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I ASTERN TRACKS LIKELY TO BP. CUT Ul* N.w l..ik. March ;.. The sin. pi... ei Bay ml Gravesead tracks arc not hkeiv to be u ed for racing purpose- after tin- vear. even mould they "■ Included in tbe 1013 arrangement of dan- ibat it i- cxpciicd tbe Jockey Club will i ounce before long. They have I., en -o -u, rounded bv the growth of tbe city that their assessable value makes II im practicable to retain thorn tor -udi use. and, be sides, ii la well known that Governor Sulxer favo. - race c ■-,.- thai are not -o close to the center of poptllatiou. lie- Sheep-head Ha v track l- assessed at ,750,000 and. tl gb owned by the Vanderbill and other men of great wealth, even I hey realize that it cannot any longer bo preserved as an open -pace, fie- Brooklyn Jockey club i- similarly situ ated, but ha- i;,, Aqueduct track to remove to. this having been acquired several fears ago. The Futurity, so long a si pshead Bay feature, urill be transferred to Saratoga, where ii was in-t ran iu I010. fbe Saratoga meeting Is alw.iv held in Augii-;. It i- mo anticipated that tie- purses and -las.- this year will be of area I value, and iu this ro-pcel New York i- likelv to continue Io be oiii-lripp.d b Canada and Kettto !. v The will noi begin until He- Maryland meeting ,.i ev-i and probablj will not tun beyond tin- cud of Si pirmlier.