Piping Rocks Rich Races: Fund Of 0,000 Left After Subscription Yearlings Were Purchased.; Committee Approves Plan for Its Division Into Six Stakes, with a 0,000 Event to Be Decided This Spring as Most Valuable., Daily Racing Form, 1913-04-01


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PIPING ROCKS RICH RACES I FUND OF 30000 LEFT AFTER SUBSCRIPTION YEARLINGS WERE PURCHASED Committee Approves Plan for Its Division Into Six Slakes with a 10000 Event to Be Decided This Spring as Most Valuable Now York March ai Uy Ions odds the best p irtiiig uviiit for the turf ycarof Ulia will bo the Piping Uock Subscription Stakes for twoyearolds This 10001 event will take place it the Locust Valley course The manner in which the money jnbscrlbeir is to lie distributed assure six other Iares with a minimum prize of 2300 to the first horse horseThe The Piping Rock Subscription Stakes grow out of the purchase of lifty jiolo ponies early last season The surplus after the ponies had been purchased left a princely sum to lie raced for and it sug ¬ gested that the same scheme could lie applied to the thoroughbreds Thomas Hitchcock first saw the possibilities of such a subscription race and other members of the Piping Hock Club eagerly fell in with the notion The result was that A fund of 011X10 was inicklv formed each subscriber con ¬ tributing 1000 Fifty thoroughbred yearlings were innchased last fall and they are to race for the nrplus in the fund during the spring and fall meet Ings of the ripiug Rock Association AssociationAfter After the purchase of the yearlings there remained a fund of 10 000 to be used as jirizes for those so purchased They were nil drawn by lot and now all that remains is a distribution of the money in excels irlceFrank of the purchase irlce Frank J Bryan with the idea of making as many good races as possible out of this big surplus framed His races Unit have met with the approval of the committee chargeThe in charge The Piping Kock meeting is to be held Jnnuc 7 nudl and on the llrst ilav of the meeting there will he two elimination trials while on the Inrit lay will conic the final with a stake of 10000 ais he prize For each ofthc elimination trials the purse will be 250o At thlssaino meeting there will alto lnfa consolation prize of 2500 for those that failed to qualify for the final finalFor For tilts fiiH meeting the plan is to have two races one at six furlongs for a stake of r OoO and the other at one mile for 57500 This will use up the SIIOOOO surplus and will afford six of the l est siwrt lug events that could well be devised for the turf It Is doubtful if then ever was a better private sweepstakes arranged and the division of the money Is such that each subscriber has six chances to more than double his investment to say nothing of the satlttfactinii of seeing his colors home in front Ticsi frontTicsi iwoyoarolds have all been training in n way that would indicate that the field for the spring races will be both large and representative but the division of a considerable part of the surplus for fall rucing s most commendable Twoyearolds are frequently out of commission for early racing by reason of juvenile ailments and i second chance at the prizes will be likely to satisfy all concerned Tile colt that is suffering from bucked shins in the spring should he tit in the fall if that Is his only ailment The colt that is only a sprinter may win the final in Hie spring but h may be beaten by the stayer that prefers the mile route tliat is the filial test In the fall Kach one of the intermediate races is of Importance and it will lie surprising if these riping Kofi subscription raws are not easily the most interesting contests of the season seasonThe The horses that are eligible with their breeding nilil owners follow followOptimist Optimist cli c bv RnssellrOption K C 151um 151umAptToBe AptToBe ch c by Uussell S G P Paul 1 Cravatlf CravatlfCarmell JayF Carmell b c by Russell Thistle Heather Jay F Carlisle Rosa CarlisleRosa Russell b f by Uussell Richmond Hill Uichard F Howe HoweRosa Rosa ch f bv Russell Statlra VinwilI Stable StableBelli Belli Tcrre lit f bv Russell Belle of Mayfield 11 KlCnapp Lavitese b f l v Russell ISlitzons Sister Mrs MrsA A I Dieterieh DieteriehHay Hay filly by Russell International V Burling Cocks CocksBombay Bombay ch c by Boanerges Itinerant W R Crave anil Allan rlnkerton rlnkertonGrHcvfifld GrHcvfifld ch f by Boinerges Silver Slipper W II Iraco and Allan Pinkcrtom PinkcrtomBaUIsa BaUIsa br f bv Boanerges Africa F Ambrose Chirk ChirkIa Ia Dolores ch f by Boanerges La Tour Charles Kuhkr Clmstnut filly by BoantTges Royal Child Harry IMyne Whitney WhitneyIluatber Iluatber Cat b f by Knight of the Thistle IMa hlerliirIohn J Graham i iBaize Baize ch c by Ormicant Lady Moctasln John T Pratt PrattBrown Brown lilly bv Ormicant Nikita Harvey S La dcu Canticle br f by Ormkunt Sly Nun Charles L Appletou AppletouLady Lady Eocene ch f by Ormicant Daisy Haw ¬ thorne Herbert b Pratt PrattVlate Vlate tli f by Sclntlllant II Rubber In Mrs J I Davis DavisFair Fair Blonde ch f by Sciutillaut II Flaxen Hair August Bolmont Miss Roslyn b f by GrilTon Capricious Clar ¬ ence H Mackay MackayAndes Andes b or br e by Contestor Hide ami Seek V R race and Allan Iiukertoii IiukertoiiPugilist Pugilist b or br v bv Contestor The Broom Kenneth B Schlcy SchlcyAurora Aurora ch f bv Contestor Fata Morgana John JohnB B Dennis DennisOveryonda Overyonda II b or br f by Marta Santa Con ¬ cert Thomas F Ryan Delegate RyanDelegate blk e by Electioneer Rose of Gold William I Thornton ThorntonElection Election Bet br f by Electioneer Bethel W R Coe CoeIeg Ieg o My Hiart gr f bv Electioneer Motlev MotlevG G G G Billings BillingsSandow Sandow ch c bv Stalwart Princess Nettie Mor ¬ timer L Scbiff ScbiffTransparency Transparency b f by McGee Absent Friend P S P Randolph RandolphBuy Buy tjlly by McGee Lady Knighthood William P Thompson ThompsonGolden Golden Prime b f by Goldfinch Rosa Prim Jay F Carlisle PrestidlgitatriceEdward CarlisleCagllostro Cagllostro ch c by Chllten Prestidlgitatrice Edward F Whitney WhitneySoiidan Soiidan b g by Hamburg Monadour Tyler Morte MorteBiIlmaster BiIlmaster ch g by Burgomaster Belle of Trov Mortimer L SchlfT SchlfTBorganiot Borganiot b or br f by Burgomaster Martha II Henry W Sage v vBurgrave Burgrave b g by Burgomaster Slippers Or niond G Smith SmithBroomsedge Broomsedge b g by Broomstick Sister Mary TlKinins Hitchcock HitchcockWnUT WnUT lock br g by Rowling Bro k Sundial Frank R Hitchcock Pining Hot b g by Bowling Brook Roxboro W It Co s Coiulinifd ou sixth page PIPING ROCKS RICH RACES Continued from first pa e Armament b c by Armeath II Hot Bird West bury Farms FarmsLokomis Lokomis ch c bv Iocohatchee Miss Bose Simon F Rothschild RothschildDrawn Drawn li z 1iy St Leonards II Mokana Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyVirginia Virginia Lass b f by Aeronaut Corker J K Aldred AldredOktibbeiiii Oktibbeiiii ch f by Kock Siiml Octoroon Gilford A Cocbran CocbranArrinslon Arrinslon br or blk c by KHisdile Debater Frederick Johnson Walking Fox ch e by Monsieur de LOnne Miranda William A Jamison JamisonNancy Nancy Ormo b f by Monsieur de LOrnic Mum Greentree Stiible Lilly Orme br f by Monsieur de LOnne Web of Fate Howard F Whitney

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913040101/drf1913040101_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1913040101_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800