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GOV. *SULZER FOR LOCAL OPTION. Antiei|iaii.j|is ..f a revival of raciag in New York State were strengthened by Governor Soiarrs Sew message to tin- Legislature, in the roar an of which In- saiil: •|.ct us stand squarely for home rule and local sell government home rule for the state -for the i nerved lights of the state against encroachments by the c.-itral u-.v.-i iiiiu-ni at Washington. Home rale for the coiintie- ami the cities, ami the towns, ami iln- village* of tin- -tat-- against legislative tlakering and invasion. I .believe in local antoaueaj as .1 iiiii.liiiieniai right. Long experience ha- laagbl me thai man j of the evil- the people want remedied: that most of ihe thing* the people want .lone, can be remedied and can he done through local agendo* without Interference -by ihe national and state leiris latures. Lei me urge you lo he firm at all 1 i n- - I.l home rule and for the right* of the people in their respective communities to govern the mac Ire* politically, a- well ..- otherwise, without legislate ■ iiitcrfer.-ni e exrefd when absomtely necessary." It i- well km.wti that racing i- popular in tlios-communities in which it was estahlishefl. ami the sitppre--, on of the -foil was brought al.oni largely by constitnencbs that had no actual conn.-, ton with or knowledge of it in Saratoga Conaty. for Instance, it would he surprislna if any orajtositioN coiiil he loiin.l were Govermw* Sulz.-rs declaratlua for local option put into effect.