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CHARLESTON FORM CHART CHARLESTON S C MONDAY MARCH 24 1913 Palmetto Park Fiftieth day Charleston Fair and Kacing Association Winter Meeting of 55 days books on Weather clear Presiding Steward W P Burch Presiding Judge W F Schulte Starter James Milton Racing Secretary F 1 1ons n in niiriir time 13O n in Indicates aimrcntice allowance TJ f O1 FIRST RACE 34 Milo IStiO 112 4 113 Purse 300 3yearolds and upward OtJlL MaHlens Allowances Net value to winner 225 second 50 third S25 Hid Horses AWtPPSt 14 U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 7537 PANDaitlXA w 3 102 4 2 3 J 3 = 2 1 Montour MrsLALivgston 1 1 4u 13 out 75i5 ANNA CLAIKE w 3 102 11 1 1 1 1 2 ° Wolfe AV T McGivney S 10 10 4 S5 S5542SSYOSSET 542SSYOSSET wsn 3 10 1 3 2 2 3s 3l Buxton J O Talbott J 13510545 25 25a a 14 CLIFF TOP w 4 100 3 5 4i 4J 4S 4 Frach W B Mitchell 30 30 20 S 4 7539 SNOWFLA1CES w 3 102 r G C 71 V 5 E Martin W F Schulte Jo 15 15 5 2 75 133 FUCHSIA w 3 102 S II 12 12 Ci C1 Vandscn E J Salt 3 4 4 C5 35 7513 OLD HANK w 4 HO 2 10 10 S 7i W Ward G P Sherman 15 25 25 S 4 4727G 727G II M SAJIATH w 5 110 i 7 T G1 S Snider M Foster 50 50 20 10 7551 PINK UEAU w 3 101 JO S 8h St 7 9l J Hanover II Spencer 20 3012 0 075r 75r COO w 4 110 7 11 11J lll 12 10 a Burns J P Healey 10 15 15 5 2J 7513 SWEET TIMES wit i 107 12 10 U1 9Jll2 II1 Skirvin J II Mdarren 50 ill 50 20 10 7513 KENNETH U w 4 110 5 4 V SU 10s 12 Obert J H Morris CO W 20 10 10Time fastWinner Time 24 48l5 115 Track fast Winner IlaywardWent 1 f by Howling Brook Pundoni trained hy W Ilayward Went to post at 241 At post minutes Start good and blow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing PANDOKINA was outpaced for the first threeeighths but came with a rush in the stretch and over ¬ hauled ANNA CLAIHE in the last sixteenth to win going away The latter showed extreme speed for the lilst half and tired fast in the final drive SYOSSET ran forwardly but tired in the stretch CLIFF TOP ian in jinprovcd form FUCHSIA came from a long way back in the stretch ami so did OLD HANK Scratched 751 Wiley 1 104 Overweights Syosset 1 pound Cliff Top 1 Pink Beau 2 Coo 2 T PCfVO SECOND ItACE 34 Mile 1869 112 1 113 Purse 00 4yearolds and upward O J J Selling Net value to winner 22 second 50 third 25 Inl Horses AAVtPPSt V 54 Str Fin Jockeys 7553 OAiSQlE w 7 113 5 2 J 2 2i I1 1 HanoverP 11 Johnson 10 10 2i lr 7fl2 JYOKIC 1YD wit 4 1W 10 4 I1 I2 IV 2 Montour A It Uresler Sr 2 2 1 12 125CI 5CI AQITE w 7 lot 710 S 5i 4 3t Wolfe W P Hurch 4 5 5 2 1 71501 sMISS JONAH w 5 Kifi S f t 311 3A jh Scharf J W Hedrick 0 5 2 4 4757S 757S ED1TII IN EX Vv C 111 a 1 10 = 7i Hi Vandsen W T Anderson 2 2 2 4H 25 257553S1BON 7553S1BON n 4 10 1 1 4 4V Sli Ford I M Lester M 20 20 S 4 4735J7 735J7 INSPIRED w fi IOC 4 3 V C k Gi 7 Snider 1 Gatewood 30 4 40 Ii5 S 7515 MEKISE w 7 111 fi It O1 SJ f i S Skirvin J I Jones 20 20 20 S 4 7515 JIM MILTON wit 4 111 11 S ii 7J U J Wilson Tennesee Stable 3 20 30 12 K 7511 NEW STAll WH 5 115 ill 11 It 10 = 10 Fain J n Bryan 10 12 12 4 2 7505 HEUETIC W 5 113 22 72 10 11 11 Mondon J O Talbott 10 12 12 4 2 Time 24 48 115 Track fast fastWinner Winner 15 g by Hen ISrush Kosogarland trained by W Hayinond Went to post at 10 At i st 2 ininutvs Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Mine CASQUI2 was kept close up from the start and llnishing gamely wore YORK LAI down in the closing strides YORK LAD showed the most early speed and was weakly ridden at the end CLAQUE ran fairly well and had to overcome interference MISS JONAH tired after going liveeighths EDITH INEZ closed a big gap in the last quarter quarterScratched Scratched 7r r3Hodkin 11 7i Hildas Sister IOC 7515 Hlanclie Frances 111 7450 Miss Xett Ill 75 M Hlitzen Jr 114 114Overweights Overweights New Star 2 pounds rrpTQO THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 1S23 l00 + f 1 100 Purse 350 3yearolds and up O tj O ward Allowances Net value to winner 275 second 00 third 25 i I ml Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOP TON w 5 110 4 4 2 2s 2i 1J J Wilson O P Eustis 45 C5 6 67485aSAM 7485aSAM Ii MEYER wn 4 111 12 1 li luk 21 Goose L II Adair 1 1 35 out 7575GKOSVENOK Wit 3 99 5 3 3 Z3 3 Snider Tennessee Stable 5 C 6 7a out 7528 MONOCACY W 3 111 2 1 31 4 42 4i Mondon J O Talbott 20 40 40 8 out 7552 HOY MESSAGE WB 4 102 3 5 5555 Vandsen W T Anderson 15 20 20 5 out outTime fastWinner Time 23 47 100 l07 5 Track fast Winner Ch h br Watercress St Orion trained by W Hrooks HrooksWent Went to post at 30 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving SHACKLETON followed SAMUEL II MBYER closely to the stretch turn where when hard urged lie drew out to win easing up SAMUEL R MEYER began with proppy strides but settled fully to his work after going an eighth then tired fast in the last sixteenth CROSVENOR saved ground on the stretch turn but tired in the linal drive MONOCACY ran fairly well and was worked an additional five tixlcenths ROYAL MESSAGE was beaten off Scratched 7510 Carlton G 115 Overweights Royal Message 3 pounds n PV Q A FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 1810 145 4 100 Purse 5350 3yearolds fi J tt and upward Allowances Net value to winner 275 second 50 third 25 liil Horses AAVtPPSt A Str Flu Jockeys Owners O H C P S 7485 DR DUENNER w 5 100 1 3 3i 3l 3 l t i SUirvin S Ross 12 12 J5 out 7 ii ARMOR w 3 94 4 1 1J 1J 1 2 2 Snider Tennessee Stable 6 C fi 32 out SSi VOLTHORPE wn 5 1041 2 2 2nt 2 2 3l Z Buxton F E Brown C 7 7 S5 out 7504 WHITE WOOL WB 5 10S 3 4 4 4s 4 4 4s Goose L H Adair 2 2i 21 710out 7528 NOBLE GRAND w 4 102 5 555555 Vandsen W T Anderson 50 50 50 15 3 fastWinner Time 23 J 48 114 142 1145 Track fast Winner Ch g by Prince Melbourne Kossair trained by W Rrooks Went to post at 404 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same DR DUENNER was best but met with repeated interference and was forced to go wide on the stretch turn then outstayed ARMOR after a mild drive ARMOR showed the most early speed and was a game contender throughout VOLTHORPE ran well up all the way but tired slightly near the end VIIITK WOOL made a game challenge after going a l alf mile but gave way in the last eighth Scratched 751GUohn Furlong 114 Overweights Volthorpe 11 pounds 7pr Q fT FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 1SG9 112 1 113 Purse 300 3yearolds and upward O J O Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 I nil Horses AWtPPSt Vi V Str Fin Jo 577 VILEY VTB 4 94J C 2 2517SXIMBUS P 1 1 1 Montour J P Byrne 788375 517SXIMBUS SB S 93 5 5 5552SCOPPERTOWN 2i Byrne2i 3 2i ink Deronda II G Bedwcll Bedwcll4U 2 11511591025 552SCOPPERTOWN wn 6 102 S 4 4486TOWTON 4U 2i 3JJ 3i Dreycr F Brown Brownft 3 31 31 1 12 486TOWTON FIELD w 5 101 4 S ft 5 i 41 43 Buxton A G Blalceley 21 2J 2J 1 920 525 = CHTIE B WB 3 97 1 1 1527FATHEROLA 7J Blalceley7J 7 = G 5 Wolfe P Phillips 15 20 20 8 4 527FATHEROLA w 4 9G 2 3 3S78 3J Phillips3J 4h 5 r3 Scharf J W Hedrick HedrickS 10 12 12 5 2i S78 TOM KING WSB 4 SO 7 7 75273ETHELBITRG S S 8 7l Ford T Abadie 10 10 5 2 75 75G 5273ETHELBITRG II WB 3 99 3 G 51 K S Skirvin J II McCarren G S S 3 S5 Time 23H 48 114 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner PhillipsAAeut Br g by Marta Santa Maid of Fortune trained by J Phillips AAeut to i ost at 430 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing VI LEY showing sudden improvement and the most speed held sway for the entire race NIMBUS saved ground when turning Into the stretch and was going fastest at the end COPPERTOWN ran well but tired in the last eighth TOWTON FIELD began slowly and suffered from interference on the stretch urn TOM KING lacked speed and was never dangerous ETHKLIIUKG II quit badly CUTIE H ran well wellScratched Scratched 7593Grosvenor 90 74G1 Sylvestris tS 74S4 Henry Hutchison 109 Overweights 109Overweights AKey 11 pounds Towton Field 2j Etheltinrg 5 7ST O SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles 1830 151 0 110 Purse 300 4yearolds and upward O 7 O Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 In I llors s AWtPPStU V Str Fin Jockeys Oviei 7r 18CUTTYHUNK ws 5 111 3 1 2 IJ Ii I 1s Bauer WLWestmorel l 5 7 7 21 I M7SLORD ELuVM wG 95 G 4 3i 3J 21 2i 21J 2J AVolfe AV G KIngDndds1 3 3 1 920 C578 920C578 STAIRS wn4 100 155 5 5 4 43 31 Montour F P Robie 2 2J 2J 71013 710135783AVOOD 5783AVOOD DOVE wu 4 90 5 3 4 4s 3 3h 4 Ford J Cudn 8 S S 1 530SPLIANT ws 4 105 2 2 11 43 5l o 5 = Obert Tenness 554 IDLEWE1SS wn 5 10S 4 G r G 6 G G G Goose L H Adair 10 10 S 3 32 Time 32Time 25 50 l16 l16i i 143 155 Track fast AVinner CaseyAVent Br g by Ogden Mariti trained by AV V Casey AVent to post at 45S At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CUTTYHUNK showing Improvement was a promimnt contender from the start and taking the lead after going a half mile drew away and won easing up LORD ELAM ran in closest pursuit and held on gamely in Hie closing drive STAIRS closed a trap and iame with a rush in the last quarter WOOD DOVE tired after going a good seveneighths PLIANT ceased to be a contender after going a half mile andwas given a bad ride rideOverwoishts Overwoishts Idleweiss 4 pounds