Third Race [3rd Jamestown, Daily Racing Form, 1913-04-16

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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 2722 100 2 110 QUEEN BEE b f 4 105 By Bannockburn Humming Bee E L Carroll 7761 Jamestown 1 l13KOpd 6 89 5 4iSniiler S El OrvFridMulliolInnd Mud Sill 7 71 Jamestwn 51 f liSfast 7 Utt 3 2U W AVard 11 Star Gift Martre Vcno Von 76 Jamestown 34 l15fast 5 8S 2s 2H AVolfe 7 UycStraw Emilv Lee Chy Si cJ cJ4l 7577 Charlestn 5 t 109 mud 4 105 4l 25 AVolfe r Frank Hudson Ancon Viley Viley2l 7541 Charleston 7S l29fast 95 103 2l 23 Chappell Cterpart It H Gray Idlewciss 7430 Charlestn 51 f 108 fast SO 97 4 = 4 Skirvin C Hoffman Americiis Viley Viley6s 7416 Charleston 31 l14fast 15 103 6s Gi Chappell S Clierryola IMghtoasy TowField 7268 Charleston 61 f 123 hvy 15 102 6 6 Chapi ell 0 CCook RIghtcasy ILIIutchson 7201 Charleston 34 115J fast SO 103 fi1 79 Chappell 7 LonUVells GoldCap Coppertown 7133 Charleston 51 f 1074 fas 4 107 31 U5 Chappell S Tarts Noble Grand Inspired 7102 Charleston 34 1152 slow 185 103 21 2 Obert 5 SUMeyer Pr Ahmed Berndte 7024 Charleston 51 f 10 S fast 4 110 31 21 T Koerner 10 Scuiitiuaver Elma Tiny Tim 6915 Charleston 34 114 fast 50 bS 8 STJVvrolf S Sherwood Republican J Furlong 6640 Jamestown 78 129 hvy 40 25 7 721 Volf 7 Sebaso J Dockery Continental 2421 ElectPk Ab7S 141 hvy 25 lol lol223S 1 I Skirvin 5 EofRichmd Fathrola EWHm 223S PImlico 34 1184 slow 85 101 101MALITINE 2 2i C Turner S Rosseaux Fatherola S Gnmip GnmipBy MALITINE b m 6 104 10477GS By Macy Callatine Miss E A Tyson Tysonl 77GS Jamestown 7S 1JS fast S 97 97775i l k u Xathan S Iltic Mouse Cyiiusnn Hariuurt 775i Jamestown 34 110 mud 6 Irt6 5 7s Wolfe S Toddling T Ganluer M Jonah 7 19 nmrleston 34 l15 icood 4 101 4h 571 J Hanover 5 Camel Jcssup liiirn Pardnor Pardnorlh 7611 Charlestn 5J f 111 slop 4 112 lh 2nt Skirvin 10 Coreopsis Camellia MissPrimlty 7149 Charleston 34 1174 mud 15 133 3 31 Goose 5 Sylvestrls P Worth Hrietta W 7123 Charleston 51 f lOSjj fast 32 115 11 45i Goose 5 Incision Silicic Fatherola Fatherola2s 7013 Charleston 31 114 fast 41 106 2s 2s Goose S GoldCap C Touch BVandorveer BVandorveerI1 6987 Charleston 51 f lOSi fast 41 115 115R939 I1 1 Buiwell 11 Mattie L Elma CommrsToucb CommrsToucb6s R939 Charleston 51 f 1081 fust 95 107 6s ClcniBeacheyZ 65 Goose 11 Incision Mattie L ClcniBeachey GfiOS Jamestn Im70y l47i fast 15 109 10965C8 Z Z C Turner 111 Lof Langden Grania Ch Squaw Squaw4l 65C8 Jamestown 34 114 fast 10 110 4l 63 Bntwell 12 Aviator Berkeley Fatherola FatherolaTeahan 6002 laurel 34 1142 fast 10 102 Teahan 14 Bodkin Blackford Lndy Sybil B977 I iurel 34 l13g fast 20 107 82 StUSmall 11 Double Five Seneca Pluvious 5C50 Laurel 34 1111 fast 15 103 91 10Teahan 11 Joe Knight The Gardener Muff 526fi Toronto 34 1142 fast 9 102 2 k 32 Tealiann 12 TBnsvby JIcAndrews Cliempo R043 Montreal 34 116 hvy 8 104 55 5luJTeaIiann 8 RofPleasure Chemulpo Toddlx ToddlxBy JOE GAITENS b g 7 106 By Sorcerer Lynnette J Cahill Cahill4s 7731 Jumps n ImTOv 1MB fast 12 101 4s 41 J McDond CI5eachev StsiHiift The Sauir Sauir2i 7691 Jamestwn 51 f lOSfast 12 108 2i 31 McOonld S Miirsiind Clienmlpo Miirtrv 7671 Jamestwn 51 f lasfast 12 103 1037C3S 7 GJ McDonId 11 Star Gift Queen ltei Martro 7C3S Jamestown 34 l15Vfcfast 12 IrtS IrtS6C41 2 ° t in McDonld Irt Martre Troy Wiisht Cu Iton Iton5h 6C41 Jamestown 34 117 hvy 60 108 108GM9 5h 7s Xicklaus 0 Dipper Berkeley Se Pimpernel GM9 Jiinnstown 34 1144 fast 8 100 100CiTO Viley3nk 51 51 Wolf II M Moments Sc Pimpernel Viley CiTO Jamestown 34114 fast 25 9S 9SESI 3nk NliimaliyGh s Wolf 12 Moncreif Napier Jnck Nliimaliy ESI Laurel 34 115 fast 12 102 Gh Pedigree5nk 7 Nicklaua Monkuy Toulntn Pedigree 5836 Laurel 34 1131 fast 6 108 5nk 455 Byrne 11 Calinsc Edith Inex Fond 5513 Laurel 34 114 fast 4 103 4 2l Byrne 0 Ix rd Wells Incision Argonaut 4443 KingEd 34117 fast 35 114 11 W Burns 7 Cnliunplan Cassowary J Snook 4399 Kin Ed Al38 1OOJ fast 2 111 21 Small 8 JennSc Wells Calypte frlshtown 4029 King Ed 51 t 110 fast llf 111 2h Wirgton 0 Bof Pleasure Incision Venetian Venetian1J 1J W rgtou 7 Vejslnj WGertUs UdesCopnett VEND VON ch in 5 105 By The Irishman Mfnyon J S Jones 7714 Jamestown S l i132tfast 3 lOi 1 1 1 1 2 Montour 7 McCreary Cloud Chief Dust 7671 Jamestwn 51 f lOSfast 100 103 3 2 2 = 4J Montour 11 Star Gift Queen Itee Miirtri 912 Richmond 51 f 109 J fast 112 1125S99 lh Dcnnison Oltson Thotis Susan 5S99 Richmond 58 l02g fast 107 7 Dennison 10 Eof Richmd HSister Fchett 4351 KingEd 51 f 109 fast 1 112 51 Russell 7 Incision J Wise Calethnmplaii 4491 KingEkl Ab5S 5Sg fast 4 111 11 Russell 7 ChmasDaisy Calypte Sabolilend 4401 KingEd Ab5S 1OOJ fast 32 109 Fell Culien SabolilendCulien Doll Roy Xnca Christmas Daisy 4035 King Ed 34 l16j fast 3 112 i 4 Mondon 8 Mad River Chippewayan Rlnda 4020 KingEd Ab5S 5SJ fast 3 108 108S482 21 Mondon 7 Lucetta Nila Bodkin S482 Delorimier 5S 1 02j fast 45 109 1 1s 1 Alondon S McAndrcws Chess ClitterClatter 3418 Delorimier 58 104 fast 21 110 2 I2 ClitterClatterI2 11 Mondon 13 Temaire Burtonsvllle LHnghcs 2617 Delorim Ab58 107J slop 8 111 3 7 S 3Mondon S J Wise Lydia Lee Carissima 1711 Juarez 58 l01g fast 10 102 4 I 5 ° 58i J CallahanlO Ramsy LadyTendi Golden Ruby 1594 Juarea 5i f 1OSJ fast G 99 7 6 6 Selden 7 Yo Solo M Molett JIISheelian JIISheelianBy NEW HAVEN b s 111 By Filigrane Ethel Thomas W Gerst 7715 Jamestown 34 l15Hfast 4 1091 2l 3 Corey 7 Jes liimi Theo Cook York Lad 7650 Jamestwn 5t f 108 fast 10 111 6 41 3 = Pickett S ClurrySeed TheoCook Qu Marl 7550 Charlestn 5 f l09fast 32 111 2 1i I4 Corey 9 Rubia Granda Bodkin Casque ¬ 7474 Charlestii 51 f lOSifast 10 108 3 s 2s Corey 12 ELeBrnme AClaire Rburg IV 7409 Charlestn 51 f lOSfast 15 1041 7 91 10 J Pickens IK Tony W Coreopsis Aid Chlcco 7330 Charleston 51 f 1102 hvy 5 10S1 3 61 7S1 Mondon 9 J Nunnally Sidon Miss Jonah 7264 Charleston 51 f l10g hvy S 106 6 7l 8IB Mondon 8 Amerieus Berkeley Incision 7199 Charleston 51 f 1094 fast 2 105 2 3 7e2 E Martin S LWiggins C Reacbey MJonah 7151 Charleston El f 1092 mud 12 103 2 21 2s E Martin S Cuemulpo Berkeley Casque 6372 LatonW 34 1134 fast 11 104 6 6B5SO 11 II12 Molcswh 11 Merrick Mclvor Lady Lightning B5SO DougPk 1 116 1474 fast 15 100 4 2 6 S Skirvin 9 Spindle Crossover Belfast 5447 Douglas Pk 34113 fast 1910 109 8 1 12 121S T Koerner 12 Gay Bird Sir Rlalse Dor Dean 4908 Lexington 34 113 J fast 6 1021 3 I1 1 Jahnsen 10 Kthelda Yanker The Reach 4852 Lexington 34 1154 good 101 111 2 41 4 j irajn g Bonanza Patruche Ben Prior PriorBy ISLAND QUEEN b f 4 109 By Dick Welles Glena F E Baird 7692 Jamestwn 51 f lOSfast 7 104 2 S 1 Vandsen Ancon Thrifty Kiirnoc J V Jr 764S Jamestwn i 31 f lOSfast 31 107 4 3l Jr3l 2 Corey 11 Ynia Willis Montagnie 7474 Charlestn i 5 f lOSfast 5 105 4 S MontagnieS 8s Obert 12 KLelirumc XHaven An Clairo 7369 Charleston 51 f l10mud 4 110 4 5 4 Pickett S Martre Strike Out Tiny Tim 7334 Charleston 51 f 1103 hvy 41 108 4 S1 TimS1 S Pickett 10 Pretend Com Touch Tiny Tim 7307 Charleston 31 11 52 fast 710 103 4 11 21 Obert S Fy Godmother LSybil G Bend 7169 Charleston 51 f 1113 hvy 10 109 4 gnk Bendgnk 513 Pickett 9 Harcourt Miss Jonah New Star 6616 Jamestown 34 114 J fast 8 101 3 21 24 Obert 9 Berkeley Theo Cook Fond 6572 Jamestown 34 l13g fast 8 96 9 1 4 l Snider 12 JDcnmau MoutyFox TueSqulm 6438 Latonia 34 118 hvy 8710 101 1 4h Ou vandusen S Incision Rof Jeddah JDenman 6311 Latonia 34 112 fast 27 101 3 Si JDenmanSi 5 Obert 10 Sureget Merrick Com Touch 6179 Latonia 51 f 109 hvy 17 104 3 21 31 Vandsen S E Harwood Toi dOr S Bnrber 5918 Churchill 34 1131 fast 69 104 2 7 710bert 7 C on Delivery My Lad Sureget 5S23 Churchill 54 113 fast 54 101 2 10 10Moleswh 10 Duquesne RofJcdh ConDellvr ConDellvrBy JACK NUNNALLY ch g 9 By David Tenny Lillie W A F Dayton 7753 Jamestown 34 116 mud 12 6 53 C Miller S Toddling T Gardener M Jonah 7416 Charleston 34 l14fast 15 s 8s C Miller S Clierryola Rigbteasy TowFleid 7330 Charleston 51 f 1108 hvy 12 5 in c Miller 9 Sidon Mis s Jonah Miss Primlty 7053 Charleston 51 f lUljf hvy 3 5 551 C Peak S Argonaut Silicic Gagnaut 7003 Charleston 51 f 1 OSj fast 135 1 2 C Peak 10 Tho Squire Madman Eaton 69SO Charleston 5i f l09g fa t 0 31 2 fc C Peak 12 Toison dOr Spellbound Bcrtia 6646 Jamestown 84 1171 livy 15 51 5 J C Peak 9 Chemulpo Premier Town Field 6579 Jamestown 34 111 fast 85 2 44l C Peak 12 Moncreif Nnpier Joe Gaitens 6548 Jamestown 51 f 108 fast 6 2 Z C Peak 13 Union Jack Takahira JDeuinan 6316 Laurel 51 f 107 fast 5 31 21 McTagrt IB DrRLSwarr Madman Excatr 6072 Laurel 34 1138 fast 10 t Excatrt artor 12 Hoffman R Queen Cherry Seed 5979 Laurel 34 1141 fast 15 54 5 Teahan 12 Kate K Anavri Golden Castle 5926 Laurel 34 1141 fast 6 6YNCA 2l 2l Butwell S Anavri Cherry Seed Bodkin BodkinBy YNCA b m 5 57K04 By Filigrane Leonatus mare No 2 G Fraley 7K04 Jamesfwn 5 f lOSfast 13 Bled Taplin S Mtiraiml Chenmlio Joe Giitens 7 IS Jamestwn 5J f lOSfast i J GiitensJ iTilITin n JslilllI Qmeli Willis Alontagnie 57t Hillcrest Ab5S 59 fast 45 3 F Jackson C JWellb Jny Wise LdesCognets 5639 Ilillcrest Al 58 593 fast 2 7 SUI 1 J UenM May Bride Lucetta 5214 Dufferin Ab5S l00i fast 4 rir I5 Car i1 lIHonSqiiaw IsabelCasse Igloo 5070 Dufferin Ab38 l01g fast 7 i A SrCllrU 8 Fundamental MBride Dominica 5015 Dufferin AboS 101J fast 10 104J19 31 4 i GWCarll 10 Barrette Fatherola Starlward 4J19 KingKd 41 f 56 fast 2 1 Jensen 7 YkeeLady Lasa Ja Cassowary 4401 KinsEd AboS 1001 fast 3 2 Jensen 9 1611 Hoy Christ Daisv Incision 4176 Dufferin AboS 1012 fast 5 6 1 Jensen 8 Starboard Sir Raymond Glipian 4131 Dufferin Ab3S 102 slow 2 11 Jensen G Dipper Golden Ruby Boano 4084 Dufferin Ab5S 1014 fast 65 5 Jensen S LHughes Haymarket Ah Moon 3441 Btimore Ab5S 581 fast 4 fi Moonfi G18 Hurley G Lord Wells Aviator First Aid 3420 Btimore A1 3S 59 good 65 7 Pickett 7 ngo Drexcl Hill Exicutante WILLIS b c 3 By Nasturtium Fair Gift J H McCarren 7716 Jamesfwn 31 f 1J9 fast 15 6 rs Skirvin N Aneon Jonquil Arran 7 ilS Jumestwn f lOSfast 4 2 35 Skirvin 11 Yuen Island Queen Montagnlu 76 5 Charleston 34 l1656fast 6 67C13 S Skirvin S Kelly Juaquin F Godmother 7C13 Charleston 34 117 slop 30 2S 4s Skirvin s Incision Hnutchn FGmothor 7539 Charlestn 51 f l09fgood 15 31 4 J Skirvin S CBcachey Toddling VStromo 7159 Charleston 5S lOHfast S 31 2 Skirvin 9 MamiJolmson Bodkin Old Hank 7417 Charlestn 51 f lOSfast 15 21 4 = 1 Slcirvin 11 Juaquin Kelly Clothes Brush 7252 Charleston 34 11S hvy 40 5 5 1 Skirvin 5 Cliiltorf King PollyWorth Ancon 7153 Charleston 51 f 110 mud 25 9 9JSklrvln 10 K Lo Brume Vliev Fk Hudson 7056 Charleston 34 117J hvy 30 7 7 lSkirin S Lonl Wells Chemulpo Fiel 7013 Charleston 51 f 111 hvy 20 6 6 Skirvin S Ancon Polly Worth Ella Granc 6613 Jamestown 11134 fast 12 107 2 1 41 7 1 Skirvin 10 M Aim K Mimesis E Grano M04 Jamestown 51 f 109 fast 30 110 7 fj Granofj 53 Skirvjn 12 Ancon Jonquil Old Coin 6563 Jamestown 55 f 108 fast 20 112 1 1mi 3l Coin3l 2 Skirvin 12 Ancon Votes Pikes Peak 6514 Jamestown 58 102 fast EO mi s 6 532 Skirvin 14 Sand Hog Chil Dance Thcslere ThcslereBy HENPECK blk f 3 37Gi 95 By Delhi Home Rule J 0 Talbott 7Gi Jamesfwn 51 f 7fafit 40 102 8 7 6 i Snider S Pibinjuin Flabbergast Yorkville 7624 Charksn 1 14 211 fast 5 108 6 1 5 onSklrvin t Moiioracy E Light Tnlecnrrier 7576 Charleston 1 1 43mud 10 108 i s 7528 Charleston 7S l2Hsgood 12 56 S 7 I 1 Ahmed 7497 Charleston 1 14t 4slow 15 arly Light 7415 Charlesfn 51 f l07fast 15 7335 Charleston fti f 109 good SO Americus 41 53 Skirvin SRMeyer Cliemtilpo J Kellogg 6371 Jamestown 51 f 107 fast 20 Kelloggi i G 1 Mclntyre S Federal Ambrose Clothes Bni h 5861 Laurel 34 1131 fast 5 5572S 2 6 Rutwell S Grosvenor Cafousel Karlv 572S Laurel 51 f 107 fast 41 8J Light8J 4 Butwell 12 lcwin Grosvenor Fred Lew Light 5330 Laurel 5 f 1 07i fast 15 15K393 41 4 J Butwoll Coy Barnegat Iace K393 HdeGrace 51 f 110 hvy 3 1 I2 Butwell 4 Battery Virile Mohawk Boy 5271 HrlpGrace 5i f l07i fast 63 6331S4 5 SI Snvell 7 0 Stoll HiiiisiiveU Stnr Giize 31S4 HfleOrace 58 l00g fast 5 3 2 Butwell Flaiuuiarion Geo Stoll Hassoq SHILLALAH b g 4 101 By Chilton Green Erin D P Vcneziano 7727 Jamestown 4 lllfist 100 99 9 99 997tf J 9 a11 Deronda BDipper R Message DJile Five FiveS 7tf 2 Jameslwii 5J f lOSfast 40 103 5 78 787titt S SU tiS AV Ward Island Queen Aiicou Thrifty ThriftyC 7titt Jamestwn 5J f lOSfast 40 108 7 G G Ok 54 Connolly 11 Yuca Island Queen Willis tW Pimlico 34 l15i good 50 109 11 11 11 1 11 lll Fbrother 11 lima The Busybody Magazine Magazine69J 4717 Pimlico 58 1022 fast 21 109 69J Fbrother 8 Royal Onyx Thetis Annagh 4573 Btimore Ab5S 59 fast 21 102 7 77 7 7 7liiFbrotber 7 Double Five Thetis Fanchette 4491 Baltimore 58 1001 hvy S5 104 1 22 2 o ink Fbrother G Carroll Touch Me Teddy Bear Bear4T 3379 Btimore Ab34 118 good 75 92 92K531 4T Moody S Tackle M Faces Goodacre Goodacre5s K531 Btimore Ab5S 5S3 last 10 102 1022CG3 5s Fbrother 10 Sinirk Kind Sir Pharaoh 2CG3 Electric Ab5S 58 fast 7 32 S 44 4 4 7ISSkIrvin 9 BMastersonGalinda L AVatclins 2312 Pimllco 51 f 1083 fast G 102 3 2 G 51 5 EKtcp 9 Bat Masterson Elnar H Sister 2251 Pimlico 34 1164 good 7 107 1 13 3 5 GJ Fbrother 9 Daingeraeld Napier Little Ep 2093 Pimllco 34 1148 last 15 107 2 1 1 1PONKATASSET 31 9 i Fbrother 1U Qu Bee Deduction Daingerfield DaingerfieldBy PONKATASSET b f 3 94 9470il By Yankee Mamio Worth Mrs E Lutz 70il Jamestwn 5i f lOSfast 100 iS 3 48 5 8 S1BJMontour S C dAlene Aiicon Pretty Molly 0178 Latonia 5 f 110 hvy 208 103 G 98 S 9 91 Kobttsoii 9 Carnathia Madellev Anna Reed 0737 llillcrest AbuS 59 fast 15 105 415 Steinhdt S L Bobbins Spirellu Protagoras ProtagorasG1 5709 llillcrest Ab5S 1001 fast S 107 107CGI G1 Robtn 7 Stanley U Simguide F Flower Floweri CGI llillcrest Ab3S l00i fast G 108 Pulled up upr46J i Jensen 7 Casanova Protagoras Spirella SpirellaGS r46J Hillcrest AbuS 103J hvy 10 110 GS Whatley J Michael Rice Janus Stanley II 517 DulTerin Ab5S l01g fast 25 105 G 5 52 5T A Hanover 9 Protagoras FFlowcr Bt Candle i

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Local Identifier: drf1913041601_4_2
Library of Congress Record: