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STILL ANOTHER BILL IN MARYLAND. Proposed racing legislation continues to he a live issue in Maryland, where the legislature is now sitting in biennial session. The Ilaltlmore Xews prints this dispatch from AnnaKilis: "Complete elimination of race track gambling in .Maryland will be provided in a hill now being prepared by delegate William Purnell Hall of the Second legislative district of Baltimore. -Mr. Hall will introduce his bill iu the house of delegates as soon as he finishes it. which probably will be within the next few days. The hill, according to a statement made by .Mr. Hall, will follow closely the lines of the New York law. passed on the initiative of former Governor Charles K. Hughes. "The announcement of Mr. Halls purpose comes as the climax of a series of announcements concerning legislation affecting race track gambling. Senator Frank K. Williams, of Cecil, led otT with his hill lo abolish the Havre de Grace track; Senator Edward M. Hammond, of Howard, came next wltii his hill to create a reciug commission for tw state and to levy a tax of fifteen per cent, upon the receipts of the tracks: Speaker Trlppe advocates a hill which, it is said, will levy a tax of four per cent, upon the sums wagered at all tracks in the state, and last of all is Mr. Halls bill. "The general impression is that Senator Hammonds bill was introduced for the purpose of forestalling the introduction of a general anti-racing bill. Whether speaker Trlppe also has some such idea iu mind is not known, hut one of the assertions made here is that unless the race track owners agree to some such measure as that proposed hy Senator Hammond they may have -to put up with something a good deal worse from their point of view." Tlie legislative correspondent of the ISaltiniore News writes: "While the hill to abolish the Havre de Grace: race track does not seem to have a chance of getting out of the Senate Judiciary Committee witli a favorable report there is some talk of an effort to amend it. It appears that the f miners of the measure iu seeking to reieal the law creating the Harford County Racing Commission overlooked the fact that there still exists an old law under which racing might he conducted in . Harford County, and it appears to he doubtful whether even though the pending repeal bill passed It would wipe out the Havre de Grace track. In Harford County petitions are being circulated for signature asking the legisa-tnre to pass the repeal bill and these will soon lie sent to the Assembly."