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1 -1 JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX., SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914. Juarez Park. Ninety -ninth day. Jockev Club Juarez.- U inter Meeting of 114 days. 10 books on. AVcather clear. Presiding Judge, W. 11. Shelley. Starter. Mars Cassldy. Racing Secretary. Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:15 p. 111. Chicago time 3:15 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. "j Q7Q FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 120951:090115.1 Purse 300. 4-year-nlds and up- IOU t ward. Selling. Net value lo winner 225; second. 50; third. 25. Index Horses AAYtPPSt 4 V-i ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 13559 "SIDNEY PETERS wit C 115 5 2 1 1 1H 1 J Roonev W M Baird 315 5 Z I" 134 13 LONE STAR wsnf. 112 11 9 4 42 21 2 G MolestliB C Bunburv ?, 3 2 1 1-2 135i5SEXATOR JAMESwit 4 101 13 21 2 3 :in H Phillips Drhoefer West 20 25 25 10 5 1 3544 PR1XCE AV1XTER w 7 115 9 4 10 9 9 4h J OBrien J Burks 8 10 10 4 2 U II117F. G. HOG AX wn 7 112 13 4 3 3 51 ,"i. W MclnreO P Romigh 20 30 30 12 5 I .02 1 MISS CT,ARK wsn 4 107 3 7 fi fih 4i C 1, Gentrv AV M. McClintockSO 50 50 13 S 13529-ORIGIXATOR ws C 115 S 10 7" 7D S3 7i J Howard Reese and Hollands 12 fi 21 1 13385 LITTLE MAID it C 110 12 fi 5h 51 Cl Si R HoffmanM T Morse 20 fiO CO 20 12 KU529 VISIBLE w 5 107 11 S S1 S 7h 9 J Collins S A Beckham 3 5 5 2 1 13529 SAM GRIGSBY wit 4 110 10 1 9 10 10 10 E Taplin C Lawless 10 15 13 5 25 13521 FERROXA w 5 110 4 11 11 11 U 11- J Robbins AV II Schwartz 8 10 10 4 2 13529 GEORGE OXXRDwit 5 115 2 12 12 12 12 12 AV GarganS Judge 7 10 10 4 2 1324 1 W. T. BUCKXER wit 4 109 7 13 13 13 13 13 M MthewsB L Fitzgerald 50 CO CO 20 10 i:544GREAT FRIAR 5 115 C Propped. R Troxler C T Brownfield 8 10 10 t 2 Time. 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast. Inner B. h, by Cherry Leaf Bosolia trained by AY. M. P.airdi. Went to post at 2:15. At post 5 minutes Start good and slow for all but GREAT FRIAR. AVon driving; second and third the same. SIDNEY PETI2RS was away well and. going to the front with a rush was hard ridden all the way and made a game tiuisli. LONE STAR ran forivardlv from the start and was gaining at the end. SENATOR JAMES showed a go.xl turn of speed, but tired in the homestretch. PRINCE WINTER was shullled back at the start and closed a big gap. FRANK fi. HOGAN, MISS CLARK and ORlfilNATOR linished fast and close up. VISIBLE was cut off on the last turn. Scratched 135S5 Compton. 115. Overweights Sam firigsby. 1 pound. "1 QQA SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 12990 1 :n .; 115. Purse 400. 3-vear-oIds and up JL J O J ward. Selling. Net value to winner 300; second. 75: third. 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt.i V- A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C P S 13501 THISTLE BELLE wit S 10S 8 1 2t 2 2-1 1 M MthewsAV J Dunn 10 -15 15 ; 3 J 304 KGR AYS I-WVITE w 4 112 9 3 1 Pits 2i E Taplin R S Plunkett 12 12 1 5 21 13547 BUTTER BALL w C 115 13 11 10 It CI ?fi G AV CarllQuinlan c Higel 4 0 21 6-3 1" 1 353 3 KING RADFORD wit 4 107 VI S 9 9 71 4 R Feeney A C Porretto 3J 4 4" 851 13021 ACHILLA wu S 113 4 4 fi3 51 51 5h J Murphy C E Rogers 0 8 S 3 8 3 l3525I,ARGO wb 3 101 3 10 Sh Cs 31 fii W AV TlorE L. Fitzgerald 10 13 15 5 3 13002 GIMLI wit 5 113 17 7h Sl S 7 J Kederis II D Poyneer 21 41 41 2 1 13548 ANGELUS w 9 115 11 13 11 10 10 S- VV MclnreO P Romigh 15 30 15 C 2 1 3523 " -RUBICON II. wi: 5 113 7 fi 3? 3U 41 9 J Metcalf P Sheridan 4 S 7 21 G-fi I3G0I DAYLIGHT w 4 110 5 5 53 41 9 10 J OBrien J Eckert 20 30 30 12 6 I354K FORT JOHXSOX wit 9 115 fi 12 11 12 12 ll5 G MolesthA E Morgan 10 15 15 5 2 1354 7 LADY PEXDER ws 4 103 2 2 4h 7i 11 12 L Gentry AlrsHArmstrong 20 30 20 12 6 13537 STARE wit C 110 10 14 13 14 13 13 11 CavanhH Frv 20 SO 30 13 G i:54XfALCIUM ws 4 110 14 9 12 13 14 14 A Mott CunhaniandMoodv 12 20 20 8 4 Time. 22. 47. 1:12. Track fast. Winner Br. 111. by Knight of the Thistle P.elturbet trained by J. Nattress. Went to Hst at 2:45. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. THISTLE BELLE followed CRAYS FA A" O RITE in closest pursuit to the stretch and. standing a drive resolutely, outgamed him at the end. CRAYS FAVORITE set a fast pace all the wav and onlv succumbed in the last stride. BUTTER BALL closed a great gap from a slow beginning and. linishinsr with a rush, almost got up to win. KING RADFORD also made up much ground and finished fast. CHII.LA LARGO and GIMLI were all close up at the finish. Scratched 1304S Palatable, 110. Overweights Stare. 5 pounds. 1 QiQl THIRD RACK 7-8 Mile. 13412 1 ;-3 5 110. Purse 400. 3-year-oliis. Selling. JL QUO JL Net value to winner 300; second. 75: third. 25. Index Horses AAVtPPStU Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 13554-CHRISTMAS EVE wis 105 2 2 1? 11 ll 1- In G W CarlIJ B Respess 3 C 3 7-5 3-3 13G07DALSTON w 115 3 3 C 51 A" U 2 G MolesthJ G Ferris 9-101 4 5 13 out 13626KICK wn 107 4 1 2 4 3 21 3 AV W TlorAV McLeniore 21 31 31 1 2-3 1362G OLD GOTCH wit 104 5 4 3"U 21 2t 31 41 J Kederis J Tigue 10 12 li 4 3-2 1362G"THOMAS HARE w 9S 1 fi 4h C r, 5w 5 A Mott I Striker 4 4 4 I 13 1S626LITTLE 151T w 90 C 5 51 3"t 51 fi 0. J Collins W H Fizer 10 12 12 4 3 2 Time, 23. 47, 1:12, 1:25. Track fast. Winner Ch. f, by Dick AVelles P.essie Spahr trained by A. L. Kirby. AVent to post at 3:14. At post I minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CHRISTMAS EVE raced to the front with a rush ami won all the way. but was tiring and doing her best at the end. DALSTON was crowded back by LITTLE BIT at the live-eighths post, but came again and linished with a rush. KICK was always a forward contender, but was outpaced. OLD COTCII ran a fast half and tired in the closing strides. The others were always outpaced. Overweights- Old fiotch, 1 pound. 1 DfiQO FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. 131541:37508. Purse 5V. 3-year-olds and upward" 1 OOO-i Handicap. Net value to winner 400; second, 75: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPStVi V- Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II f P S 13G4G JOHN REARDON wn 7 103 4 4 2"t 2 25 ll Is R HoffmanR G Martin 3-2 2 2 1 out 1364CnB12RT GETTY w 5 101 1 1 4"t 3i 3-1 21 J Kederis R O Egan 8-3 8 5 fi r. 3 3 out 135S8WEYANOKE ws -I 90 2 .. 31 5 5 5 31 A Mott Smith and Farrar C G 41 7-5 out 13543B. EYED SUSAN W I 115 3 2 5 3 4" 4J Ai W W TlorJ AV Fuller 2 3 3" 7 lOout 13C09 CANT EM ws 7 95 5 3 ll ll ll 2" 5 J Collins J Ununsetter 4 10 10 2 out Time. 24, 43, 1:14, 1:38. Track fast. Winner Ch. g, by Silverdale Etheline trained by R. i. Martin. Went to post at 3:44. At jwist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. JOHN REARDON raced in nearest pursuit of the pacemaker to the stretch, then forged to the front and won going away. BERT GETTY raced well, hut was next to the rail and. making several attempts to get out, was cut off everv time, then linished fast and gamely. WEYANOKK was crowded out on the far turn and linished with a rush. BLACK-EYED SUSAN failed to finish with her usual stretch rush today. CAN-TEM tired badlv in the final sixteenth after setting the pace to the homestretch. Scratched --U35S0 Belle of Bryn Mawr, 113. Overweights John Reardon. 5 pounds: Bert Getty. 1; Cantcm. 5. - t fi Q O FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 12995 1:09 5 115. Purse 400. 3-year-olds and up- lOOOO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 300: second. 5: third. 25. u Index Horses AAYtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 13578 fiORDN RUSSELL wb 4 103 3 1 7nk fih r,h lh i HoffmanAV McLaughlin 6 7 7 H T 13G48SI2NECA wsn 7 107 7 7 51 51 31 2s J Kederis J Tigue 2 2 2 4 5 2- 13347 KENNETH wit 4 100 2 3 2 2h 21 3 G AV CarllW C Clancy 3 G C 2 1 W 135783DOMINIC w 7 100 fi 5 U 1111 4i AV AV TlorA C McCafferty 10 12 12 4 2 13G47TI2TEK GRIMM ws 4 95 1 9 S 9 8 5i J Collins T S Parker S 12 12 4 2 13657 ANA R wit 3 94 5 S 9 S 7 fil J Metcalf C Jordan 31 C 5 2 t 13527LOP. HEYWOOD w 7 107 9 2 41 31 4 7 F Stevens J H AValker 3 41 4 7-5 7 10 13565 NAP A NICK wit 7 105 4 4 3h 4 fi 8 L Gentry .1 E Dwyer 10 15 10 4 2 13578 RUSSELL MeC-II.L wit 5 104 S C 61 71 9 9 P HU1 L AY Hicks 23 40 40 10 5 Time. 22, 46, 1:11. TracK fast. AVinner B. c, bv Marchniont II. Tokalon trained by J. P.. Goodman. Went to post at 4:13 At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same CORDON RUSSELL began slowlv and was outpaced to the stretch, but came down next to the rail with -i rush and outgamed SENECA in the deciding drive. SENECA ran a good race and stood a hard drive amelv through the iinal eighth. KENNETH raced forwardly all the way. but tired in the closing strides.. DOMINIC V set a fast pace, but quit in the stretch. PETER GRIMM was going fast at the end and so was A NAIL LOFTY HEYWOOD and NAPA NICK quit in the stretch drive Overweights Gordon Russell. 1 pound: Kenneth. 1; Anar. 3; Peter Grimm. 1; Russell Mcfidl. 2. -I O O A SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. 131541:37598. Purse 400. 4-year-olds and upward. J y 5 4t Selling. Net value to winner 300: second. 75: third. 5. Hidoj: Horses AWtPPStVt V-: u Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S rifi"8 BUE HEARD wsn 4 101 1 1 3h ?M 2J U 1 R Hoffman W H Tulley 313 3 2 I 1 1itUVi TII F r MONK wit 7 10S G 3 73 73 fil 4nt 2J J Kederis Pontius and BoTandfi 7 7 2 1 KeNeTT wGIOO 5 9 S 8 51 2 3 A Mott D S Fountain S 10 10 3 S-5 Ariu- fi iHTO w 5 105 4 7 fi" 5 41 Sl 41 G MolesthO G Parke fi 10 10 3 S--T. A :"kM PY EAIILY W5 101 S 4 4h CI r.5 71" 53 J Collins R Balentine 5 15 15 4 2 i:i Tl r iT : MARCHMTwii 7 107 7 S 9 9 S C fil J Metcalf R O Egan 5 7 7 21 4-3 ir-MSTOHV HURIE W4 101 3 C ink 11 1 3 7 G AV CarllH T Batcheler S 12 10 3 S-5 V 5 515 DE N A I T?K ws 4 113 2 2 2 21 7 S 8 R Feeney J AV Pinkham 2 2i 1 71025 1.55, iVcoi S AMO.N Urnx w 5 105 9 5 fi 4nt 9 9 9 AV W TlorW E Phillips 12 15 10 4 2 Thn 23 464if i:i2, i:3S. Track fast. AVinner 15. g. bv Blues Queen Beluga trained by J. Booker. AWnt to nost -it 4 44 At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Aon easily: second and third dnv-.. 1M UF-BFARD raced close up behind JOHN HURIE to the stretch and. after standing a drive, won i4ii. wiv tiik AIONK was interfered witli in the race, but closed a gap and made a fast finish. KEL-5ftt mKo clo-ed -I -"an and tired near the end. JOHN HURIE set a fast pace, hut tired and was shut off when a sixteentli out EL PATO linished fast and so did MARY EAIILY. DENMARK fell lame when racing fast. Scratched- 13C2S Anne Mcfiee. 9S.