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SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2ycarolds Maidens Colts and Geldings Special Weights 02150 300 2 102 102THE THE NORMAN ch c 2 112 By Hastings Monarka T C McDowell 8003 Lexington 4J f 51 fast 2120 110 2 4 C Peak 10 Imnorr LMatninss Frances M 7925 Lexington 41 f Wsiow 435 11 2 2JNO 21 2J Piixton 10 Ultrothor Indoienco Candy I v vBy JNO MacGINNISS ch c 2 112 112K By Cesarion Ethel Levey C Woodford K Lixington 41 f 54 fat t S3 110 5 23 2 1 Callahan 1 Imporator TNorman FrancosM 7JGS l xington 12 49J hvy 21 103 7 7CANDY Cl 7I = 1T McCabe 0 L Nephew IIirvood I ISrotlrT ISrotlrTBy CANDY BOX b B 2 109 109TXC By Box Margaret Kent J F GafTncy TXC l xington 41 f 35 fast fid 10t 3 35 4J 1 McCabe 12 Rllyams Parool Post RMundi trt I xington 4i f fislow 72 109 4 4INDOLENCE 4i 4a AV AndresslO HIJrother T Xorman ludoloucc ludolouccBy INDOLENCE b c 2 112 By McGee Princess Orna H P Hcadley 7925 l xington 4i f 50slow 41 113 3 3MANNERS 31 3ri J Glass 10 ISItrotlier TNonnan CaudyBox CaudyBoxBy MANNERS b c 2 112 By Hasctto Masine Button J F Smith 7 0 Ixocington 41 f M fast 15 107 11 10 10A Jooso 12 Rllyams Iareol Post RMundi RMundiV 7SS Lexington 12 50hvy 295 112 10 V 3 = 2 liuxton 11 Korfliago Brad Choice INolan 741 Charlestn 31 f 42fast 4 110 1 24 2A Goose 11 WnOLu Shoes Harwood Ada 7HC7 Charleston S8 7tnud 4J 111 4 2 2 ° Goose 7 Ave Colors Bulgar 7WI fharleston filG li slow 3t 100 0 0DR 4 filS Skirvin S Ruby Hyams Salon Avp AvpBy DR SAMUELS b g 2 109 1097f By Bryn Maivr Lardella Crosthwaite Rodgers 7f 35 Lexington 41 f 5Gslow 3710 Wj S SKAINTUCK 9 J8 J Henry 10 RItrother T Norman Indolence IndolenceBy KAINTUCK br c 2 112 1127H2T By Out of Reach Miss McMcckin T P Haycsl 7H2T Lexington At f uslov 21 112 C4 rI0iTeahan 10 H Brother T Norman Indolence IndolenceBy JOHN GUND b c 2 112 1127JW By Peep oDay My Gyps A Baker 7JW Ixxington 4J f 3ufast CJ 11 7 91 9 ihortus 11 Roamer Destiuo Tiktok 7S Lexington 12 4Uhvy as5 112 I INATCHEZ J 17 Loftus 0 L Nephew Harwood B Prother ProtherBy NATCHEZ ch c 2 112 By Ormicant Chartreuse Mrs T J Carson 725 Lexington 4X f Mslow 125 111 10 10First 10 102 Pickett 10 BBrothLr T Norman Indulonoo IndulonooBy First slart for the following BRINGHURST br g 2 109 109MAGNET By Plaudit Sweet Marjoram J N Camden MAGNET ch c 2 112 By Star Shoot Mario Frances Clay Bros