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NOTES OF RACING AFFAIRS ABROAD. II. Bobbins baa been engaged to tide Benilldoa in the Lincoln-hire Handicap. i: Wool ton Is expected to arrive at Ep-om from Australia on the 16th ol tin- month. Mr. Prank Brooke, of the stewards id tbe Irish lint t lid. i- abnii I., pay a second i-ii to South Africa, and will return ill June M tears. Tatter-. ills fa mens mar.-. Sceptre, which i- in foal to Cicero, and i- ai the Pail "f Derbys -tud farm at New market will, alter she hi-foaied. be mated with Lord Derbys Swynford. sbe will g.. to Major Roberts ,-tud farm in Jui next. Higbbridge was to have anade bis second -tart ill England in the Grange Steeplechase at Hurst Park. February 14, but alter three ran- Had been run fug became so dense thai the remainder of the .lav- end wa- declared oil, tbe race in which be wa- Io hav.- started im hid. .1 Goldbeater, owned bj Mr. L U inan- ran -.. well behind Briery at Hurst Park, that odd- bad to be cancelled about tbe American-bred Bve-vear-oM for the II. voi Hurdle Handicap ai LlngaWld. February Zi. and be won easily from Hit bottom weight, a — — . .. School money, with the top weight, hTaaaria, next i be-t. Balseaiblcn. the winner of the Park Maiden Steeplechase at Hurst Park. Februarj 1 1, i- a rm satjle horse and will be remembered as the lure ol the Newbiry Autumn tup ami the Prince Edward Handicap at Manchester during the past Hat racing season, while be also carried oil the Grand Hurdle al Auteiiil and other race- in Prance lor Mr. C RbWer l-ma . In the Park Maiden Steeplechase he jumped the fences well and. show im; a tine turn of s|H-ed ill the final da-h lor home, scored iu good style from the smart Itallyhist, with the four year-old. John Jor rocks, next beat. Prince Eine-i Augustus of Cumberland, Hie lie tbrotbed of Princess Victoria Louise. the only daughter of the Herman Emperor, lakes a good deal of Interest in racing and is pari owner of two four v ear old-, which run in the name of Lieut. Preiberr vou Bonnet, one of his broth cr-oMceia. The young prince will conceivably cmc into still closer touch with racing and breeding when be Inherits tbe duke dam of Brunswick, for be will then become tbe owner of th - Harzbnrg Sluil. "Iteutseh.-r Sport" adds that the partnership horses in which he ha- an interest me Du/.zilo. by St. Marlon out of Don Bella, ami Caracas, bj Bachelors Battoa out of Chain Stitch.