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I . , , i . I . . 1 I f : I I s r 1 t , . " BOOKMAKERS STAND BARRED AT BALTIMORE. Commission of Baltimore County Decide to Enforce Its Pari-Mutuel Ruling. Baltimore, Md.. January t;. -Tin- Baltimore County Racing Commission, composed of Redmond C Stew art. Spuulding L. Jenkins ami Frederick Von Kapff. after giving full consideration to the views of the represent a rives of naif-mile tracks, decided not to amend or change the rule it paused un June 22, l!lll as follows: "After December 31, 191% no betting shall be iier-niitled mi horse races on any race track in Ballinmro County except under the pari mutiiel sy-tein of netting, either with or without machines." Tin- following rule was passed today: "The commission deducted by the racing asso-ciatiniis under said pari-inutuel betting system shall be: On half mile tracks conducting meetings of nnt over six days ill duration BO tn exceed twelve |ier lint and iu all other eases in. I tn exceed live percent, ni tin- ej-nss am. . nni of mousy handled." The half -mile tracks opposed to the ruHng Include Prospect Park, electric Park. Uentlemeaa Driving Park and Tiiimniiini. The reasons for the commissous decision are summarised as follows: 1. The system of hookmaklug on race ionises has been one of the greatest causes of the frauds which from lime tn time have Injured the unod name of bone racing, anil interfered with its establish monl un a sure and permanent basis. Almost everj where where those Interested iu racing have per--isti-d in maintaining the system of bookmaktng, racing has been stopped by legislative enactment. -. Bookmuking as practiced iu Baltimore County ha- resulted in an indirect tax of from 20 to fill per cent, of the money bet. being levied on the public, and tin- racing associations have, under this system, obtained the greatest sum possible for the privilege of selling without regard to fairness to the public ::. While Hie pari -iniiluel system will nnt yield Un- saiin- financial return- to -mall track-, in tie.: Immediate future, as the present system under which Hie- racing associations -ell tin- privUege to a bnuk maker, ibis system of betting is the nne which has moat generally stood the test of public confidence and public opinion all over the world, and will yield a- in uh in the racing associations as they fairly have a right In receive. This system should succeed in Baltimore County, provided Hie racing assocJa iwn- give it their hearty co-opera tloa ami nupport ami aie satisfied ■• make little money, or stand a lo-s possibl during tie- first year, in order to build up horse racing on a -me and permanent basis. The commission has requested all racing prouaoters in the county tn meet it Thursday afternoon in make application for racing dates for 191 rt. After the I.alti re dates are allotted, the Havre fit Once promoters will decide upon their spring racing date-, it is the de-ire of the Havre de Grace people not to conflict wiih the local meetings.