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I 1 I I ! ! I 1 j THREE-YEAR-OLD FILLIES IN ENGLAND. Those to Contend for This Years One Thousand Guineas and Epsom Oaks. "Warren Hill," who i- London Bportiag Life repreaeatatlra ai Newnurkel and i recognised an Ihoiity on racing affairs, in a recent article in thai newspaper .uiw-- the following; analysis of Ike tw year-old form of the Newmarket tilli.-s which th.s year an- expected to furnish the favorites for the classic races for horses ,,f their age and BOX. among which an- several excellent American bred ones. "There is .-i racing like style about Maooaa thai suggests her Improving, and she is a member of a good family, being by Gallinule Nirvaaab, and ii wa- I good performance when she uae Fairy Kin.4 seven pounds and Halo- twelve pounds in the Great Sapling Plate at Sandown. She was ju-t then al her best, for a fortnight previous she had defeated Day Comel and Rosewoithy at aeven pounds more than her dm- allowance for sex at Siewaaarket. she also ran well on her tii-t appearance at Ascot, wb i third in a good tieid to Rock fast and Chain Aiiimu •-. and may have been unlucky, as she was considen ! ihc best ill her stable, and started a warm favoril There is ■ lack of substance about her that will pre vent her from being a grand mare, but -he is ii!,-enough, ami possibly she will settle down and till out to a more rohusl tilly with age. "Depcche Mr. Hawkins puis seven pounds below Maooaa. and she being a Gallinule- Petit Bleu, tin-dam of Oise;ui Rleu. should go on improving like the rest of that horses stock. Her form last season was not up to the best weight lor age contests, ami alter winning the Suffolk Nuraery at our autumn meeting with the respectable weight of lot* pound-, she tin i-lie.l up fourth to Lamb-. Diadumenos, and Willia.d of Orange in the Know-ley Nur-ery at Liverpool. Here she wa- badly away, and may therefore be con sidered pretty much the Mae animal as tin- trio who finished in trout of her. Mr. Gilpins stable is decidedly strong in lilies for there is much lo like abonl Herb of Grace, a daughter of Spearmint, which caaac on rapidly in the autumn and defeated Sirabia at Newmarket -that it is quite within the range of possibility that -he will improve further beyond the normal. Of all the lilies, and. indeed, of all the t We -yeat -olils in Hi. -table last year, l pereoaallj liked Disgraceful best so ftUt as appearances go. •she i- a good-looking tilly indeed, though her pedigree, by Artaona Graceful, does not read so well as the- more famous Gallinule*. ami we ahraya have to bear in mind that the offspring of the area! sires will tone themselves to the front whether the] an- gmxl looking or not. The sire of Diagraeeful Arizona, is a tine horse by Omnium— Attractive, hv Melton: whilst Disgraceful, the dam of Mr. Greyx tilly. is also by Melton, which should be just the right cross to give the full Meltoa character, and it is to ham that Disgraceful takes. Whether she w;-withiu eevea pounds of Maooaa lasi eaaaes may be doubted, though her best form was full of piouti--Rtr her year. She beat a large Held the tirst time out. bin her •ecead to Ilarmoiiii on at Lewes, beaten half a length when giving four pounds, was the highest imint sin- reached, and she -bowed excellent staying power when second to Whroo in the Mile Nur-ery at lloncaster. It is not so much her public form, however, as the general style of the till v. and an opinion that we never saw her quite at her Ik-si last year which make- nic expect something inure from her next season, ami we have ocular proof that she and Maooiia al-.. are doing well. "Following on Mr. Gilpins lot we have Bramble Jelly tilly heading Mr. Lainbloii-. and she is plac-d about on a level with the colts Rock Fast. Dladu menus. Seremond. Light Brigade, etc. She is Weil enough bred to be quit.- in the lirsi class, for her sire. Missel Thrush, i- by Orate out of the aeusa th.nal St. Leger winner. Throstle and her dam is by Kendal Royal. Her lecord last year showed four victories and three seconds in seven race-, and her best form was probably little below tir-t cla-s. Al Windsor in August Thi* t let on only ju-t heat her a head at -ix pounds, and at Alexandra Park she di rlded Loch Lochy ami Kareaam. She Bnlahed up. too. by winning tlie Bestwood Nur-ery at Nottingham very easily, carrying 115 pounds, -o that Mr. Daw kin- was influenced in quite changing the a-pect of the race at Alexandra Park. There Uich Loehv l2:: sounds beat Bramble Jelly tilly aud Karen/.a illii pounds, and if he is justified in now reversing their order of merit b.v placing Karenaa at 111 pounds. Bramble Jelly lilly al 105 pounds, and Loch Loehv at ID.J pounds, he must have considered the hitter lucky at the Park." or that the other pair continued improving. "Drawbridge, which was thought a good deal i f at one lime. i estimated a- low a- a stone Inferior to Bramble- Jelly till.v. Posslbij thi- seasons run ninu may prove this wrong, for Drawbridge i- out of Lock ami Key. the dam of the oaks winner. Key stone II.. and her -ire. which ha- iiufoi tunalelv uon abroad, namely. Bridge of Caiinv has ot some nood -lock in his tir-t season. I do not think we .v.: -aw tic lies! of her. but she was followed home in the Maiden Plate at Kempton lark. the only ra .-. she won in seven attempts, by two very useful filli -s iii Proserpina and Cheerful, and in her last race, the Bretby Slake-, -he was third to Jest and Stream!. I . which had in her caivi beaten aoate useful horses. Jest, however, won more easily than Mr. Lambton had thought, for it was doubtless through Draw bridge that he expected to heal Jest in Hie Free Handicap with Light Brigade. Mr. Joels stiotigl. built little mare had come on tremendously, and I should choose the daughter of Sundridge before r other if compelled to hack one for the one Thousnu 1 Guineas now. Her dam. Absurdity, Is by Melt. ci. ami it would be impossible to hud a in iv striking likeness than that of Jest to Melton. "A handsome little till.v. but far too small to get out of the second ela — . is Dame Aly-. but there i-sfaus enough about S| oan Bridge a daughter of Spearmint and Santa Brigade, for her to ho a much better three-year-old than her form suggests, o; that, however, one cm only s|ieak when he has seen her at work, and so far as one know- a: present Bramble Jelly tilly and Drawbridge ale the besi fillies in the stable. Captain Dcwhuist apparently holds an equal chance with Mr. Lambton according to tin- official hanclicapper. as Mountain Fairy i- placed on tin- 103 pound- mark with Bramble Jelly tilly. and Early Girl is close at hand with only two pounds lo— . Mountain Icir.v is a daughter of Earla Moc and Skin Dance ami there is no doubt thai Earn Mor. which i- by Ile-inon.l. wa- a high-class race hoi-.-. I nfortunately Mountain Fair] is on the small side, bill every taefa of h. 1 i- good, lor she i- all quality from head to foot. Of eleven race- la-t year BOH won live, and was always .-lose up. Possibly her eaii.v form was somewhat Battering on account of her being ripe -.. soon, but she maintained it through the autumn, and in the Ch. -velev Park .-take- at our final meeting she finished close up wiih Mernls. Karenaa and Martyaia. which were separated by head-, after retting rery badly away. "Ottlj a tew day- prior to thi- she was sec 1 to Karen/.a in the Kempton Park -Nursery, ivin-- ven pounds, wiih Diadiiniei.-. receiving three pound-, beaten a neck; ami these two performances are sufficient to whow that there were very few better fillies ..ut last aeaaaa. "Early Girl i- also a daughter ..I Earla Mm-, but of not so hard a family color, though having a little more scope. Like .Mountain Fairy, -he main tained her form well, ami thonyn thought her victory over Harmonicon, at Windsor, something of a tiuke. the fact remain- thai she did beat him. ami shortly after he had disposed of Di-gr.i t u and a big held al I. ewe-. When -lie won the Chap tin Nursery at Lincoln, her form was a pound and a half a length only better titan Sirabia. That wall. it -o good a- Mountain fairy, and it remain- to be ceen whether she cm make up Un- difference. "Jovner holds the next best, according to the official bandlcapper. in Cherokee Rose, which i-placed on the same mark as Dcpecbe, aud a pound above Early Girl: but whether be N right in estl mating thai she i- better than Ladaslne filly or I-lv by Night i-. I think, very doubtful. Cherokee Bow i- i.y peter Pan. ,.f the best horses America has ever hail, and there i- little doubt that -he possesses the -iii ..I oiii. but is - whal excitable an.l llighty. Her best form wa- shown at Windsor, when -in- squandered a big field ..1 fairly moderate young -lei- in He Men; W.vo- Nursery, and thou a very ibort nun afterward* gained second place in tin Stewards Xurserj at Hurst Park. •■Lada-iiic filly, which i- also by Peter Pan. did a ., 1 I. .-iter than thi-. for -lo- had been well gallops! before winning the Gosforth Biennial tor which she •laited at even-, and when OCX I she i.iii -In- w i- tbinl to Lansone aud Light Brigade ai Manchester trying to -riv.- lea |. mm I- and sex allowance. Then wo inav pasa !.• Un- autumu. when abe only mi--.i the New Nui-eiv .it .mi meeting hv a Deck, irivii;.- Diin.ii four 1 ml- ami -.- allowance: whilst only a week later we had hoi best performance 0 1 haps when sec I i-i the Blankney Xurserj ivou i ■ : vv .11 ,1 1 w.iil.v |i.mnd-. ••Fly bj Niuhi a rhestnnt Uj Petei Pan i.i- more i improvement than auy and unbounded con tldeucc wa- placed in bei when she iik.- l.-ida-ii..-, hliv ma. I- a -inc.-— fil debut al Pari,. starting at odds-on and easllj beating Solprufe. At Sandown the same nmadenee was established in her. Inn she had a tough struggle lo dispose of Aboyeur II a difference ol -.ven 1 mi- 111 addition to sex allowance. Behind them, however, were chain A n 1 and Eastern Rose, which started ravorite. sii. wa- over-weighted in the autumn when set i" Light Brigade twelve pounds in the Snrsen ai Jfew bury, an.l perhaps filled b.-r true position When, in [ih. ch. velev lark siil..- ii Newmarket s.-i 1 o. 1. .her Meeting, -h. fiMisheil pretty well etpial to Morula. Mariynla. ami Mount alu Fairy. "I w American h.n-e- Improve lu the name rate. as English - aftei theii lw» year-old season foi here |i Imrdh | dmjbt thai they mature uiuth earlier amoug-l their long, native gtnaaea of Amori -a than tho.v do in Baghind. still, there i- much prom 1-. of 1 i b.v Night making ■ goad three-year-eW. ami it is eorlain that when Joyner lead- back hi-Brsl winner of one of the classic* races Two Tl sand, one Thousand. Derby. Oaks, or st. beget be will el with a tno-t popular ovation.