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NOTEb OF THE TURF. N II. Venn, private secretary t- R. r tVilson, i- quoted as saving that Mi. Wilson had written him there would eertulnjj be racing al Saratoga tbi- aeaaoa. Jockey Deverleh, who has outgrow a bis usefulness a- a rider on the Hat owing to Inability to make tbe required weight, will apply to the Steeplechase and Hunt Association for a jockeys license. J. W. Mcsservy. for wh. ; W LaBgdon i- to train, i- reported to have expended 3,000 for racing thoroughbred- since be decided to enter the -port a- an owner a lew week- ago. lie will have a strong stable to start oC with. Toium.v Hums will ride in Germany for John S. Campbell, who has thirty hoi-e- in training. He wa- famous at one time in this country a- an owner and trainer, being associated with the -table ..I Walcott ,v Campbell, whose horses included winners of Brooklyn ami Suburban Handicaps and other lieli slake- on New York track-.