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BED WELL SCORES TWICE WESTERNER WINS RACES AT PALMETTO PARK WITH ELWAH AND HELEN M. Colors of S. H. Kunz Are Bcine to Victory in Handicap by That Much Improved Filly, Loietta Dv.-ycr. Charleston. S. C. Fehruarv 2. Spirited racing .v:ts again tlu nil.- at Palmetto Park this afternoon and much enthusiasm was manifested tiy the large ruwd present. J lie feature race was a scramble ft livi furlongs, participated in hy some of the speediest racers liere. Coy. ICosit and Korlhage. tile three accounted best on form, failed to got any part of the purse. Iiretta Dwycr won. wltn Alue"-iciis second and Susan B. third. There was coii-Idtrablo humping in the race and Coy was knocked out or content ioii. Deposit appeared to have the liesl chance Tor winning after having raced Joe Blair Into sulimission. hut tired unexpectedly and quo kl after making a had swerve. II. G. Bodwcll. who failed to win a purse last wee!., scored a double this aftcrn.ion when KIwah and Helen M. accountel for the fifth and sixth races ivspeetiwly. Both led from harrier rise to finish. I ll were forced to do their best near the end. IIe!e:i M was bid up 0. over her entered price of 00 by S. A. CIotou and was retained. The opener resulted in a stirring finish, with Electrician, the favorite, just lasting to win hy a iios: from rinalee. The latter was best, but differed cmsidcrably on the stretch turn when limii.vl dilo. lie would have won by a good margin with a clear course. Gallaul Boy. the favorite of the second race, had an easy time of it. thanks largelv t MiTaggarts skillful tactics. Front Koyals saddV slipped timing the running. W. Walker bid Callaiii lioy il to 100. an advance of 00. The colt was retained hy the Talbott interests. Word was received at tile course today that the ji-i oil till x- Mieresa Gill, owned by C. T. Worthington. which was shipped from hpre recently, died shortly alter reaching Lexington. The stewards had jockey Ohcrt on the carpet after the iinish of the third race tor crowding Batwa during the final drive. Theodore 1". Coles arrived today frihn Virginia ami rumor had it that his presence at this time is to take oer the horses owned by I!r. .1. S. Tyree. which John J. McCafTcrty has been training. Accord - ing to the gossip. McCafferty has contracted to train tor a his establishment in Germany and will shortly leave to take up his duties The present intention Is to reduce the Tyree stable considerably by selling a iiiiliili on Saturday next the older horses and riTailillig only the two-year-ohls. some of which are highly tried racing prospects. William I". Carmody. who was taken ill here a tuple of week ago. will he removed to the home of his brother in Auburn. N. Y. Arrangements have been made for him to leave here on Thursday. V. Young has purchased from J. Miles at nri-. te sale the tilly Belle Chilton. She is intended for racing over the half mile tracks iu Canada. Col. James returned from New York this morning. II. C I.edwell has sold Dustpan to a local turf -uaii. C. T. llalsey. Joseph Mcl-ennan has been notified of his appointment as clerk of the scales by the Dorval Jockey Club. Joseph McLennan has received word from Louisville that the stake blanks for the Churchill Downs spring mooting will be here this week, and he has been assigned the task of looking after the interests of that Louisville track among .he horsemen here. Frank Kruen will do the same work in connection with the Douglas Park and I.atoiiin stakes. It was for insinuating that Ancon was a "ringer" that I. D. Missick was ordered away from Palmetto Park with his one horse. The Busybody. The stewards knew the assertion to be untrue. A great many horses were out at Palmetto Park this morning, but i:o fast trials were shown. Among the best were: Untouch Three-quarters in l:l!l. P.undle of Hags Half mile ill .12. Chas. Caimell Three-piarters in 1:21. Chevron Half mile in 53. Cf imterjiart Three-iuarters hi 1:1S. Ducal rmvn--Half mile iu .11. Elsie i recti Three-quarters in 1:21. Erinagardo Three-eighths in 3i Fawn- Half mile iu .VJ. lrank Hudson Three-eighths iu ::iJii. ;. M. Miller Thieo-qiiarlois in 1:17 ,5. Iiif rno Queen Five-eighths in 1:05. La Palric Half mile iu ."it!. Little lp Three-iiarters Iu 1:20. Lifia -Three-quarters in 1:19. Alarv Ann K. Three-quarters in 1:110. old Hank Half mile in 50--. Prince Ahmed Three-iuarters in 1 :.19:;.-.. Princess Callaway Five-eighths iu 1:0$. Rightcasy Half mile in -I.tlf.. Roger Gordon Three-quarters iu 1:18. Royal Meteor Mile iu 1:45. Sliaekleton Mile in 1 :4.1--.-.. Single Kay Three-quarters in 1:20. Stentor Five-eighths in 1:0.1. Surprising- -Three-quarters in 1:19. I nalera-Three-eighths in 174. Woodward Ihilf mile in .11.