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INAUGURAL MEETING Mineral Springs SPRINGS MINERAL Jockey Club PORTER Indiana FIFTEEN DAYS BEGINNING OCTOBER 12 SIX RACES DAILY AGGREGATE VALUE OF PURSES PURSESS3OOO S3OOO DAILY OFFICIALS OF THE COURSE J R MALONE Presidinq Judqe C CRILEY Associate Judae P P POMEROY Secretary RICHARD DWYER Starter MINERAL SPRINGS JOCKEY CLUB A COPARTNERSHIP Conducting a race meeting in accordance with the Seller Ia the statute rvxiitatiug racemeetings in the State of Indiana IndianaA A F KNOTTS WM M DALY FRED S CARTER CARTERLEMUEL LEMUEL DARROW J R MALONE PETER CRUMPACKER CRUMPACKERFRED FRED HENOCH JOHN A GAVIT CLARENCE BRETSCH Race Trains Direct to Track from La Salic Street Station over Lake Shore Railriad 3rd 4th 5th 5thPM PM PM PM Leave CHICAGO 1232 1245 1OS Leave ENGLEWOOD 1245 1258 121 Leave SOUTH CHICAGO 1255 108 131 Arrive MINERAL SPRINGS 132 145 208 RETURNING TO CHICAGO FIRST TRAIN LEAVES TRACK AT 440 I M MAND AND OTHERS FOLLOWING LAST RACE RACECALUMET CALUMET DISTINCT SPECIAL SERVICE SERVICEMICHIGAN MICHIGAN CENTRA BY TRAINS leave Kensington at 124O Hammond at 1151 and Gary at 110 p m arriving at park at 3 returning at r 00 p in Bxtm sec ¬ tions as required requiredErtra Ertra trains on SOUTH SHORE ELECTRIC ROAD will Tiinlco stops at regular Min ¬ eral grandstandMotor Springs station at which point motor but es will take patrons direct to grandstand Motor busses will operate at frequent intervals between the towns of Pomr anil Chesterton ami main gates at race track trackAdmission Admission including Railroad Fare 2 Admission at Gate 150 Applications for Stalk should be mado direct to Secretary MINERAL SPRINGS JOCKEY CLTJB PORTER Indiana IndianaShip Ship via Michigan Central Railway Porter Indiana Track Phone Chesterton 21 Im at Laurel Came on from KtnitucKy to cover this meeting for some eastern interests the fame as I did hist year I dont need to say uiucli tuostj who had dealings with me know thst I delivered the oods I want Urn OCCASIONAL BETTORS tins man who can take advantage of ono or two good things it wwk I Imve boon li r two wwks Have tabbed everything worth whit Tlio tirst g x s SATURDAY OCTOBER 12 I know the Ktabl 1 know tliiyr ar ready li win Saturday The stable Ixv aro anxiously awyit ing tht day Ill M nd it to you if you will remit after the race 2 per cent ol your regular bet Write today Dont send postal cards I dont recognize them Address AddressGEORGE GEORGE SMITH 1407 Filbert St Philadelphia Pa