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BREEDERS WILL MAKE RECOMMENDATION. Lbxhagton. K.v.. Jaaaary s.- -ai an informal fata rrtag of horsemen, who assembled yesterdav to attend the funeral of Major Foxball V. Daiiiuertield. ii was suggested it wmtM he well if an exptvs- »i f Ileference of brceil.-is. owner- an, I train, is of riiiiniiiu horse* in the matter of a sattceanm to Major Daingci ri. i.l on Ihe State Raciag Commission .-otilil be given to Governor .lames P.. McCreary. who will make Ihe appointment. Accord inulv Secretary Garrett D. Wilson, of the Kentn.-kv Association, was requested t- rail a meethag of all Kentucky bneders. owners ami traiaers, i» he held in the lli..,ni Hotel Friday morulas; next nt in oclock, to nominate one of their raak* to he reeam mended to the goremor. The horsemen most discussed bereabant* as. lik.-lv I., sacceed Major DaingeraVMd are Thomas IDin tai but. of r.oiiri oiintv : George Voorbles. of Payette toiinty: Captain Thomaa -I. Clay, of Fayette Coanty: Thomas t lav McDowell, of Payette County; John F. of Payette touniy : Captain Breckeerhlge iev. of w.M..if..r,i Conaty; Dr. .1. l». Xeet, of W Hoiil Coitnty. and Fred A. Ior-.v l he. of M.-re.-i Coanty. All these are breeders. The act creating the Stat. Racing Commission require* that three of the member* shall be breeder*. Chairman Milt.ui Young haviug retired from the rank- of the breeders, tin-ibai, i of Major Daiii-ertiel.l leaves only two— Messrs. Johnson N. Camden sad George -I. Long ea the commission, so tin- governor* selectbia tiiusi be t breeder.