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PARI MUTUELS FOR HAVRE DE GRACE. Baltii •. Mil.. January R. The racing i i- mi — inn. -is .,f Harford Coanty. in which the Havre de Grace track i- located, have decided in follow the lead of the Baltimore Coanty Racing Commis s-ion in b.niiii" tin- bookmaker* ami nanctionins the i inutiieN a- the nnlj legal mean* fm sp« culitti ii in connectian vviih fue raciag thai rnmes nnder their in i-ii. i i.-n. acconlinc lo announceipenl made here li i- expected that an effort will he made to Infliiemv the . .■inini-sieiii r against lakiag -mh action ai tliid- fm tic limine meeting, but the opinion of those conversant with the situation la thai the ;.io|.. -..I rub- will be formally ailoptcd to lake enTecl Hi conilne season. This will leave only l.nir. 1 to immst ate "iih I k makers among the Important tracks in Mai viand The action •■! Ihe racing conimlsshmor* ..I Halt imore and Harford ..untie- i- expected to dissipate the oppositiot aclag thai was threat en.-il I.. i Ihe legislative -«■• -io ii .-I 1911 as .-, result of ihe crusade waged a gains bookautklat it Havre .!.• Grace last fail.