Seventh Race [7th Jamestown, Daily Racing Form, 1913-04-01

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SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 9150 J l50 7 114 SETBACK b h 6 By Ogden Set Fast M Foley 7306 Juarez 1 l3Srifast 85 H2 2 4 2 2S 2 2 21 Halsey t ti Bonanza Am Anion Suffragist 7469 1 uarez S 154 fast 75 108 211 I5 SuffragistI5 1h Halsey fi DBaker Sam Bernard oronstnr 7421 Tuarecs 1 1 43 mud G IOS 3 3 2 23 2s Halsey 5 Bonanza Dr Dougherty Mockler 720S Juarez 1 113 good 3J 110 5 4 4 6 6 HsiiKey 7 Salesia Cockspur Bonnie Klotfe 7031 Juarex 1 1382 fast 65 109 6 5 3 21 2i Burgame 7 RoyMeteorDntchRock HattorH 6914 Juarez 1 1411 slow 2 109 4 1 1 12 1 Burgame 0 Melton Street Balclilf GS90 Juarez 1 139 fast 910 111 1 5 5 4J Hanly4J 2 = J Gross 5 SCIiff SAlvescot Qaletlnimpian Hanly 6S54 Juarez 1 13113 fast 910 108 4 4 4 22 12J Burgame Xoroaster MissKorn SNorthcut 6788 Juarez 1 1411 good 32 108 511 13 1 Burgame G Love Day DEnrique SNorthcut G7GG Juarez 34 116 slow 5 115 7 5 2J 1 Burgame S Acumen Plmlnstry LMlckert 6761 Juarez 34 1122 fast 9 IOS 9 7 8 8Burgame 9 Sea Cliff Gold of Ophlr Swish 3G70 Salt Lake 1 141 fast 9MO 112 7 3 3 6 62 D Boland 8 Onatassa Gretchen G B Uncas 3103 C d Alone 34 113J fast 3 115 9 6 3 323 R Hoffman 9 Parlor Boy Lady Tcndl Cleopat 2887 C dAIene 1 1411 fast 3 116 3 3 4 4 2 R Hoffman 8 Jack Laxson II Hutchison Rota 2761 C dAlene 78127 fast 65 114 512 512SPELLBOUND 21 21 R Hoffman 8 Figent Sldon Meddling Hannah HannahBy SPELLBOUND b gr 7 112 By Albert Hoodoo Miss E A Tyson 7600 Charlon InVTOy l45 fcfast 10 111 4 1 1 I1 IS Skirvin 10 Col Cook Tlierryola Leamence 7510 Charleston 1 l46good 5 103 311 311749S 1 in Skirvin C Col Cook Hoffman L Wiggins 749S Charleston 1 1 43slow 85 IOS 522 42 4s Goose i Cherryola HVandervr KGrune 1450 Charleston 7S l2Sslow 7 114 4 3 3 2 22 M usgrve 7 ColCook MlssJonah Husky ial 740 Charlen Im70y l47fast 7 111 5 3 3 6 0 ° G Burns S L Wiggins Ranorella Jqnellna 7237 Charleston 1 14 1 hvy 135 111 4 1 l 3h 45 Goose 7 Font Wander Coppertown 7154 Charleston 1 1451 mud 95 110 2 1 1 1 IJ Goose 5 Fiel Wander Henry Hutchison 7106 Charlesn 1 116 151 slow 75 111 1 1 1 1J Hutchison1J 1 Goose S Stairs Pliant R II Gray 7070 Charleston 1 1451 good 1 IOS 1 1 1 2 21 Butwell 7 Haldeman Ly George Itjsh Kid 7046 Charlen lm70y 1502 hvy 4 107 1 1 1 li 1 Goose S Banorella Pliant Irish Kid 7003 Charleston 51 f 1083 fast 135 111 4 3 369SO 5J Kid5J 5 J Wilson 10 Tbe Squire JNiinnally Madmnn 69SO Charleston 5i f 1 00 fast 5 107 8 5 5664ft 2 33 Goose 12 Toison dOr J Xminally BertN 664ft Jamestown 14 1171 hvy 45 109 4 1 3f BertN3f 45J Butwell Chemulpo Premier Town Fiold G02 Jamestown 34 1141 fast G 109 6 6 661S2 6 5 Butwell 9 TDeniuan Premier Berkeley 61S2 Pimlico 34 115 good 25 115 1 3 3CHERRYOLA 5 k 6 J Glass 9 Chil Queen Sherwood Rosseaux CHERRYOLA ch m G 110 By RosseauxBy Tanzmoister Last Cherry A R Joplin 7620 Charlen 1 116 l4Sfast 65 10 444 3 3J T Koerner r 1 Cool Towton Field 7600 Charlpn liuOy Il5 fcfast 1 10 234 3J 32 T Koerner 10 S llboimd Col Cook Leamene Nimbus 7575 Charleston 3t IMufcmud 5 113 2 4 4751fi 5 54i T Kberner Grosvenor Tarts Sherwood 751fi Charlesn 1 18 l54good 12 110 157 157749S 2 2J T Koerner S John Furlong Milton It Paton 749S Charleston 1 1 43slow 1 111 333 ink nt T Koerner r I V Validerveer KGrane Spellbd 7461 Charleston 34 lllfast S 110 6 8 8741G 73 G41 T Koerner S Tart Hoffman Theresa Gill 741G Charleston 34 l14iifast 1710115 2 2 273S9 2J lit T Koerner S Righteasy Tow Field Incision 73S9 Charleston 7 S l0 good 35 112 6 1 1 2 2 T Koerner 7 Gardenia Pliant Lord Elam 7267 Charlesn 1 116 1K2J livy 7 107 S 6 9 10 99 T Koerner 1 Republican Volthorpe Busy 7212 Charlesn 1 11G 149 fast 910112 133 13370SO Ink i rr Koerner f Kffendi Jaciinelina Stairs 70SO Charleston 34 1141 good 30 IOS 5 4 53 4J T Koerner 0 Amorwr Sherwood ColAshmctide 3785 Salt Lake Im70y 143 fast 31 101 2 1 1 I2 2i Ilnxtou 4 Meadow Dick Bakor Uicblel SaltLnke Im70y 14 fast 3 UK 2 1 1 4 4 U Moore Siiolin Cu Bnn Jenny Geddes 1622 Salt Lake 1 1102 fast 86 107 4 3 3 3FRED 35 34 Corey 4 Lochlel Cu Bon Dick Baker FRED MULHOLLAND blk g 9 108 108C5U2 Bv Bannockburn Miss Baker W Stockton C5U2 Pimlico InUOy 1151 fast 3 112 7 7 7 C 3JUnk nutwell 7 II Hutchison CCook Chemulpo 57i slop 1310 110 2 2 2 Schutger Kl Oro Annie Sellers Ch Krniu 52 Pimlico 1 1S 155 hvy 6 1 344 344G24S 4 3J 2 Teuhan Nonpareil JUeardou War Horn G24S Laurel Im70y 1 45S good 8 112 1 11 U 9 G 2 ii Sehtitsrer 11 D m Maodonald Adolante Solu 6189 Laurel 1 116 154 hvy 3 109 7 G G GnOOt 5 3i In Hutwell S Hilarious TRbody SpringmasJl nOOt Laurel 1 116 1472 fast 21 112 3 5 G Gr927 4 3 45i Schutger Nndzu Km Suffragist r927 Iiurcl 1116 14GJ fast 5 Ul 1 4 4 3 2 4 = 4 Scliufger S Kl Dro Futurity Towton Field rSK6 Laurel Im70y 145 fast 7 10 U 9 9 5 8 = S2 Sclmfger l II Hutchison KnDeck Adolant AS Laurel 1 18 1 R3j fast 4i 111 1 7 7 754W G 5s 41 Schufger 7 Jaciinellna Hatteras GTreiisura 54W HdeGce linOy l4fi hvy 3i 111 5 4 4 1 l 2 Schutger f Pardner Col Cook Fly YankaS 5360 HdeGce IniTOy 1501 hvy 3 107 3 6 6 C 3 3 SdnitKer 8 Heinpstead M Augulo Prulenrt COPFERTOWN blk B 6 98 By Kenilwbrth Mitten F Brown SIS Ouir cstoi 7S ItLXi ItLXio 11 VoIfo r Towton Hold Klla Jraiif Font o Ilitu cstoi I lHitist i 102 I l 3i Ureyer X Viley Niinluis Towlou Field J5J tli ir estoi S4 lli j fust 1 107 1 1u7 3J Dreycr 7 Shkleloti Volthorne KMessn e u7 Unr estoi 31 IrloVbgood 13 KKl 5 2 2 lrcyer 7 TlieresM Jill Xiinbiis Ganliniit 313 Ch u estoi 1 l45 itivy 135 HM 3 3 4J Taplin 32 Cli ir cn linTOy 1ISK slop U5 95 1 1SI 31 4JJ Alontour 7 1 Viiiidurrcor IClTeiull Siiiiulie SI Char cslou 1 l42i jrood 3 103J 3 35 3J Mussrvo 5 Wander Key In inelln J37 Charleston 1 It0i hvy 2i 101 5 4 3s Deronda 7 Font Wander Siiellboiind 73 I Charleston 34 115 fast 25 103 3 2 3J V Moore 7 Lord Wells Gold iii Ainoret 7157 Charleston 6J f lODi mud 2 Iflt 1 6 5 Liiixton C ISChlcf Continental Atnericns 7122 Charleston 31 1142 fast 9 103 5 5V 5 i Buxton 5 Spolin Gold Cip Col Ashmendc C347 Charleston 54 113 fast SB 110 6 7 8rJ Goose 11 Siiolin KlacUChiet LawWI Kiiia 6650 Jamesfn 1 IS 109 hvy 2 106 3 36t 1 21 Wolf 7 Jnciiuelina Mollle S T Melton 6t 17 Jainesf n 1110149 fast 165105 1 1 3 A Ifersusiill Jncqucllna LawWiRRlus Callpu 6592 Jamestown 31 1142 fast 21 112 3 3fij3 3 2J O Peak U Aviator Sir HIiilse Monty Fox fij3 Jamestown 34 1134 fast 20 102 8 864S1 62 65i Vandsen 0 llriar Pnth Itack Bay Genestn Genestn7h 64S1 Latonia 1 116 1494 slow 12 106 4 4C439 7h 61 Vandusen 0 Milton DiilicniKKan Klwah KlwahI1 C439 Latonia 1 116 153J hvy 145 105 3 I1 Il Vandusen 7 Husky Lad TayPay DntchRock 6352 Ixitonla 1 116 146 fast 24 105 2 in DntchRockin B i I Steele 0 Merry Lad Wander Yralr S350 Latonia 34 1132 slow 175 103i 3 4 6 Moleswh S ConDeliverr Mcrrlck Milton B BBy LAWTON WIGGINS br h 7 113 1137ft By Planudes Rorka J W Hcdrick 7ft Charlen Ini70y l4fist 10 IM 6 C i Scharf 1 Spell hound Col Conk Clierryoli ClierryoliI1 7fi6 i Cliarlen Iin70y 14S mud 2 113 1 17nl I1 2J Scharf 5 Armor Leainenec Hn mnn mnn5l 7nl Charleston 1 l13SKood S 100 5 5l 431 Scharf Spcllbdiinil Col Cook Hoffman 7400 Charlen Ini70y IMIJfcfast G 111 1 11 i Corey 8 Banorolla Jacuuelina Mud Sill 73 1 J Charleston 1 l45hvy 4 112 2 27I 5J 3al Mondou JiCuclini CKin Cop ertowu 7I I Charleston 34 1144 fast 2 307 4 47LTG 1 1 = Goose 7 Clem neathoy GnRnant Dipper 7LTG Charleston 34 l16i Kood 32 115 5 12 Goose 12 Incision Scinliiiiavcr Dipper 7199 Charleston 51 f 109J fast S5 112 6 67IS1 1 I1 Goose 8 CBeachey Mlsslonali TheoCopk 7IS1 Charleston 34 117K hy 185 114 G G70T6 21 21 Goose 0 Chemulpo Dipper B Masterson Masterson3l 70T6 Charleston 34 l17g hvy 3 114 6 6CI78 3l 4J 1 Wilson S Lord Wells Chernidpo Fiel CI78 Charlen Im70y 1452 fast 115 110 5 5 5I1JJ AVilson Milton 15 Husky Lad Effcndl 6947 Charleston 34 115 fast JO 113 4 4W13 61 33 1 Wilson 11 SK hn Black Chief Com Touch W13 Jamesfn 1 116 l51g hvy 4 115 S S6rd7 53 4 E Martin S Husky Lnd Apiaster Banorclla 6rd7 Jamesfn 1 11G 149 fast G 111 9 33 2J Butwell 11 Jacqnclinn Coppertowu Caliph M7 Jamositown 1 1392 fast 12 109 5 3 = 3s Small 7 Bashti Yel Eyes Flainma Flainma2J 6525 Piinlico 1 1S 1551 fast 4 115 S 2J 3J Small 0 CKGrainger Accord F Purcell PurcellBy COUNTERPART b e 3 8G 8G7iKX By McGce Little Whit Tennessee Stable 7iKX Chiirlon Im70y l43fast 10 S7 r r7r7j 5 = = Deronda 10 Spellbound Col Cook Cberrvola Cberrvola4U 7r7j Charleston 1 l13mud 8 109 4 4Tll 4U 2 J Wilson 10 GoodDay CliHKiiis Early Lilit Tll Charleston 7S l29rood 75 S7 II 11 1 Snider 7 Queen Bee RHrir Idlewelss 7475 Charleston 1 l42 fast 7 SC 3 1 lh Ford Tlie Squire Miss Tonali SiHeie 7110 Charleston 34 l lifast 5 9t 1 17jc8 5 4J Montour i TliGill Ethelhc II ItU Gray 7jc8 Charleston 5i f l103fmu l S 111 T T7lJ7 51 3J P Jackson S ICtliellmrs II Klla Grmie Anc n 7lJ7 Charleston 7S 119 fast 6 101 1 5 5i Skirvin 7 Gardenia Fk Hudson K Grui 7 ta Charleston 5i t 11JJ hvy 5 105 2 32 2 Skirvin Armor Frank Hudson Rock Bnr BnrZ 7209 Charleston 51 f 1OSJ fast 12 107 1 Z 3i R Martin C Progressive ThcresaGill Tuapuln 7179 Charleston 34 119 hvy 10 102 3 21 2nt 13 Martin 4 Mattie L Hock Bar Fasces 7132 Charleston 34 1154 fast 12 10 2 4 4 Vandusen S Clill King Mattie L Rock Bar 7 K 0 Charleston 34 l15g Rood 30 96 1 3i Wolf 7 Gardenia Clothes Brush Goldy 8 ir Charleston 5i f 1081 fast 60 101 11 11EXCALIBUR 91 93 Ford 12 Progressive ClBrtislu GuldePosl GuldePoslBy EXCALIBUR b p 4 105 105tK By John F Ethel Scruggs E Utterback tK Jamesfn 1 1 16 lSs fist 32 101 10 10C01 91 i A FerfjusnlO Heretic Dainwrtield Nimbus C01 Jamesfu ImOy 146 fast 2i 101 9 96J1G I1 Tcahan K Cheer Up Fk Pnrcell Cnmelllu 6J1G liurcl 5i f 1078 fast 8 102 2 2f931 r 41 7 MclntyrelO liRLSwtrr TNnny MnUtnu f931 Iaurcl u f 1OS fast 50 107 13 y t 7 J Connolly i My OCoimell Orhejl Lad Spin 929 OkClly Ab58 loi last J 103 Cu3Fi SpinCu3Fi Moore S OrimLad TIeTlioinas MJlinmle 174 Charleston 1 1431 slow 166 105 1 11S57 4 4J P Moore 7 Orperth Stelcliff 1ardntr 1S57 Charleston 34 115 fast 115 101 2 219S9 21 T F Moore 11 Country Boy Plhint Orperth 19S9 Charleston 34 1161 pood 5 102 4 41K 3J 2 1 F Moore 11 Capital Bravo Felix Orpertb 1K 2 Charleston 34 1151 slow 15 106 6 61S55 32 3 P Moore 0 ConsJamcs Cb Brown M Rivet 1S55 Charleston 51 f l08i fast 186 113 9 9SAM 41 45J F Moore 0 ChnrleyBrown Dctiiur Little K KBy SAM BARBER ch K 9 92 927V9 By Bannockburn Laura Agnes G P Sherman 7V9 Charleston 31 lHitast 15 10110 9 91 W Ward 10 Chilton Stiuaw Silufi Key Key10J 71 2 CharUsf n 5i f lOSfast 12 107 11 10J 7 3 W Ward 11 ToddHiis Bodkin Maurice Ued UedC 7390 Charleston 1 l435good 12 112 7 C 7s ilondon S Sw Hill Irish Khl M Anfrelo Anfrelo4i 7300 Charles n 1 11B lGlsood 12 101 1 4i 5J W Ward S Pendant Qn Mark Swarfs Hill 73 3 Charleston 1 146 slop 15 103 9 9V3 6 W Ward 11 MiehAncelo Cheer Lp Irltli Kid V3 Charlen Im70y 152 hvy 6 108 4 6 5 Goose 7 Pliant Nnufthty Lad Irish Kid 7 2 Charles n 1 116 151 fast 30 110 1 21 23 Pickett 12 Pendant Irish Kid Wood Dove 7154 Charleston 1 l4r fmud 40 109i 4 47H u 511 Pickett 5 Spellbound Fiel Wander 7H 7Hi i Charlesn 1 116 l50slow 20 106 4 6 6loiVandusen S Spellbound Stairs Pliant 7033 Charleston GJ f l25V6hyy 30 105 8 7 6 1 Van Boten S Font Stairs Heretic 6603 Jamesfn 1 11G l49 fast 12 10 7 7C5S9 65 5 Vandusen 13 An Sellers Km Loo Harlem Lass C5S9 Jamesfn 1 116 l4Sfast 60 103 9 6J 5J Obert 10 Heretic DaingcrBeld Nimbus Nimbus4i 6559 Iitonia 34 l18ihyy 19 102 7 7filLl 4i ii Vandusen 10 Serviccnce AH Ked Surejiet filLl Uitonia Im70y l47i mud fid 106 8 8G17t S 7 ° iVandusen 11 Idleweiss Crossover Tom Ii bee G17t Latoniu 51 f 109 hvy 14 110 S S333S 4i 41 C Peak 8 K Harwood Toi dOr IslQuoen 333S C dAlene 34 1 GViSlop 115112 4 4S211 2 11 Bursame S IJawIey Footloose Lof tho Fost S211 C dAlene 1 l43ffast 31 111 6 2 21 J Mclntyre S MEmily M Bouquet M Naomi 3132 C dAIene 34 1 ir fast 4J 10G S 4t J Mclntyrell Boas Acolln Hope So 3007 C dAlene 34 l14 sood 4 112 5 5IfSS 3 = 1 25 Bur same 10 Mirnnnali BBusb Lof theFest IfSS C dAlene 51 f lOSfist 15 109 S 6 442 J Hanover S No Quarter Gaty Pjillen Boas 2377 C d A lone 34115 fast 135106 5 5TOUGH 4 325 Buxton 11 Old Mexico Media Lord Clinton TOUGH BOY ch c 4 105 By Hussell S G P T Rodrock

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Local Identifier: drf1913040101_5_4
Library of Congress Record: