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CHARLESTON FORM CHART CHARLESTON S C SATURDAY MARCH 29 1913 Palmetto Park Fiftyfifth and last day x Charles ¬ ton Fair and Racing Association Winter Meeting of 55 days G books on AVeather clear Presiding Stewt rd W P Burch Presiding Judge AV F Schulte Starter James Milton Racing Sxrotary F J POIK Racing starts at 230 p ra Chicago time 130 p m Indicates apprentice allowance r O I FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlonfes 1823 1OG 4 100 Purse 300 3yearold3 and up I J JL ward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 CIS GOLDEiN EGG 5 97 4 1 1S 1 1 l = i Montour G B Ott 222 35 out outP 7 OS3RUBIA GRANDA 7 105 3 4 21 2 t z 2 = Skirvin P Phillip 111 5 out outMrs 70 IS AAINIFRED D 4109 5 2 27GOGARDEX 3 31 3 36 Taplin Mrs J S Everman 222 35 out 7GOGARDEX OF ROSES 4 96 1 3 45 4 Deronda G E Ridge 20 20 20 6 2 7553 JIM RAY 4 101 25 5 5 5 5 AVolfe H E Davis 20 20 20 C 2 2Time Time 23 49 102 108 Track fast AVinner Br in by Cesariou Big Goose trained by J H Nichols NicholsAVent AVent to opst at 243 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving GOLDEN EGG Was sent into a clear lead at once and increased her advantage in the stretch to win in a canter RUBIA GRANDA had to be hard ridden all the way but ran well and finished gamely WINI ¬ FRED D tired bad y after going threeeighths and lost much ground by coining wide into tho stretch GARDEN OF ROSES ran fairly well wellScratched Scratched 7474 Island Oueen 101 7550 Ladv Hushes 99 7597 Ouincv Belle 102 SECOND RACE 3 12 Furlongs 7458 42 2 115 Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 225r second 50 third S25 I iid Horses AWtPPSt 14 i Str Fin Jockeys Owner 7i 743SINGLE 743SINGLE75741IARWQOD 10S 4 1 I1 I3 I1 I11 Pickett J E Madden t5 5 5 2 710 75741IARWQOD 118 5 2 2i 2 22 = 2 2i J Hanov HanoverE B Parsons 442 45 21 7434 AVOODEX SHOES 107 23 51 31 3 Mondon J O Talbott S5 95 95 45 25 7GOG3MISS AVATERS 107 5 G 4 4i 41 41 J AViison AViison10G Teihiessee Stable 4 4 4 95 45 7GII9 EASTER STAR 10G 7 4 G Gk k 7 T 5 E Martin J E Madden f 5 5 2 710 74 58 = PARCEL POST 107 G 2 3 5S u Aandsen Airs J S Everman 1 4 4 S5 710 7574 MISS CHARCOT 109 17 7i CU i Taplin J II Morris 5 6 G 21 1 7574 ADA 107 8 S S S S Skirvin G AV J Bissell 15 15 15 G 3 3ftoupled ftoupled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 12 24 36 42 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner B c by Cesarion Al Lono trained by C T Patterson PattersonWent drivingSINGLE Went to post at 309 At post G minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and tilled driving SINGLE began fast and moving into a decisive lead at once easily held tin others safe through tho thostretch stretch IIARWOOD made a game effort throughout and was gaining at the end WOODEN SHOES saved savedground ground PARCELPOST all the way and finished resolutely MISS AAATERS vas well up for the entire race PARCEL POST was given a weak ride MISS CHARCOT is a slow beginner and favors a longer distance ADA ADAacted acted badly at the post EASTER STAR finished well wellScratched Scratched 71110 Ruby Hyams 111 111Overweights Overweights Single 2 pounds Miss Charcot r f O THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles 1956 147 5 111 Purse 400 3ycarolds and up J O ward Handicap Xet value to winner 310 second 110 third 30 AWtPPSt St V 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H UPS 7G123LOCHIEL 5 111 1 4 3 3 2S 11 1 = J AViison H G Bcdwell t35 35 12 out 7594 AVHITE WOOL 2 2i 11 I 2J 2U Goose L II Adair Si 3J 31 1 out 75G4 PATOX 35 4l 45 SJ 3i J Hanoverll G Beuwell t 5 35 12 out 7605 ARMOR 3 103 4 1 l lit t 2 3 4 41 Montour Tennessee Stable 33 3 1 out 7G18 LEAMEXCE 7 99 5 54 4 5 55 5 5 Skirvin C D Chenault S 10 10 3 out Coupled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 23 48 115 l415 147 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner B g by Hastings Lady of the Valley trained by II G Bedwell BedwellWent Went to post at 335 At post 1 uiiniite Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving IOCHIEL ran under restraint to the stretch turn where he moved up fast and having disposed of WHITE WOOL after a mild drive won casing up AAHITE AVOOL wore ARMOR down in the first half but had to be hard ridden in the stretch to outstay PATON The latter was allowed to drop too far back in the rlrst half and closed a big gap with a rush ARMOR set the early pace and tired after going a good three quarters quartersOverweights Overweights AVhite AAool 1 pound Leamcnce 2 r f f A FOURTH RACE 1 14 Miles 1850 208 3 113 Second Running Palmetto Derby i J l tfc Aalue 3000 Syearolds Allowances Net value to winner 2000 second 500 third 250 fourth 125 I AWtPPStSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 7 95 3IONOCACY 116 3 5 4 4li 2i 21 1 Mondon J O Talbott t3 r 5 85 45 005s EARLY LIGHT 111 5 1 6 6 3 31 21 J AViison H G Bcdwell 3 32 32 1 25 out 424 TALETARRIER 111 1 3 2i 2 1s li 3i Clement MrsLALivingston 3 3 1351 25 57 = CHILTOX KING 113 2 f 5 4 1 410 130 T Koerncr C Bills 6 7 7 2i 1 1t 57 HENPECK 555 Skirvin J O Talbott t 5 5 S5 4r 571 BERXADOTTE Fell E Martin J E Madden 3 333125 tCotipled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 25 50 117 144 211 Track fast AVinner Ch g by Hamburg Monadour trained by J Johnston AVent vent to post at 403 At post minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third lh sanit MONOCACY ran under restraint for the first threequarters then moved up rapidly and in the linal drive disposed of EARLY LIGHT and won going away The latter was away slowly and forced to go wide on the stretch turn and tired near the end TALECARRIER appeared a certain winner when enlii ing the stretch but tired as if short CIIILTON KING ran fairly well HENPECK showed the most earlv speed but tried to run out on the turns BERNADOTTE was repeatedly interfered with and finally tripped to a fall fallOverweights Overweights Monocacy 4 pounds n t O PV FUTH RACE 34 Mile 1809 112 1 113 Purse 300 3ycarolds Selling I J 4J J Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 AWtPPSt 14 V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 7525XKHLLY 103 4 4 47G11IIAQITIN Wolfe R II Clark 7G11IIAQITIN 103 2 2 276isFAIRY Deronda H G Bedwell S 10 10 4 S 76isFAIRY GODMOTHER 101 5 G M ontour C T Halse 4552 45 7595 CUTIE B 108 6 5 55913SYOSSET 41 4k 31 4 Goose 32 32 32 7r101r3 5913SYOSSET 9S 3 3 5X B CampbllJ O Talbott S 10 10 4 537 KIXMUNDY 111 7 7 77G03 S 8 8 Gi J Wilson Tennessee Stable 8 S 7G03 13 SNOWFLAKES 100 S S u G 6 7J E Martin AV F Schulte SchulteIS 20 25 25 8 7010 IS WILLIS 111 1 1 3 3 7i S Skirvin J II McCarren McCarrenTime 10 10 G 2 Time 25 49 110 Track fast Winner B g by Marta Santa Midlight trained by J H Nichols AAent to opst at 432 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing KELLY from a fast beginning moved into the lead at once and held the others safe all tins war oIJAQUIN ran in closest pursuit and held on better than was expected in the final drivp FAIRY GOD ¬ MOTHER closed a gap and was hard pressed all tho way CUTIE B had no mishaps WILLIS quit badly in tli la t quarter after running well to the stretch stretchOverweights Overweights Cutie B 2 pounds r7OO SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles infiG 147 5 111 Purse 300 Sycarolils and up I J l J ward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 lid Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockevs Ownnrs n H O P 7G COLONEL COOK 4 109 5 1 f Ih ih 12 jij Mondon J O Tailoft 1 1 1 13 out out7filRTOAVTON 7filRTOAVTON FIELD 5113 4 5 2A 2 22 2 2 J J Wilson A G Blakoley 344 75 2S 2S7G003CHERRYOLA 7G003CHERRYOLA 6 109 3 4 41 41 3J 31 3s T Koerner A R Joplin G5 65 fi5 13 out out7G17 7G17 NIMBUS 8110 1 2 1 3s 5 4 = 4 J J HanoverH G Bedwell 10 in 6 2 45 457G083IDLEWEISS 7G083IDLEWEISS 5108 2 3 3iJ 5 4 5 5 Goose L H Adair 15 15 15 5 2 Time 24 495 115 142 148 Track fast Winner Ch c by Previous Lvdia II trained by 7 Johiistonl Vnt to post at 45fi At post 2 minutes Start good nml slow Won easily sopond ind bird driv ¬ ing COLONEL COOK was kept far hack during the first hiU then can fast ami after nimiii nl h leul won in a canter TOWTON FIELD was prominent in closest ptirsnti from tin start 7in l slm d ftn final drive gamely CIIEURYOLA sulked most of the way NIMltLS tired atr going well for three Quarters IDLEWEISS ran well to the homestretch homestretchScratched Scratched 7540 Supervisor 107 7fi90Lord Elam 99 7GM3Mycenae 102 Overweights Cherryola 1 pound Idlcweiss 1