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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY. UAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO ILLINOIS. A Daily Reflection of tlio American Turf by Teletrrap— . Utter and Pioarietor, r. IT. Brunell. aaaociate Editor, Clinton C. Kiiey. Beerntinr, Mis. i h. Ill— nil. Entered as second-class matter, April 2, 1S90. at flic post -office at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of March 3. 1S79. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation pmjajaBS only. This telephone lias no connect urn with the news or editorial departments and cannot lie used to communicate witli them. To be Considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing Komi inusi be sent over the full name and with the address of writer. The names and ad dri it» are sulijcct to a local and foreign directory l.sf. BACK NTMBLKS B CENTS EACH. If sent by mail tirs.-class only six cents. TERMS: Per Week $ ..ri0 Per Mouth LM Half Year !. »• One Year 17.00 TlM above rales me fur single- copies as sealed lei lers first -class mail. Dally ltaeing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send tingle copies as tirst class mail in all eases. Local Butocrjsjlons outside the downtown district —will lie declined at other than lirst-class mail matter rates. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. BT. J.o! is. mo.. OFFICE, 112 N. BROADWAY. Win. Laser. General Agent. Telephone Mel! Olive 4! 55.j Dack numbers and ssonthHaa supplied. CINCINNATI. O., OFFICE, 720 MAIN ST. V. S. Manns, General Agent. Telephone Canal 1877. Bach numbers and monthlies supplied. DETROIT, MIlH.. OFFICE, S." CONGRESS ST. West, Corner Wayne Street L. GroBscnp. General Agent. Telephones: Main 3982; City ;!252. Back Baaabere and monthlies rapplMd. BUT: ISLAND. ILL.: II. I». Wattles. 103 Onion Street. BI 1TAI.O. N. Y.: It. .1. Seidenbers, Ellii-oit Square News stand. Bl 1 IK. MUNI .: k. i. Bros., 27 We-t Park Street. CLEVELAND, OHIO: .1. C. I.ud.l. :t22 Superior Avenue o. s. Sihioodei. 212 E. Superior Street. rill IMBIS. OHIO: Columbus News Co. DAYTOK, OHIO: Ioiiv House News stand. DENVER ill. ii : Kcndrick Bella m; Co.. MO-912 Seventeenth Street. EL PASO. TEXAS: Prank OmeUaa, Lone star News-stand. .1. .1. Harrington, News Healer. ELGIN. ILL.: KeWH 11 l;r..s.. . ws Healer-. IllCACO. ILLINOIS, JANUARY 7. 1013.