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MORE LIGHT ON THE LAUREL CASE. v,-e V«H-fc January 22 Ii transpires lhal the Jot-key 1 "ini. -ti-wai.i- in declining to iiMisniei 11 h Browus .-.,. i.-n no .n for October rai in- dale- for lite Laud track wa- based on some thins !• -;■!■- the controvers; .0,1 the values of the -Mk. ■ decided during I isi falls mooting. The -e.ietaiv »n- instructed to advise Mr. Broum that the stewards could wider the application until tin- .pie-lion- now uii-eiti.-d under rake 170 ol the rules ol racing be adjusted. Thi- rule pro. vh! — lhal ih. -. .-i-i . 1 1 of each rariua association •-■il 1. lain per cent, of the full value of each race. Thi- .11 1. it ha- be n required, should l e 1 -ii.i lii 11, .- jot 1. club mi i, 1 in 11 1.. 1 the work d"iie ill . ..II. ei in:. 1 -n- and other oruaui/.i I ion duties Voi ai . mi v Mr Brawn has not eompliisj with ihi- rule and i- Invited lo step up and nettle before ! • receives the sanction tor lp- n.-u un-ciiu.