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NOTES OF THE TURF. Orange Blossom has boon showing a disposition to run out in her races of late that is diltieiilt to overcome. Ora Bailey, the dam ol S-.-we!l. which raced with smcess in this louniry. has toalcd a brown lilly by St. Savin in Australia. The directors of the Kentucky Association have awarded a contract for the equipment of the grand-Maud at the I.exiiigtn.l track with 1..".00 new chairs. A. O. Diuilap has been ealh-d from Juarez to Los Aiivclcs by the sickness of his wife. During his absence his horses are being raced by Ceorge Land. A throo-vear-old colt in Australia by St. Savin Helen Thomas has been named Whcatcroft. It will be remembered I. II. Wheatciofi exported both suv and dam from this country to Australia and disposed of thcai there. Price McKinnev. owner of Wickliflc Stud, now quartered at Kingston Farm, near Lexington, Ky., under the management of Miss LTizabi-ni Dainger-tield. has decided to keep all his horses including Colin. Disguise. IUinms, Delhi and Hippodrome, strictly private this season. A movement is being instituted by L. K. 1M-niuusou. a prominent lawyer and horse lover ot Ktigciic. Ore., to establish a circuit of race meetings in Oregon, exclusively for running horses. The plan is to lease the local track at each town m the circuit for one week, eon tine the entries to Oregon-owned horses and appeal to all lovers ot the thoroughbred in the state to give the enterprise their moral supiwirt. The Buckingham Park property, consisting or the race track and fair grounds at Salem. N. 11.. built for thoroughbred racing and used last year lor the trotters, will bo sold at auction next month, according to Frank M. Andrews of Lawrence Mass.. assignee of a foreclosed mortgage for 00,01H. Action on a bankruptcy petition against the Bock- inghaui Park company is pending at C -ord. X. II. Mr. Andrews places the companys liabilities at !?22;UI00. A feature of tin- recent Auckland Bacing Tub meeting in Xew Zealand was the heavy totalisator speculation, no less than .127,0."j0 being turned over during the four da vs. This was a tremendous advance on the .sooi.77," at the corresponding fixture the previous vear. and it is safe to say that those who prophesied a four millions totalisator turnover in the Dominion during the current season will have a big margin on their side. The increase is so general that it will not be surprising if the total reached is nearlv four and a half millions, whii-ii moans that the government will derive solid benefit from the betting proclivities of the public Sydney Referee. At Calcutta recently. Mayfowl won another Vice-roVs Cup. thereby eclipsing the performance of any other horse in connection with that race. Kings-craft and Mvall King each scored three times, nut in Tour successive veais Mayfowl has recorded three victories, and a dead heat Tor first place. In the latest running he was followed home by the hng-lish-bred mare. Jemima, and one result may be to cause Indian buvers to further turn their attention to the English market. This means a loss to us, as in the past mini v Australian horses have been purchased at high prices, with a view to winning the Viccrovs Cup. Mayfowl. now a nine-year-old. tarries the colors of an Indian sportsman, who races as "Mr. B. B, S." lie gave a high price for the Wildfowler gelding, with certain contingencies attached, subsequent to the death of Sir A A. Apcar. The last Australian-bred horse to win tin- Viceroys Cup was Wandin, in BIOS. Sydney Referee.