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FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Norfolk Selling Stakes 3yearolds and upward iSSm 112 J 105 TARTS b f 3 87 By Broomstick Queen of Hearta J 0 Talbott 575 Charleston 31 l15imud G5 1 2 2 Snider Crosveiior Sherwood Iont 161 Charleston 34 lHfast 3 88 2 1 1S Snider S Holtmiiii Theresa ill Ainoivt 111 Chariest fJ t 1 OSfast 12 9S 4 25 RoseQtieeuini 2 Snider 1 Sylvestris Clieiiiulpo RoseQtieeu 320 Charleston f f 1OSM fast 5 9 2 ini ink Snider 5 Gold Cap Rose Queen Sylvestris 125 Charleston oi t lt fast 1120 9J 3 370Jl 1 1s Wolf S Queen 15 s NobleOrnml Inspired I I2i 70Jl Charleston 5 f l07jj good 7 S4 4 4CC44 2i 2 Snider C Gold Csip Lord Wells Rlphieasy CC44 Jamestown 51 f 11U livy 115 113 3 3GC03 4 4 J Mondon 8 Yorkville lus JIan Smash GC03 Jamestown i f l07g fast 6 111 2 1 2i Hopkins 0 Rosturtiiuti Genesta Grosvciior 6339 Jamestown 34 1 15 fast 710 10S 2 2G501 1 it Hopkins 9 Continental Uryuary IIoneyBee G501 Pimlico E 107 fast 2 HO 5 5C441 2 3s Butwell 9 Leocliares Kriar Path Genesta C441 Pimlico 34 l14jj slop 75 107 2 3s Genesta3s 2 Uutwell S Uuskin Alidun Hobnob 6328 Pimlico 5i f 103 hvy 9 108 2 21 2s Butwell S TPoint Fly Fairy Oliver Lodge 2310 Pimlico 44 f 54i fast 920 110 2 1 l4 G Rurhs 7 Sand Vale Hot Water Hebound 2154 Pimlico 4J f 54J fast 1G5 110 3 1 1 J wysou 11 Sand Vale Tankard NellyAgnes GROSVENOR b g 3 93 By Voter Belgravia Tennessee Stable 393 Charlesfn 5i f l07rast 6 99 3 4 3 33 31 Snider Shackletn SKMever ilonocacy 575 Charleston 3 1 l15y mu l 10 if 4 3 3 3 1 Wolfe u Tarts Sherwooik Ioiit 503 Chalresf n 5J f lOSfast 2J 100 4 5 3 3 32 Wolfe t ItittieSue TUerGill Progressive 57 Charlestn 5 f lOSgood 4 iS 5 f 5 4s 1 Wolfe Viley Ktlielhmf II Kathirola 017 Charleston 31 l15Kood 135 9l G 6 5 5t 58J Ford 7 TherwaGill Copiertown Nimbus 7472 Chariest n 4 MOSfast 32 103 3 5 4 3h 23 Buxton li HQuciii MIiKiihanks Ameriiiis 7415 Charlestn 5J f lOSfast Si 102J 3 372SIS 2 3 4 4J Buxton 11 Sherwood Pr Alinioil Ainericns 72SIS Charlestn 5J f 1OS fast 10 Ida 4 41 3 Ohert S Ch Queen Uiglitensy Katlierolii CtOS Jamesfn Si f l10hvy 133 10 4 3 3 5 G1 Wolf FielGnnlenia Tur In the Straw 6605 Jamesfn 54 f lOSfast 15 108 1 3 4 4J 43 Teahan Kostiirtiuiii Tarts ft ones t a 6358 Tlamestown 1 l41fast 15 10S 1 1r47 3 3 3i 35i A Fergusn S Ins Man Striker Klla Jrane r47 Pimlico 5J f lOSfast 15 109 S 7 77 8 J Hopkins S Virile Lawsuit Lace 0183 Pimlico 7S l2S1 good 17 102 2 2 3 4 4 J T L avies 4 IlisMajesty Penobscot Uarnegat i427 Pimlico 31 113 fast 3 07 4 4B7S 2 2 3 3 J McCahey 0 Lice ijpring Board Ilimation B7S Pimlico 1 141 fast 7 10S 0 03LACK 1 1 43 4I = iMcTagrt 7 Tartar UarncBat Strenuous StrenuousBy 3LACK CHIEF blk g 6 105 By AllanaDalo Dollle Mo J F Sweeney 7211 Chirlcston fJ f 1OSR fast 3 112 2 271S7 1 1 li is Musgrve 7 Sylvestris Rose Qtieeii Americus 71S7 Charleston 5i f 1 09 mud G5 100 3 113 1 Iussrvc 0 Ctinental Aiiieriens Itlghtqasy 7 Hll riiarlrston l 114 fast 7T 103 4 49I7 3 4 Ob 7 nWolf 7 Sir lilalse Wander Sylvestris 9I7 Charleston 34 115 fast 165 110 3 3Ctifti 2 2 li Ii Wlngfld 11 Spohn IjiiwWigKlns OomToiiob Ctifti Jamestown 34 115M slop 105107 4 4G9l 3 2 I1 1 Teahan Viley Hen Loyal Jack Denuuiu G9l Jamestown 34 1132 fast 4 107 2 2CFOT 1 2 2 i 4i A Fergusn S Slierwooil J Knifjht Ben Loyal CFOT Jamestown 34 l13j fast 75 104 2 2G562 2 1 1s 1 Teahan 10 Towton Field JDeiiniun Calisse G562 Jamestown 34 1 14J fast 8 93 1 478 G1 Karrick Spohu Holfinaii Sherwood 4001 Fort Erie 34 1132 fast 7 10S 4 799 9s2 Mussrve 9 Ivabel B Vanilerveer Roasenux 3333 Fort Krie 34 1132 fast 4 95 7 4 4 51 54J McCahey 7 Cowl Coy Lad King Commoner 2475 Fort Krle 34 1132 fast 4J 9C 5 232 2J B Martin 0 Winter reen Cowl Little Father 3431 Fort Krie 34 lUg fast 8 100 4 1 2 31 3 H Martin 8 Lovetie Little Father Penobscot 3399 Fort Krie 5J f 1OG fast 4J 114 4 2 2 2h 2J K Martin 11 Beaucoup Kasle Bird Toy Boy 3207 Hamilton 5J f 1063 fast 7 1 1 2 22 E Martin 12 Ivabel Moncreif Marjorie A 3U53 Hamilton 34 1132 good 7 1 1 I1 2 E Martin S J II Houghton LIrma Capsize CapsizeBy HOFFMAN b h 7 110 By Isidor Arrowgrass L Mi Ashe 75 h Charleston 1 Il3good 2J 113 2 27KU 433 3iJ J Wilson i Snellbouud Collook LWiRSins 7KU Charleston 31 lI4fast 5 109 4 5 4 2 t 1J 1 Wilson S Taits Theresa Gill Aiuoret 7430 Charlestn 51 f 1 JS fast S 109 5 G C 3l 1 J Wilson 0 Alliericus Viley Queen JJee 7115 Charlestn 5J f l07fast C 117 5 57S3 4 4 55 5 J Wilson 10 Slierwood Pn Ahmed Americus 7S3 Charleston 78 130 hvy 10 10S 3 2 2 2 2 Uutweil 4 Fatherola Font Merry Lad 7295 Charleston 7S l2Si fast 1120 109 2 3 3 3 1 Butwell 4 15 Validerveer Rey Aid Chlcco 7134 Charleston 7S 128 J fast 4 100 G 1 1 Ih 3J Butwell 7 Flora Fina Tow Field Gardenia 7001 Charleston 31 14 last 7 107 G GCCI4 4 3 G1 4 C Grand 7 Sir Blaise Wander Sylvestris CCI4 Jamestown 1 411 last 15 102 4 4crU 178 = S Hopkins NashCasli WhWool JoeDeihold crU Jamestown 34 32 fast 10 115 S SC573 7 8 S 83 C Peak 8 Sherwood J Knlttht Ben Loyal C573 Jamestown 34 13J fast 4 109 1 1rr7 5 3 51 54J Butwell Bflar Path Back Bay Geticsta rr7 Jamestown 34 H1 fast 12 ill 5 5G199 32 2l 2 Rutwell Spolin Sherwood Back Bay G199 Pimlico 34 14 fast 8 11C 10 10C317 8 5 8 8 Small 10 Ivabel Toe Knijjht Yellow Eyes C317 laurel 34 13 fast 7 114 4 4 5 9 9i E Martin 0 Ivabel Back Bay Rose Queen 612i5 Laurel 31 117 hvy 20 111 9 8 S 910 9nJUyrne 10 Rosseaux F Yankee Oeu Couit C072 Laurel 34 1132 fast 5 120 1 4 4 3 J 11 E Martin 12 RQueen Cherry Seed BcnLbynl 0032 Laurel 34 13j fast 12 115 4 2 2 25 3 = J Byrne ft Isidora Rosseaux Vqncta Strome 5S90 l uirel 1 39 fast 31 112 1 1 1 3J 31 1 Glass S Sam Jackson A Jenks G Castie I 5ST2 Laurel 34 12g fast 15 113 10 8 5 51 GJ B M artln 10 Back Bay Isidora Rosseaux RosseauxBy WARBLER b 5 107 By Garry Herrmann Penury Quincy Stable W I Hamilton 78 24J fast 20 104 5 3 3 S1 5 iRohtson l Watervale LFatlier MarJoricA 2437 Toronto 3 4 ir2 slop 2 IOG 3 2 2 23 3iSchutger Hen Loyal Futurity Union Jack S374 Toronto TorontoDirrr 31 1131 good 12 114 1 1 1 1J 3J Schutger 10 Suffragist Reybourn Altamaha Dirrr pimiico 31 1143 fast 3 110 6 3 1 I2 I1 Schiitger S Blk Cliief Miss Nett Servicence J0 Pimlico 34 114 fast 10 107 5 3 2 24 IJ SchutKcr 7 Shannon Ben Loyal Thoo Cook 9G1S4 Montreal G f 1052 fast 40 9G C 6 G G G A Wrispen 5 Nnuslion JnHghton Roebuck 05923 Toronto 34 1 13g fast S3 10S 1 4 C 5 59 Fain I Herodla Whist Colston 9 ttK Sheepshead 5J f t07J fast 20 109 3 3AVIATOR 3 3 IJ I1 Phillips C Plate Glass YellowEycs Textile TextileBy AVIATOR br g 5 105 105fuffJi By Broomstick Lizzie T R I Miller fuffJi Jamestown 3 1 1 14g fast S 1M 4 4CM 221 I1 A Fergus n l Coppertown SBlaisc Monty Fox CM Jamestown 34 114 fast 15 101 1 111 1i A FerRUsnlU Berkelev Faiherola Rlihieon 11 3441 Btimore Ab5S 5SJ fast 3i 109 2 2 4 2J 2Z Fbrother LordWells FlrstAid M Moments 2422 H If more Ali34 1171 good 1 97 97334S 3s Moments3s Moody 4 Premier GoldenRuby Ch Queen 334S irtlmnre Ab78 127 fist 4 117 OJ QueenOJ Sklrvin Frog Golden Castle Lord Wells 3080 Mllhoro A1 S101 mud 35 IOS 4 7 4 4 2s Skirviu 7 Toiiiata MIssMoments Gold Gap 3023 Mrlboro Al 78 12S fast 910 105 1 334 54J Ferguson 8 Frog Moltke Golden Castle 2917 Marlboro 5i f 1101 good 3J 106 5 5ROSE C CastleC 5 3s 2 Ferguson Deduction Smirk Fanchette ROSE QUEEN br m 7 103 By Kingston White Hose H G Bedwell 7527 Charlestn 5 f lOSgood 33 ja 1 1 l 2i Gl = iDerpnda Grosvenor Viley Kthellmrg II 7472 Charlestn 51 f l07fast C5 105 1 1 1 1 1s Deronda G Grosvenor MPEubkS Ameries 7411 Chariest n 5J f lOSfast 2i 105 3 3 2 4 4J Deronda 4 SVlvestris Tarts Clieniulpu 7320 Charleston 5J f 1OSS fast 5 103 1 113 3S Deronda 5 Tarts Gold Cap Sylvestris I 7234 Charleston 5 f 110 hvy 12 102 1 1 1 31 44 Deronda 5 Progressive Arnoret Chemulpo 7S11 Charleston 5A f lOSg fast 1 JOo 1 2 2 2 3 Deronda 7 IilackCliief Sylvestris Ameripns 7119 Charleston 34 1142 fast 2 10S 1 1 1 I3 1 ° Deronda S I Wort Gagnant Winifred H 7092 Charleston 5i f 108 good 95 101 2 2700fl 1 1 Il IJ Deronda S Semiquaver TheSquire Dipper 700fl Charleston 58 103J fjood 85 102 1 1C979 1 1 1J 2 t Deronda 8 Silas Grump Fathorola Viley C979 Charleston 5J f 1OSJ fast 320 103 1 16COC 1 1 In 2 = E Martin G Sylvestris Monkey Amoret 6COC Jamestown 34 11K fast S 106 G GG4K 4 4 C = 5i Snider 12 Amoret Takalilra Camellia G4K Pimlico 31 1151 good 2 110 4 4G440 343 4 S Ford 11 lima Tbe Busybody Macazln G440 Pimlico 34 l13i slop 8 118 fi1 51 Mondon 8 Ben Loyal Isidora Chemulpo fi317 T aurel 34 113 fast G 97 1 1G210 1 2 2J 3J Snider o Ivubel Back Bay Perthshire G210 Laurel 34 117 hvy 10 102 4 4 5 Ds 5 j Karrick G F Yankee Rossenux Joe Knlchi 6072 Laurel 34 1132 fast 115107 5 5CHRYSEIS 2 2 li 21 KarrlcV 12 Hoffman CherrySeed Ben Loyal CHRYSEIS b f 1 109 109KWI By Armeath II Charma W Stockton KWI laurel 1 140 fast 9 KM 3 3fiSfi2 I 2 1 I 2 Schutger 7 Hamilton Wai Horn Pardner fiSfi2 Laurel 34 1122 fast 12 103 9 95S05 10 10 9J 93ii chntger 10 Back Bay Isidora Rosseaux 5S05 Laurel 1 11 llti fast 15 101 5 i 4 5 S 8i Schlitsjer S Juciiuolina Wolfertou Oakhurst 5391 HdeGce Im70y 1W hvy 95 IDS 5 3 3 4 4 ° J Schutger 5 OrHuster Supervr Jacqiiellini 5159 HdeGce Im70y 144 fast 9 10G 4 4503S 123 4J 4 Schutger i Marjorie A Oakhurst Sandhill 503S HdeGce Ini70y 144 fast 910 108 2 1 1 1 in Scuntger 5 Fly Yankee Pardner Col Cook 4914 HdeGrace 34 112J fast 75 113 2 24SI8 3 2 2 2 Schutger 7 Hedge Sticker Lady Irma 4SI8 HdeGce Im70y 1442 fast 710 107 1 1 1 1 2 Scliutgur 5 Gates Klwnli Pardner 4723 HdeGce Im70y l4iy fast 4 103 G GDISCOVERY 1 1 I3 1s Sclwtgcr 10 Gates Nonpareil Elwah DISCOVERY b g 3 103 1032XirO By Ben Brush Revelation H P Whitney 2XirO Montreal 5S 103 ood 23 111 5 574 5 G Inirns Buskin Brawny Rock View