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4 mnatm y A T U R D A Y today iind HB 4w y SUNDAY I will be at the a Planters Hotel, St. Louis. U Jff where I will be pleased E to meet present and iros- m pective subscribers. I 5 to 1 OR BETTER. fl My next special goes Monday. B March 9. and the price is .?10. I i am guaranteeing tliis one to win w at 5 to 1 or better or I will give j the balance of Chnrlostnn one p horse daily, including ALL specials g FREE. Meet nie "Face to Face" Si at the Planters or wire subscripts tion to Chicago ollice NOW. 1 BERT E. C01LYER S Formerly with Chicago American I SUITE 309 OXFORD BUILDING, S 118 North La Salle St., Chicago, 111. O L L A R 5D GUARANTEED SPECIAL I have exclusive stable information on one that will go next week at CHARLESTON. I am so positive that it will win that I am GUARANTEEING to return your money if the horse loses. Everything will be well managed and wc have every reason to expect a good price. Horses name will bo on filo with this paper the day before the race. No subscriptions accepted later than 10 a. m. Monday, March 9. THOMAS PURYEAR JEROME APARTMENTS east McMillan, near vine cincinnati :: ohio Royal Meteor, 5-2, Won WAS OUR X SPECIAL YESTERDAY. Making the Second Straight Winner ON THIS SERVICE. WATCH NEXT ISSUE OF BOOK FOR NEXT STARTER. Yesterday s AVire WON, and Special, scratched. MONDAYS SPECIAL: Maine, Mate, Market, Robin. NATIONAL RAGING REVIEW Room 1101. 327 South La Salle Street. Chicago- Til. BENJAMIN LINDERS SYSTEM is specially adapted to follow where the Pari-Mutuels betting is in use. It will select many lie is tbat will pay the investor an extra good return for his money. It is based on principles that are generally acknowledged by the racing Public to be the most fundamental facts in racing. BEN. UNDER lOOli Wells Street Chicago. Illinois Christmas Eve, 6-1, Won was yesterdavs Special. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 316 in Book No. 356. Dont fail to get THE STANDARD, for sale at all news-stands that handle Kaclng Form. 25 cents per week, .00 per month. Yesterdays Occasional, Lone Star, 3-1, second. Daily lost. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. ! INDUCEMENTS ! t - Extraordinary I t t NOT A CENT IN ADVANCE X BET .H FOR AE AND X SEND WINNINGS Bet your limit on horse I wire vou THUKS- X 4 DAY, MARCH 12. Every angle lias been X looked to. Odds will be liberal. X 1 TH.EN GET READY for an old-time "kill- T nig" on MONDAY, MARCH 16. Long odds. i s. w.Tenot t CLOCKER. i Z Faviilion Motel. Charleston, S. C. X COMMONADA, 10-1, WON was the long shot special in last weeks Reporter. Two weeks ago we gave ALLEDO. 20-1, Won. Thats just a sample or what you get when you buy the little yellow book. We also sive free each dav a special. Last week we gave FRANK HUDSON, 6- 5, WON: MISS GAYLE, second; REPUBLICAN. 7- 5. WON; GERRARD, 15-1, second; COPPER-TOWN, 2-1. WON. ami a loser. Cuess you will have to admit this is going some when vou consider that it. only costs IT. cents a week. Besides these specials you got a line ou the shelters that are readv to come to life. Try a copy once and vou will be a regular. Its on sale at all news-stands and dealers wlli sell Racing Form. SPECIAL OFFER to all wlio send in mis mouths subscription to The Reporter, price .?1.00 mailed to you in plain sealed envelope, we will wire a special that starts Wednes day, March 11. Irice of this special is SI. no unless you subscribe to the book. Dont miss it. Our next . X Special goes either Friday or Saturday, March 13 or 14. MUST WIN and WIN ONLY, or wc will give each subscriber freo a subscription to our Onc-Horse Daily. Get in now. Our last one was Feather Duster, 5-1, Won, anil the previous one was Toddling. 5-2, Won. Saturdays Dailv WON. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No.777 in Book No. 483, on sale at all news-stands. Make all Post Office or Express Money Orders payable and mail to THE TURF REPORTER Established 1904. Room 509, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. NOTE- -Our ad appears in this paper every day in the year except Mondays, and has since l.Mll. WE DO BUSINESS BY MAIL. NUFF SAID. ""SLEEPERS" That Win at Long Prices JAM THE WIZARD CLOCKER NOTICE Mr. Horse Player: When you do business with me It is like buying direct from the manufacturer. I am the only man advertising in this paper that sends inforin.i tion direct from the Juarez, track, and the ouy man personally on the ground. The horse I wire you is lit and the stable money will be bet. So guessiug for your money. The opportunities 1 am giving you could not be obtained by you personally for auy sum of money. Have n docker of your own. You can employ me for 510 foi the balance of this meeting, which is 15 days. Telegraph remittance, or remit hv express order. I wire ONE or TWO horses daily at 10 a. m. J. J. SCHREINER 1010 WYOMING STREET