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[ - . " if n • v ,. MORE ARRIVALS AT PALMETTO PARK. Charleston, s. C. January B, — Horses continue to arrive at l almetto Park. N. p.. Davis ami J. Nicfaol todaj received a car consigned to them from Lexington. Ky. Seven lnnses were the property of Mr. Ni.iu.i and four belonged lo Mr. Davis. II. Turner arrived from Coatesvflle, Pa., wiih six bones and ; M. Johnson i- expected tomorrow afternoon with eight horses from Nashville. Team. The track i- lightning fast and all the trainers ai.- now sending their charges along at fullapeed. Frank MeGraty. one of James Milton a assistants, is busily engaged in school ing Hm two-year-olds and considerable rivalry has Im.u amused among Ihe owners ami trainers as to who has the fastest hreak-r i is. Among tin- late comets arc The Hackelbnrg. from New York, Luke Le Blond, from Cincinnati, aud w P. Bur h, from Washington.