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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ, MEX., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1914, Juarez. Park. Sixty-seventh day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meeting of 107 days or more. ! books 011. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, Charles F. Price. Presiding Judge. W. II. Shelley-. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing Scretary. Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:15 p. 111. Chicago time 3:15 p. 111.. Indicates apprentice allowance -I Q Q O "I FIRST RACE 1 Mile, 13154 -1 :37 5 OS. Purse? 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. JL O O O 1 Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. .0: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 , Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 132 78 VAX HORX w 5 112 S 5 2" 35 33 33 P G MolesthJ C Ferris 10 30 G ii 7T 132I0AXG1E D. w 3 S.7 14 G 11 11 V 112 A Mott W H Fizer S 12 12 5 2 13301 STARTLER wn G 110 3 2 12 12 9 7 3" L Gentry C X Freeman G 7 G 2 1 13293FLORCE BIRCH w 9 105 1 1 11 9 72 43 4 J Collins S A Beckham 12 15 15 5 21 13278 EDDIE MOTT w G 112 13 7 31 1- 2- 21 5U R Troxler T A Davies 20 30 20 10 4 J3275FRIEZE ws S 105 2 12 S G3 Gl S-l Gl B Marco G Bassett G 7 7 21 -G-5 132S9GOLD DIST wn S 107 G 3 41 4" 4" 51 71 J DominkKeith and Spence 40 50 50 15 7 132782ROSE OXEIL wn G 110 5 4 Gl 7 10 Gl S W AV TlorStriker and Hicks 3-2 2 2 9-102-5 13289 KICK wis 3 S7 9 14 14 14 14 12 9 R Crawfd W McLemore 15 2.7 25 S 4 13270 CHARLES FOX wsi: 7 112 10 10 s7J 5 5 93 10s J Rooney A W Levene 20 20 15 5 21 13240 LADY McBRIDE w 4 107 11 9 13 13 12 10 ll1 R Hoffman.I W Fuller G S S 3 3-2 13270 O. E. XORVELL. wit 4 107 4 13 9 10 S 11 123 M MthewsR J Farris 20 40 40 12 G I322i SIXX FEIXX wn G 115 7 1110 S 11 13 133 H CavanhE J Ramsey S 12 12 4 2 13301 McALAX wn 5 114 12 S t 11 13 14 14 E Cotton CottonandTmpsnn 40 40 40 15 S Time, 23, 47. 1:14, 1:39, Track fast. Winner Ch. g. bv Ivan the Terrible Van Tassel trained by D. Huestis. Went to post at 2:17. At post i minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. VAX HORX. showing sudden improvement, was well up in the early running and. finishing fast under a good ride, got up to win in the last stride. AXGIE I, mad" the miming and finished gamelv. but tiring. STARTLER began well and was at once shuttled back, then cosed a great gap and finished with a rush ROSE OXEIL never wsis prominent. FLORENCE BIRCH closed a big gap. EDDIE MOTT raced well "to the last eighth. GOLD DUST showed tpecd, but quit. Scratched 13214 Flying, 112. Overweghts Lady McRrlde. 2 pounds; .McAlan. 2. . - OOOO SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 120S5 1:04 3 124. Purse 00. 3-ycar-old J 5 O O Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0; third. 5. JnU,x Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S i?00 CLARIBEL w 110 S 9 S3 7 31 1 M MthewsC AV Gasser K, 25 20 S 4 Vt"08 IDA LaVINIA w 110 2 1 1 1 V- T- R Estep F D Avoir 12 20 20 G 3 13s 68 J 15 Si AY LOW wu 112 3 3 5 3i P 3 R Troxler Hickey and Cloher S 12 12 4 2 . 13103 ROIND I P w 10S 112 12 11 43 AV OBriens AAr Richards 7 S S 3 3-2 l:i279 At NT ELSIE w 110 5 2 21 2- - 5- L Gentry J Randolph 2 3 3 7 5 7 10 13302 OLD GOTC11 wn 112 10 10 11 Si Gl i- P Eord .1 Tigue r. - V 7 12380 LENSHEXS PRIDE w 105 11 11 10 10 9 7 J Howard B E Chapman 13 30 S 4 2 13200 LA ESTRELLA w 110 4 13 13 13 10 Sl II CavanliE J Ramsey 10 12 12 I 2 1 3208 PARCEI, POST w 105 G 4 3i 5 Sl 9? W W TlorAlilner and Peeples G 7 4 2 1 13279 DICK DODIE w 107 7 5 13 4i 7il -l C VanDunJFandHSXewman 4 G Ii 21 63 13289-SLPERIOItITY w 10S 13 s 71 93 11 11 R Carter R .1 Mackenzie C 10 10 4" 13242EDDIE FOY w 102 12 7 9 12 12 12 J Collins S A Beckham 20 .20 15 G 3 13044 SIMMERHILL wis 100 9 G Gl GU13 13 A Claver W C Clancv 20 -o 13 : -i Time. 22, 47, 59, 1:06. Track fast. W inner Ch. f. by Sir Iluon Sevilla trained by E. F. Gasserl. Went to post at 2:4i. At post 1 minute. Start poor and slow. Won easily; second ami third driving. i LAR1REL began slow.y and, when making up ground, was lucky In escaping a Jam that occurred as she swung into the stretch and, finishing with a rush, won going awav. IDA LAVINIA was awav In from and set an extremely fast -pace, but tired in the last eighth. J. R. MAY LOW raced well all the wav and Im Ished fast. ROFN1 UP closed a great gap from a poor beginning. A I "XT ELSIE tired after running in closest pursuit to the stretch. OLD GOTCH finished fast. Scratched 13317 Silver Tone. 105; 13200 Santancca, 105. Overweights Round l. 1 pound: Superiority. 1. 1QQQQ THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 12990 1 :0! 0 1 15. Purse 00. 4-year-o:ds and tlp OOOO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. $.70: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q II p .s 13214 CLOAK wis 5 110 9 2 13 1 I3 1 .1 Dreyer J H Moody G 206 3 i 13281CLIXTOX w 4 104 3 G 10 9 G 2 A Atott O K Herndon 10 12 12 4 2 133073TIGHT BOY w 4 112 13 1 21 21 21 3 Ii Carter W J Dunn 3 G G s " 4 7 13300 QIICK TRIP w S 112 12 3 41 3J 31 4? Ii Alentrv P McKennip 12 15 12 4 I31S7RETEXTE wsn 4 102 1 9 13 13 10 5 It Marco G Bassett 30 40 40 M 7 13311 X1XO MlCHACHOwli 5 112 10 S 9 71 i-l fih W GarganA D Worlev 40 40 20 S 4 13187UOHX HFRIE w 4 109 S 11 ? 5 S 7- C Gross II TBatcheler S-5 S-5 G-5 7 U ? 13220 TOM CHAPMAN ws 4 109 7 13 12 10 71 S"k L Gentrv D Howell 0 5 5 0 " 13300 ZEXOTEK w 4 107 2 5 33 S3 i 93 A CiuveV E M Phillips 1 41 41 3 7 i 13257 SADIE SHAPIRO wn 5 110 11 12 Sl Gl 11 10;! W W TM01J A folium 20 "5 - s4 13211PRETTY DALE w 4 102 5 4 Gill 12 11 J Domink.TTHeatherington 20 20 20 G 3 12007 POP GlTX wn 4 112 4 10 5 P 51 12" W Ormes Alurrav ,t AlassevG 20 20 U ? 13270 STOXEflTTER wit G 112 G 7 11 12 13 13 W OBrienAl Dailev 10 50 50 !5 Time, 23, 43. 1:13. Track fast. Winner B. 111. by Disguise St. Cyptia trained by J. II. Moody 1. AVent to post at 3:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third tlse same. CLOAK was rushed into the lead quickly and always held her opposition safe. CLINTON btgati slowly and cosed a big gap into :t fast going second. TIGHT ROY ran well to the last eighth and flr d QFICK TRIP raced forward!, but tired in the stretch drive. JOHN IURIE seemed unable to get ne.M-the leaders. RETENTE closed a great gap and ran away a mile at a slow gait after the race ZFNOTFK and POP GlX showed earlv speed, hut quit. Scratched 13214 Canapa. 105; 132C.i Fire, 112. r990t FOFRTll RACE 7-8 Mile. 13135 1 :23 f. ; 1 10. 1 Purse 00. 4-year-olds anifiiir O O f db ward. Selling. Net value to winner .00; second. 5: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners o 11 p s 1 3290 ASK AIA w 4 102 1 5 G 4"t 2i l"t P Ford J W Fuller ii r, i 13224 COSG ROVE wn 5 103 3 3 -Jh 2113 2r 2s A Claver AV C Clancv 21 4 4 G -5 3 5 132123SEA CLIFF wit 3 10G 7 1 51 5i 5-1 5 3 J Howard J Uniensetter G S S 2! G 5 132923GORDN RlSSELL w 4 115 4 t 11 G 4 3 43 Al MthewsJ B Goodman 20 30 30 G 13242 COXXAiGHT wit I 107 5 7 7 7 7 G"-5 li Estep R G .Martin 21 4 4 G-5 3 : 13305HIGH STREET w S 109 2 G :V V 34 G3 E Taplin D Ford S5 - 9-3 4-5 5 13148 GOLD OF OPHIR w G 101 S 2 1 31 Gl 7 73 W W TMorirrhoefer and WestG S S ". 5 1 33 1 2 3 LIT. AlARCHMXTwn 7 105 G s S S S S s L Gentrv R O Egan 20 30 30 7" 3 Time. 23, 46, 1:12, 1:25. Track fast. Winner R. f. by .Maiehnient II. Dont Ask Me trained by R. .M. Small . Went to post at 3:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and Tast. Won driving: second and third the ssMiie. ASK MA closed a gap and. joining COSGROVE as they tinned into the stretch, outstaved him in a long and hard stretch drive. COSGROVE ran a good race and made a resolute finish. SEA CLIFF liuishcd v. -11 and outgamed CORDON RlSSELL right at the end. COXNAFGIIT closed a gap and finis 1 11 fast. HIGH STREET showed speed, but quit in the final eighth. GOLD OF OPHIR showed earlv siuvd Overweights -Sea ClilV. 1 pound: Coiiiianglit. 1: High Street. 2: Little .Maiclnnoiit. 2. QQ9fr FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 1 2995 1 :09?r, i 1 15. 1 Purse C. 4-year-olds aaii"ui- OOOU ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt j Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners O fi c p s 13223 ROOSTER wn 4 101 S S h fih 41 in . Claver W C Clancv 3-2 9-5 9-5 7 .1 13304 I.ADY PEXDER ws 4 107 5 7 7 7 31 2" W OBrienAIrs H Armstrong20 20 20 0 3 13277 XHANTICLOR w 7 110 4 4 41 5 21 33 R Troxler F M Hopper 4 4 4 5 7 1 13214 PCESS I NDSTRYwi: G 110 7 1 S S S 4:i L Gentry J Randolph G G G 2 I 13240 A1RALIGI1T w 5 112 3 2 P l 5 51 R Estep W AI Bain! G S S 5 13300 T. WOLFFARTIIwi: 4 107 1 G 3 21 V GJ W W Tlor.l Quirk 4 41 41 s " I . 13208 PALATABLE w 4 112 G 5 5 43 Gl 73 R Carter T A Davies S S S" 2 2 13214 RAMSY ws S 112 2 3 1 31 7 S II CavanhA D Harrison 12 15 12 1 Time. 22, 48, 1:12. Track fast. Winner -Ch. g. by Peep oDay Hunger trained by W. C. Clancy. Went 1o post at 4:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow". Won driving: second and third the same. ROOSTER left the post a trifle slowly, but raced next to the rail and. saving ground on he I urns, stood a drive with rare ganieuess and got up to win in the hist stride. LADY PENDER also closed a gap and made a game linal challenge, but could not quite get up. CI1ANTICLOR raced forwardly and r -so liiteiy throughout. PRINCESS INDISTRY finished fast. MORALIGHT set the pace to the str tcli and iiiiit. TILDY WOLFFA RTI 1 also quit after racing into the lead in the homestretch. The winner, cnd-ivi lor 00. was bid up to 05 and bought in. Scratched -i:;2:i0:Transiiareiit. 112; 13211 Hazel C. 110. Q O Q O SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 93544 1 :45 4 115. 1 Purse 00. 4-year-olds andTip O O O O ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 . Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 p s 13145 PTRO.IAX BELLE w I 100 5 G 1 lfc ! 13 1 A Claver R L. Rogers S-5 21 21 4 " 2 ". 1322i KELSETTA w G 10S 9 4 Gl 4i 21 2 23 AV OBrien J M Rawlings 5 10 if :: 7 r 1 328 1 ILCE-ISEARD wsn 4 10G 2 S 3 53 5 313" R Booker W H Tulley 4 5 5 2 1 I3293 PIULLISTIXA wS 9T. 10 3 5k G 0 53 43 I! Alarco .1 Green 5 G G 2 1 I3278BEX FXCAS wsn G 103 S 2 2 21 31 41 5 J Doniin kI.each Stowe 15 15 13 5 13301 SFGAR LlAIP w G 102 I 9 9 9 9 7 G- E Denny .1 H Munson 5 5 4 7-3 7 10 13209 BALCLIFF w G 103 3 7 4 3 41 Gl 7 W AV TlorC Hawk S 10 4 2 1 132933JOHX LOlIS w 9 10S 7 5 71 S 7 S S"k L Gentry T A Davies S 10 s 3 3 2 1321 I DOWXLAXD w 4 9G 4 10 S 7" S 9 91 A Alott E J Ramsev 30 30 30 10 5 13123 AIOOXL1GIIT wn 5 103 G 1 10 10 10 10 10 C Jones C Brant 10 50 50 .0 10 Time. 24, 48, 1:13. 1:40, 1:46. Track fast. A-Winner Br. f. by Hamburg Belle of Troy trained by II. C. Riddle 1. Went to post at 4:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv ing. TROJAN BELLE set tile pace from tlu? start and was never seriously menaced at any time. KFI. SETTA moved 110 fast on the lower turn and finished gamely, but could not overtake the winner. RI.FF P.i-jARD dwelt as they turned into the stretch, then came fast at the end. P11ILLIST1NA cosed up ground and finished fast. BEN FNCAS was well up in the early running, but tired. SIGAR LlAIP and DOWN LAND were jammed out of any chance soon after the start. Scratched- 13311 Helen Hawkins. 100: 13293 Ilannis. 10S: 13203 Sir John. 100: 13301 Lord Elam. 10:;. ivcnvcights - Sugar Lump. 1 pound.