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ENTRIES TO ENGLANDS GREAT HANDICAPS. American-Bred Horses That Are Nominated to Big Races of the Present Year. Some ..f the aaaal ianportaal of Knglaaals spring and early stuamer -lake races cloned for entries January 7. and received satisfactory patronage. Owuag to ■ ehange in iho order of dates of meet in;.--. English. Hat racing of l.H. will not begin at Lincoln, as has Imm-ii the custom heretofore, but Will open -iinullaiieou-ly .March 24 at Keinpton Park. Birmingham ami Manchester, the Lincoln meeting coming a wi-ok later. March 31. It results thai the Queens Prise Handicap at Keinpton Pars Will be the nrnt nop.. taut stake race of the year instead of the Lincolnshire Handicap. The events closed, place and date of rnwning, distance ami number . r entries rccclTcd weri-: Race. Place Run and Date. Dist. Km. Queen- Prise, Keinpton Park. March 24.. 1 12 :.4 liatthyauy Plate. Lincoln. March :.l .. s 7 Lincolnshire Handicap. Lincoln, April 1.. 1 3] Welbeck Three-Year-old Plate. Lincoln, April 2 7 B 33 Liverpool Spring tup. Liverpool, April 3...1 M 27 Nottingham Spring Handicap. Notting- ham. April 7 1 14 ::i N. ulnnv Spring Cop, Newlnu-v. April 12. 1 4." Doreridge Handicap. Derby. April Is 1 M Creat Metropolitan Handicap, Epaom. April 22 2 14 .".:; Great Snrre.i Handicap. Epsom, April 22.. 3-8 :.7 City and Suburban Handicap. Epsom. April 23 1 1 I 41 L-liei- Gup. San.lown Iark. April 2."» iaagOy M K. un.:. .n Great Jubilee. Keinpton Park. May lo 1 II Victoria Cup. Hurst Park. May :il 7S ."..S The Cold Cup. Ascot. June 111 2 12 ~ Nearly all of these races -how an increase over last year, the exceptions being the Queens Prise and Liverpool Spring Cup. which have slightly less than in 1812. All except the Ascot Cold Cup. which is ■ welght-for-age race, are handicaps and the weights will Ih- published January 30. In nio-t of them, the best handicap horses of England are en-gaged. American-bred horses are frequently nominated, the following being in the different race-: Kempton Park Queens Prize. A. C. loaaaoal I h. h. Duke of Sparta, i. by Dion di.nne Jovita. A. Belmonts I., c. Monotone. 4. by Rock Sand Lady Margaret. L. Winans b. h. Dalmatian, ii. by Ethelbert--Ionis. P. Ilevbouins b. Ot br. h. Toiler, o. by Slave Phida. Batthyany Plate. Lord St. Davids ch. C, Forward. :;. by Cesarioii -forelock. Lincolnshire Handicap. K. .lones" b. c. Castleton. 4. by Peter Pan -Mintcake. .1. Austen- ch. :_. Mr. Peeper, 4. by Meddler— Ad-iniration. Welbeck Plate. .1. B. Bagghla ch. I. Final Shot. .".. by Wateic:e-. Islac. P. Nelkes ii. g. Sum;- again, ::. by Voter — Mosquito. Liverpool Spring Cup. A. Belinoius b. c. Monotone I. by Rock Sand Lady Margaret. L. Winans b. h Daliuatian. 6, by Ethelbert -Ionia. Nottingham Spring Handicap. A. C. kMUUMWs eh. h. Duke of Sparta. 0. by Dieu donne -.lovita. L. Winans b. c. The Spy, •" . by Disguise Scamper Para tea. A. Belmonts b. c. Golden Keck, 4. by Rock Sand l-aiiv Gold. P. Hevboiu-ns b. or br. h. Toiler. .".. by Blare Phida. II. La Montague* b. h. Hampton Court. 0. by Galore — Di rothy Hampton. Newbury Spring Cup. II. P. Whitneys ch. c. Harinouicoii. B, by D:s-guiae— Haip-ichord. K. Jones b. c. Castleton. 1. by Peter Pan— Mint i ake. P. Nelkes b. c. Outram. 4. by Delhi — Gingham. Doveridge Handicap. H. P. Whitneys h. t. flu loili ill, . ■ by Disguise Harpsichord. II. P. Whitneys br. c. Cabaret. ;;. by Delhi— Flak Domino. .1. An-teii s ch. -.-. Mr. Peeper, 4. b.v Meddler— Admiration. Great Metropolitan Handicap. A. F.clmotifs b. c. Gol.len Rock 1. by R.h k Sand IaiM Gold. P. Hevbourug b. or br. h. Toiler. 5. by Slave Phida. T. Edges ch. h. Pearldirer. •" . by Watercress Pearl V. Maj. McLaughlin- eh. h. Columbus. 0. by S"in brera Anna Woodford. Great Suirey Handicap. II. P. Whitni-y.- eh. c. Hai monicon. :;. by l»is guise Harpsichord. II. P. Whitneys br. f, Cherokee Rose, :;. by Peter Pan Royal Rose. S. T. fleets ch. h Riiniiyniede. 5. by Voter — Running Stream. Lord St. Davids ch. -. Forward. .;. by Cesarioa Ioleiork. City and Suburban Handicap. II. P. Whltaeya b. «. CalnueC, 3, by Delhi Plak Domino. L. Winans" ch. b. Adam Bede, ." . by Adam -Grace Gumberts. L. Winans b. b. Dalmatiau. 8. by Ethelbert -louis. L. Winans ch. h. Sir Martin. 7. by Ogdea— Lady Sterling. . P. Nelkes b. c, oittrani. 4. b.v Delhi — Gingham. Esher Cup. H. p. Whltaeya br. c. Cabaret, ::. by Delhi— Pink Domino. II. P. Whitney- ch. c. Ilarmonicon. ;;. by DIs-ui-e -Harpsichord. II. P. Whitneys ch. c. Meeting House. :;. by Voter N nlay. II. P. Whitneys b. c. o. by Hamburg — Eugenia Eureh. L. Winans b. c, P.iighani Yowag, : . by Ogdea Caprice. L. Winans blk. -. General McClellaB. :;. by Ogden Frances McClelland. A. sadi.-r Jr.-. br. c. Binge-- .:. by Wabtrhoy -Duchess of Towers. H. nations br. of h. c. Sumuriim. ;;. by Bingo master -Buck Venn-. p. Nelkes ii,. g, Mix Up. ::. i.y Brseaastiek— iiuiiey Barley. Kempton Great Jubilee Handicap. II. P. Whitney- h. h. Whi-k BroosB. •.. by Broomstb k Andience. I.. Winans ch. h. Adam Bede. •" . by Adam -Grace i luaiberts. L. Winans b. h Dalinaliau. 8, by Ethelbcri lolli-. I.. Win.-ni-- ■ Ii. h. Sir Martin. 7. by Ogden —La. ly Sle! linu. A. Belmonts b. r. Monotone. I In R...-k San.l Lady Margaret. K lone- b. c, Castleton. I i Peter Pan— Mint-cake. p. Nelkes b. c. Oatraaa. I. by Delhi— Gingham. Victoria Cup. II P. Whitney** ch. h. Whi-k Breosa, 6, by l!i 0..111-1 i.-k Aiidien. I . H. P. Whitneys eh. e Han leva. .:. bj D ui-e Harpsichord. II P. Whitneys br. c Cabaret. :;. by Delhi pink Domino. L. Winans ch. h. Sir Martin. •, by Ogden Lad* S;.-i lin-. L. Winans ch. h. Adam Bede. .".. by Adam Gi i .-i umlierts. K. Jones b. • Caatletoa. 4 bj Peter Pan Mini e.-lke. p. Xelki - b. .-. Outram. I. by Delhi -Gingham. Asrot Gold Cup. L Winans ch. h Adam Bede. 5. b Adam Gi Climb, ii-. A. in. .. Tracery, I. bj Rock Sand Toidarj . A Belmonts b. . . CI. lei: Bock I h Rock S.-.n.: I Fairi Gold. II. B. Dun. a- ch «. Sweeper II . 1 bi Br n 1 nth k R ivello II. H. B. Durye.i- b. c. Shaniioii. 4. In Irish Lad i etisux II. I-:. Retldingtons ch. c. Bock Flint. ::. bj Bock ! ii Igger