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ANOTHER BAY OF IDLENESS CONTINUED COLD WEATHER PREVENTS RESUMPTION OF JUAREZ RACING. Conditions Now Practically Normal Once Move and Sport Will Be Resumed This Afternoon with a New Card. r.i Paso, Tex., Jaaaary s. — Beeataar conditions were still na favorable, there was no raciag at the • in. in z track today. The temperature was — rill .. iiacomfortahlj low In the earlj pan of the day thai General Manager Winn decided it would i e the part of w i-m in to deter the resumption of the smart until t now. As the day advanced, the temperature rose somewhat ami there I* reason for believing that condition* will !«• nearly normal by toninrro... Ih" re val of the snow from the track wa- a bigger job than it appeared to be, and this fur-nisheil an additional reason why ii was ju-r as well thai ii" attempt wa* made to race today. The horsemen ami patron- of tin- -p..ii gathered here. while naturally aiiious to lose as little time as possibi. . accepted Ho- decision of the management gracefully, recognising that it was in tin- best Interest of Ihe meet lag. The card that had beam prepared for today wa* declared off ami a new program was arranged for lomonow. Manager Winn stated tonight unb-s :, snow storm oceitr- in the interim racing will be restam d without fail tomorrow. The has been worked ll|-ill :ls-iilll..l|s|y In S|| | ,e|i Mt ellilelit Ke.-.m .111.1 is now iii -ii, b a state thai raciag over it will nor seriously affect its condition and will be perfectly safe in every respect. The peculiar soil with which the track i- covered becomes, with w.-t conditions. a sticky substance which, while n.,| unsafe, iia, -ii. -li holding qualities thai racing over it is a most ilitb.iiit task for the runners, and to have cut it up would have been uiiw i-e. There is n- talk ..f ■ match bet wees Qilpy and ll.l.n Barhee at weigh! for age1, l-oflits to ride Il.len an. I Doi.-I to ride Cilpv.