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FIFTH BACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Selling 98385 111 7 108 COHNAVGKET b gr 2 107 107r576 By Mazagan The Mecca F J Grefer r576 Douglas Pk 34 1132 fast rid 107 5 2 1 14 14 Buxton u BlueP DouglasPk 5 f l07g fast 295 111 7 7 8 9 9 s Borel 9 CUil 3308 Salt Lake 41 f 541 fast 710 103 2 2rOBKVILLE 331 1 Buxton 7 Pretty Dale Kamcbatka Slefri rOBKVILLE b o S 105 5643 DouglasPk EJ f l06g fast 10 108 4 3 Skirvin 9 Nobby Stockel Douerail 5422 DouglasPk 51 f 1071 fast 2 108 4 2i Douerail2i T Koerner S Glint Trojan Belle Alfre 5329 DouglasPk 51 f 107 good3120 109 4 4J 4J Loftus C Foundation Nobby PericI re 5239 DouglasPk 51 f 1071 fast 6 110 3 14 2n Loftus 9 CuilKIng Fly Tom Caiit s Iloet 4853 Lexington 51 f l08g good 32 111 1 6 5 Ean J5 Ilve n Sptl MlssTaCraM 4750 Lexington 51 f 1081 fast 7 5 112 4 4 Lodona Merlin Marsuon 3216 Latonia 58 l00g fast 3 114 3 330S9 nry I HlsS Elltn Benanct Gowell 30S9 Latonia 61 f 1091 slop 265 107 1 i ASen X The Widow Moon Nobby Sleuth 2773 Latonia 58 101 fast 54 112 3 Worth ii AViCn F Counterpart R 2680 Latonia 58 101 1 good 65 109 2 II ii T 4Hen Tlnqnlcta Gowell MollieRichardi Lloyd 2601 Louisville 68 100 fast 8 99 1 1CHILTON 31 4 J Allen G Oneida Helios Miss Edith EdithBy CHILTON KINO ch c 2 110 By CMlton Hanover Queen C Bills 5328 Douglas Pk 34 114 good 32 111 2 Koerner 7 FlyToin Samllirsch 5239 DouglasPk 5i 1071 fast 1 110 5 31 l T Koerner n Yorkville Fly Tom SptlyMis 5150 DouglasPk 61 f 108 good 35 107 2 1 1 T Koerner 9 S Hirscb Marsbon Capt ItecK 5036 HdeGrace 61 f 1061 fast 7 107 3 Wly Trojan Bella 3 toBllnB 4733 HdeGrace 58 1011 fast 12 107 1 II AiCX TrOBrner S l Big Dipper f Fatty Grub LWit Jonquil JonquilM 4654 HdeGrace 68102 fast 9 107 3 i X or1Ie p E11Io Ai i 4555 HdeGrace 58 102 fast 20 107 1 1GLINT M 6i Sclmller6i 5 Alex 11 Genesta Singling 9apt Jonquil Sclmller GLINT br c 2 110 Bjr JonquilBjr Maxta Santa Tin Cup A Turney 5505 Douglas Pk 34 113 fast 115 105 4 3 k 4 Goose 7 Flying Tom Volita Sam 5422 DouglasPk 51 f 1071 fast 6 105 3 HirscU fl HirscUfl S ° se S orkville Troj Belle Alfred V 5233 HdeGrace 58 1021 slop 45 107 8 Ik TJurner M Johnson Chil Song Ins Mai 5160 HdeGrace 68 100 fast 21 101 7 II 2i ° Turner 12 CaptElliott Hy Bee M Johnson 5036 HdeGrace 51 f 1061 fast 10 108 8 S Turner 11 Striker Ringling Chilton 4SS8 HdeGrace 58 1001 fast 15 107 3 3 34 C Turner 4 Genesta Monocacy Klng Early 4731 HdeGrace 58 101 fast 4 112 7 Lisbt S Si S Turner IK Little Hugh Schaller Ringling 3714 Windsor 681051 slop 20 115 7 7BLUEBEABD 6 34 C Turner S Bamegat Sweet Story Un Oble BLUEBEABD b o 2 105 B BluesTaueen BeluBa M Morris 5576 Douglas Pk 34 1131 fast fid 105 11 MorrisS Anilrcssll S 2 XV Counausbt Rooster Sen Jampg 5239 DouglasPk 51 f 1071 fast 118 106 8 I JampgI Tl S ° fe ° ChI Kin Yorkvlllo Fly Toia 2989 Latonia 61 f 1071 mud 62 105 7 5 41J Henry 7 Rostnrtium Pericles Gowell 2816 Latonia 58 1011 fast 26 112 T 43 4 1J Henry 12 Auto Run Fiel Blue Jay 2533 Louisville 58 1011 fast 22 112 8 6 7 i J Henry 12 Gowell Auto Run Kinder Lon 2430 Louisville 41 f 64 fast 102 105 6 6TEBBIBLE 746 J Henry 11 Brookfield N Cash Foundation FoundationoK3 TEBBIBLE BILL br c 108 oK3 118 Terrible La Deiirous W W Darden 5576 Douglas Pk 34 l13g fast 115 110 2 2 54 Fain 11 Connauglit IliieKeard 6505 Douglas Pk 34 113 fast 6 107 1 Rooster SS RoosterSS Bn ton 7 Flvi S Tom Volita Sam Hirnuli 5423 Douglas Pk 34 1122 fast 19 109 7 7 8Loftus S Floral Park Cream Sui House 5257 Douglas Pk 34 112 fast 4 110 5 3i 34 Loftus G Tbe WId Moon Cream Madrlht 5201 DouglasPk 51 f 1102 hvy 31 108 6 2 14 B Steele 7 Inquieta Ballyshe Transport 4745 Windsor 58 1011 fast 95 112 2 2 li McTagrt 7 Buvoco Loch Lomond Brynary 45SO Windsor 58 1001 fast 20 108 6 5i 5 B Steele 8 Leocbares Volita Tankard 4359 Hamilton 58 1011 fast 9 106 6 6IFBIGETLY 2 ° 14 Byrne 11 Tea Rose Brynary Gerranl GerranlBy IFBIGETLY MISS b f 102 By ndrim Loobaber F D Weir 5541 DouglasPk 51 f 1071 fast 26 105 6 Cn 75J J McCabe 11 La Mode Lodona Rosemary 5422 DouglasPk 51 f 1071 fast 21 103 2 54 55J J McCabe S Glint Yorkville Trojan BHle 5328 Douglas Pk 34 l14g good 52 100 1 25 SJ I McCabe 7 Fly Tom S Hirscli Cull Kiu 5260 DouglasPk 51 f l06g fast 55 100 7 9 10 Skirvin 11 Gowell Reliant Smoke House 5150 DouglasPk 51 f 108 good 21 102 4 5 5 1 B Steele 9 Chilton King S Hirscb Marsbon 4883 Lexington 51 f 110 good 710 107 7 11 in J McCabe 10 Ardelon OldWoman Danberrv 4853 Lexington 51 f 1081 good 12 105 10 2 2h J McCabe 10 Silver Moon EllaGrane Marshon 4722 Windsor 51 f 1078 fast 5 109 3 5 6 J J McCabe 5 Gerrard Tankard Cutie B 4700 Windsor 51 f 1091 hvy 7 107 6 3s 34 J McCabe G Flabbergast Tankard L Sbark 4651 Windsor 58 1001 fast 86 105 2 2POLLY li 14 J McCabe 7 Rehearsal Cutie B MIccosukee MIccosukeeBy POLLY WOBTH b f 2 104 By Cederstrome Hundley W T Woodard 5541 DouglasPk 51 f 1071 fast 63 105 10 9 6 W Andressll La Mode Lmlona Rosemary 5400 DouglasPk 51 f 1031 slow 10 111 5 3J 34 B Steele 9 Silk Day La Mode Trolan Belle 5240 DouglasPk 5 f 1081 fast 28105 2 21 3iJ W AndresslO TrojanBelle S Berta Ny Agnes 5052 Lexington 51 f 1071 fast 10 105 6 7 6J4W Andress 8 Sil Moon Counterpart D Plat 4309 Lexington 58 1022 fast 2 112 6 31 4 J W AndresslO Brisbtstone EGrane Pink Ladr 4390 Lexington 58 101 fast 109 li Ladrli W Andress 4 T Blanco Margold Reaper Box 2817 Latonia 58 1011 fast 86 108 4 6 8 C Peak 11 Benauet Billy Holder Toy 2773 Latonia 58 101 fast 2110 105 6 2 2 Goose G Yorkville Counterpart R Lloyd 2492 Lsuisvllle 6S 1001 fast 1720 109 1 2 2h c Peak 8 SprightMIss Marsbon EGrana 2282 Louisville 12 4S8 good2120 107 6 34 2i C H Shilgll Arcene Pink Lady Benanet 2232 Lexington 58 1011 fast 3 109 2 14 11 Goose 9 Sof Danubo Lewin Rostnrtlnm 2130 Lexington 41 f 541 fast 6 105 3 li Rostnrtlnmli 2 Goose 9 Oneida SprightlyMlss Yemassee 1779 Charleston 41 f 56 fast 710 105 3 11 I2 C Turner 40 Auto Run Miss Velma StArano 1689 Charleston 12 491 fast 65 107 1 1ABMOB 12 1 McTagrt 10 Faustina NickAkin Fk Hudsoa ABMOB b c 107 107C505 By Batts Uueen Lute W F Schulte C505 Douglas Pk 34 113 fast 89 109 5 7 7i ° JSkirvin 7 Flying Tom Volita Sam Hirsch 5422 DouglasPk 51 f 1071 fast 20 106 7 8 8 1 B Steele 8 Glint Yorkville Trojan Belle 5031 Lexington 51 f 107 fast 31 112 3 54 5 Borel 9 Benanet Foundation Cream 4856 Lexington 51 f 109 good 32 115 3 31 in Borel 10 TGrader AnnaReed LMarshall 3314 Latonia 34 1141 fast 18 IIOJ 5 6i LMarshall6i 6 T Koerner 12 Sam Hirsch Jimmle Gill Lodon 3255 Latonia 51 f 1061 fast 6310 108 10 10 9i lEstep 12 Lodona JImmie Gill Toy 2987 Latonia 58 1001 fast 16 106 2 4 4iJ Goose 10 Benanet La Mode Miss Edltb 2944 Latonia 58 1001 fast 27 106 6 6TOY 41 2 Goose 9 Pikes Peak Toy Marshon TOY br c 2 105 By The Scribe Dulcinea L Johnson 5282 Douglas Pk 34 1163 slow 16 118 2 10 9 Fain 11 CaprHock Blue Jay Gold Color 5239 DouglasPk 51 f l07g fast 32 110 9 8 8 Fain Cljil King Yorkville Fly Tom 5150 DouglasPk 51 f 108 good 34 105 8 7 7 Preston 9 Cbilton Kin S Ilirscb Marshon 3255 Latonia 5 f 1061 fast 19 113 12 31 3s B Steele 12 Lodona Jimmie Gill Chinook 3216 Latonia 58 1001 fast 31 108 6 7 74B Steele 7 Miss Edith Benanet Gowell 3146 Latonia 51 f 110 hvy 22 113 9 9J944 71 68J T Davles 10 Mtulclle Inqnieta Mnrsliou J944 Latonia 58 100 fast 18 108 2 2i Mnrsliou2i 31 B Steele 9 Pikes Peak Armor Marsbon 2817 Latonia 58 101S fast 43 108 2 3J Marsbon3J 3 B Steele 11 Benanet Billy Holder SptlyMiai 2727 Latonia 58 1011 fast 4 104 4 4UNCLE 2 In B Steele 5 Armor King Stalwart Monitor UNCLE B BT ch c 2 109 10954C3 By Stalwart Lady Balgowan J P Boss 54C3 DouglasPk 51 f 107 fast 81 110 8 42 41 B Steele lli PIIcrniist Klolmrne TlioGradop 5354 DouglasPk 51 f 107 fast 34 112 9 4J 4l B Steele 12 SinHouse TbeGrader PlIerniU 5118 Lexington 51 f 1OSJ fast 35 112 1 150M 3 3 1 B Steele 7 Barsae M Friedsam Rock Fish 50M Lexington 51 f 1071 fast 43 107 8 8W5 K 6 B Steele 10 S of Danube Nobby W Wonder W5 Loxinjrton 34 1161 slow 60 106 2 2ANCON 5 SJB Steole 5 Rostnrm Foundatn W Wonder ANCON b g 2 109 By WonderBy Mazagan Sister Juliet T D Sullivan 5446 Douglas Pk 34 113 fast 30 107 7 7 S JMcCahe 11 TransiMirt Rooster Hasson 5399 DouglasPk 51 f 109 slow 11 109 G 14 ink Loftus 12 Ancoii Jacob Bnnn IviiiKlinc 5228 Douglas Pk 58 102J good 8 109 4 Tu 74 AV Andress Bine Jay Roosler KinKiiUg 4803 Butte 12 48g fast 60 110 5 4i 31 McCfskey 8 Slerrn Mario Gon Minni p 3538 Salt Lake 41 f 55 fast 50 109 4 7 7i lFain 7 Vd Risbts Auto Run Kenneth 2815 Latonia 5 8 1011 fast 30 109 3 11 10 Borel 12 Auto Run Fi l Blue Jay 2746 Latonia 41 f 641 fast 101 109 6 6 6iB Steele 9 Hobnob Geo Stoll Merlin