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FUTURITY OF 1915 FILLS WELL. Coin v Island Jockey Club Receives 515 Entries for Famous Juvenile Event. •. Fork, January 8. —The total nt the entries to the Coney Island Jockey clubs Futurity for 1915. which closed "ii Thursday last, is 515, which i- 110 nunc than for the WH rumting of the -take and SKi mere than for 1913. The must extensive notuinatoi is l Mm i. Madden, wiiii MK;. Hear !. Oxnard is uexi with ■"•!. others are Aurasi Belmont, with 19:: II. 1. Whitney. Jl : .1. B. Haggin. Id: A. B. Man cock. 14; John Sanford, Hi:: B. Schreils»r. 13: George Widener. Jr.. 9: It. T. Wilson. 8: Catesby Woodford. 19; Mrs Payne Whitney. 2: F. K. Hitchcock, .".: !■:. It. Bradley. H: J. X. Oamdou, is; i:. b. Cassatt. 9: Woodford Clay. Ii: Mis. Chatterley. of Maryland, 1: David Uidcou. :; Mra I., a. Livingston, •",. T. C. Men..", ii. : . Thomas I. Ryan. 7: II. K. Ksapp, .",. and Charles Kohler, S. i i. rles came from as tar north as Alberta. Canada. and i- far wesl as California, with the sooth pre-diMiiinat ii!_ There ii- Bfty is-t rent, more owners represented than in the urvced us : n. I-Hghty stallions are ii |. us. i ted. Augnsl Belmont mated twenty-two mare- with I Rock s.ui! before entdrinc them for the Futurit; I