The Great Trials of Flying Fox, Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-06


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THE GREAT TRIALS OF FLYING FOX. Being i .i- and overgrowa yearling, Myiins Kox a a im i put inio training very enrlj aud did not make lit— Brsi spnearauce in public until the Ken stake- ar Ascot. Eight days prior to this race he was tried over -i furlongs with the two-year-old*. Ii-.nic: ami Saik. and the I In ee ear old. Ameer. The jiivciiih- .anied us pound- each, and A racer bad IS3 p.Miii.N ii the saddle, the latter hnishing -■■•"id io Plying Kox. which won by three lengths. Tlii- wa* a g«ssl. though scarcely exceptional, trial to atlu. Via.-, bad sboara thai be was in form bj ■ SIT in- "Il ;! i ; ,i,. |.|.,|,. ;,t Sandown a lew weeks prevhiuslj Iral there was aothing of much acconnl behind bliu in that race, still, according to the scale of weigh! for age which is in great nici ..f revi-i.-n. being all In favor of tbe younger one- he UUgbl I" have giveU I went V - lli lie | olllnl- to Flying Pox. wlnl-i the result of tbe gallop showed that be could not have conceded seven pound- to him. The coll was noi tried again until prior to the Two Pbousutid Guineas, ami ihis j- bon a mile gallop al Klngsclere panned out: lloi- -. Age, « eighl Jockey. Finish I 1.1 inn Fox. ::. 13». M. Cannon . i front ier, ". 121. Moretoo !• Bat i t. I. S3. F. Piati 3 i ii oi i lone, ■•. I Ifl ..iiii t ii Inci - Marj 1 12. Rouse , t ilv. h y, I. 121, U.hhon a oll asQj l»j ball a length; t".. lengths between second anrt thud, three lengths between third and i.iitli. tbree length* between fourth and tiftb. and half a length between tifti. and sixth. A little analysis will -how what ■ brilliant pet- fwrmance tin- was on the part ol Flying 1 ... h.. w.i- fourteen pounds in front of Frontier, which in the preceding antnma bad iu-i beaten Caiman al leu iiouuds in ih - Itewhnrsl Plat.-. I h. I lie WSJ aide Io SIO I .Olll a hd a lioaliie, Io Han winch was « t aecund Io Jeddah in tie l .-rh.v of 1803, and who mii-i have been la form winn this trial took plan-, as about a tartiiigh subsequent to it b - carried 112 pound- Into -icon.; pluee iii tbe Cheater Cup. It was hun/nvej the , , fact of Calrelej being ia-i. about tea hwgths behind, which gave the Most conclusive i»roof of the excec lence of the form, for in the foHowlna week in- easily won the ISher Stake- at SaudoWB Park. carrying 103 pound-, ami bringing on ;i -jn to l chance. So it i- quite clear that Flying Fox could have -cored in that race if handicapped at aliout li; pounds. The coll was on|. tried unco more. I hi- w i about a week pilot to the St. Loor. When ocer a mile and three-quarters he gave talveley a eat and twelve pounds, ami heat him easily by Wine Jeugtbs. Live da.vs alter tbi- the I .mr j ti«r«lld won tbe Urea: orkshire Handicap with 1111 pounds oil bis back milking it quite evident Unit HO pounds would not have stopped Flying Fox lit thai race. Bred on llw lines that be was. it could occasion no nurualac thai Flying Foxs temper wa- a very curious "tie. Hi, sire. trine, was undoubtedly "oft bis bend" at on • period of his career, and Vampire, a bbzhly-stniuz Galopiu mare, was a perfect demon. No wonder, ■ hen. that their produce had a curious mulish kink in hi- disposition, which made it alino-t Impossible to pic veal him from having his own way. He mm an exceptionally higb-couraged colt, who required an Immense amount of work and be was n peculiar horse to ride, baring a short and rcmarkahK thick and powerful neck, so that if once he got hiv bead fairly down it was alaMel Impossible for bis rider to get it tip again. It was perfectly useless o knock aim about, for. as aforetou, who Invariably rode him at exerci-e. put it to me. "lie would soon pari company with you if you tried that game" When Momingtou Cannon dismounted after i-iyi., Foxs running-away victory in the Two Thousand be -aid. •■This Is tbe best horse I over rode:" Itigtl tc-tlniouy indeed from such a source: but il was his trials, rather iban hi- races, which gave proot of his exceptional ability.— "AugUr." in Sporting Life.

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Local Identifier: drf1913030601_1_3
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