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KENTUCKY DATES VIRTUALLY SETTLED. Lexington. Ky.. Match ". lol I Milton Young, chairman of the Kentucky Stale Racing Commission, said today that dates for spring racing iu Kentucky will be allotted at a meeting of the commission next Monday. The date- requested ale: Lexington. April 20 Ma.v 8, elev.-n days: Churchill Howie. Louisville. May 10-May 24, thirteen da.vs; Douglas Park. Louisville. Ma.v 26-JuBe 7. twelve da.v-: Lat.nia. June !t July •"•, twenty four days, making a season of sixty days. Colonel Young -aid thai there i- pposition to tinj "f these date- ami that unless some opposition develops, which i- not considered likely, they will Is- grant"! at scheduled riiotna- Corrigaa, lessee of Arch Hamiltons Kirk leTimrton Farm, today 9led suit h gainst Elliott c. Cowdin. of Mi I Ki-co. v Y toi 91.402 alleged • be due for feeding and grazing twenty two bead •• thoroughbred horse- during the year ending March l