 100 90 7 7 6 G G18 Rowley 7 Rosseatir Handrunning R Straw 2093 Pimlico 34 1142 fast 60 108 7 8 9 102 109i Whatley 12 Qn Bee Deduction Daingerneld 99332 Marlboro Ab58 108 hvy 4 115 115AGGBESSION li Daingerneldli C White 8 Aplaster I Gummell J Howell AGGBESSION ch g 4 137 By Orlando Anxious J Locknrood 2702 Pimlico Ab 2 4052 slop 15 137 5 2 4 5 5 54S Sullivan 9 Kingpin Day Bell Racewell 240 Pimlico 2 4122 slow 40 137 8 7 5 4 4s 4 W Booth 8 DayBell Juverence Idle Michael 2181 Pimlico 1 l44j hvy 80 111 9 9 8 9 9 9 Forehand 9 Kt of Uncas WHorn Hiniatlou 2058 Pimlico 2 4lli good 12 140 10 12 10 9 10 11 W Booth 14 Tmdo Lampblack Rellnf 2004 Jamesfn Ab 1 342 slow Si 132 4 4 2 Fell RellnfFell W Booth 7 Male Fletcher Day Bell Malaga 99562 Marlboro Ab 2 455 hvy 7 1315 5s4 Howard 8 MlssHynes Garterman 99496 Marlboro Ab 2 462 hvy 3 135 2 Howard 7 AzureMaid MHynes TSpeaker TheKIng

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Local Identifier: drf1912100801_5_4
Library of Congress Record: