Racers Gathering At Lexington., Daily Racing Form, 1913-04-16


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RACERS GATHERING AT LEXINGTON LEXINGTONLexington Lexington Ky April 15 Twelve horses arrJreCi at the Kentucky Association track this morning from Latonia Jack Weaver brought Gowell Ladv Liglitv ning Marslmn and John G AVeaver T L Pierce brought High Spirit Bolter AVoodrow Orange Bazzan Tiktok and Ada Bay Dave Aititot brought Old IConesty IConestyAAayne AAayne Joplin wired that he will leave Norfolk with twelve horses next Friday The Hitchcock and Knapp horses in charge of trainer William 11 Karrick are due tomorrow from Aiken S O OTrainer Trainer AV S Trevev Informed Superintendent Uoss that lie has decided to keep Hawthorn at Louisville MondayT until next Monday T P Hayes received a letter from E AV Heff ner saying that Punch Bowl is doing well at Sheeps head Bay and that If he continues to do so lie will send him here to start in the Breeders Fmiirity AVilliam FmiirityAVilliam Houston who has charge of U J llan cock Sons Ellerslle Stud of thoroughbreds in Virginia arrived here today and says that some of grandestlooking yearlings he ever saw are at Ellers lie GlorfierTlieo They are by Celt and Glorfier Tlieo Abadie is here from Charleston and wants to add a good horse or two to his string He is conducting a deal with S K Hughes for Triiiisit a promising twoyearold halfbrother to Carlton G

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913041601/drf1913041601_1_10
Local Identifier: drf1913041601_1_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800