Charleston Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1914-03-08

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CHARLESTON FORM CHART. . CHARLESTON, S. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914. Palmetto Iark. Eighty-second day. Charleston Fair and Bacing Association. Winter Meeting of 100 days, ill hooks on. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. C. II. Pettingill. Presiding Judge, Martin Nathansou. Starter, James Milton. Kae- ing Secretary. Martin Natlianson. Uaeing starts at 2:50 p. ni. Chicago time 1:50 o. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 1 O rT FIKST HACK 3-4 Mile. t ISO! 1 : 12 -4 -li:;. Purse 00. ."-year-olds and up- JL O O I O ward. Selling. Net value to winner .25: second. .0; third. !25. Index Horses AAYtPPSt .j Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 13595 QUE1CD w 4 109 5 2 1 Is Is 1" F Tealian J O Burttscliell 2 21 U-Gl 1-2 13017 1NSP. LESTHADEwit 5 112 :: 4 :; :: 31 2" C Turner J M Ziminer C 7 7 :! 3-2 13038 B N1JLE OF RACSwii 3 93 2 5 r.ti 51 4" :: F Murphy F J Grefer r. 5 45 8-;. 4-.. i:ili:i!isItOD AND OUX wit 3 10. 4 41 41 5! 4k II XeanderF A IleroUl 4 li 0 2 1 I :t5 1 K BELLE CHILTON w 4 11. 5 :: Sl 71 " 5s C Knight A J Oberlin 20 30 30 10 5 13531 5 KLSIE IlERNDONw 5 W, 9 1 21 2 21 It WaldronAY O Wright C 7 7 3 3-2 i:t!:i!l-Ml.l CAFFBEY wit 3 112 7 9 9 S 7- 7- A NicklausBleigliPaikShle 10 13 13 0 3 IiUCI - VK1LCI1KN we. 3 Wis 7 0 S S J Smyth T F Ityan 4 4 4 8-s. 4-n 13239 SdJUlil w 112 8 7 5s 9 C Irvin AV It Kirk "0 M fin 25 12 Time, 25, 50, 1:18. Track heavy. Winner Ch. g, hv Bussell La Tour trained by J. O. Burttscliell. Went to post at 2:51. At post 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. jfEED, running well in the stiff going, moved into the lead wilh a insh soon after the start and increased bis advantage with everv stride to win as bis rider pleased. INSPECTOR LESTRADE ran in improving town and stood a hard drive gamely all the way. BUNDLE OF RAfiS raced well up all the way. BOD VND GUN ran fairlv well, ELSIE HERNDON ran in closest pursuit for the first half and tired badly in ilie stretch. VEILCI1EN was caught in a jam soon after the start and was never prominent. The winner, i-iilei-.-d for .f::oo, was bid up to 300 and sold to 11. B. Colin. Scratched 13549sDaly Waters. !0; K!;::s Klsie Creen. !.": 13053 Malik, 100. Overweights Belle Chilton. 5 pounds; Klsie Herndon, 1. -1 Q f rj A SECOND BACK 3-4 Mile. 1859 1 :12t 113. Purse 300. .-year-olds and up- JL O O I db ward. Selling. Net value to winner 225: second. 50: third. 5. index Horses AWtPPStV,. Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S HlfiXitLADy IXXOCCK wis 3 93 3 3 31 31 ll 1 F Murphy P F Gloss 3 3 41 0-5 1 ISIiil.TARMOn w 4 107 4 4 T- 41 2 21 F liandphF J Pons 5 9 S 3 7-5 i:!ll OR. DOrGIFItTY wis 7 115 11 S 7l 7s 51 31 C Turner F Harrington il 10 10 4 2 i::!51 CAPT. CARMOOY wis fi 112 and 5 41 C 41 4i A XicklausE C Lucas r, 6 4 S-5 4-5 Kt lTS TOXY AY. wi; S 112 10 7 CI r.l il 5- It Pickett P Dolan 3 5 5 2 1 l.SdMUSTFCCO w 3 Mil 11 2U 7 fi? J CallahanW Walker C 12 12 5 21 i:tWZ FASCES wis 4 107 5 ! L"l Is 31 71 K AValdronC Reed S S 5 2 C5 Kii; PROTAGORAS w 4 107 2 2 Sl SI S- t- C Irvin J Wirtli 30 30 20 S 4 I ::;":. MICIFL AXGKLO v S 11 10 10; Iti 1 W J Hanoverll G Bedwell S 12 12 4 2 i:t;i:tGAGXAXT w 5 llo S fi 91 10 10- 10s R XeanderW Y Casey 15 50 50 20 S 11275 PALM A w 7 112 7 11 11 11 11 11 F Keogh .1 Y Tate 30 75 75 .ill 15 Time, 24, 49, 1:18. Track heavy. Winner B. f, by Salvation Ml Beina trained by C. Reed. Went to post :;t :!:lti. At post .! minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LADY INNOCKNCI2, after being saved behind the leaders for the first half, came away in the stretch :nid won easing up. ARMOR ran forwardly throughout and finished gamely. DB. D01J0IH2RTY closed a -ap and, under strong urging, tinisiied fast. CAPT. CABMODY ran a fairly good race. TONY W. closed :. big gap from a slow beginning. FASCES and STICCO quit badly in the stretch after alternating iu ..acemaking for the first half. Scratched 1;!417 Coming Coon, 115; l.!i2 Austin Sturtevaiit. 112; l!510 John Marrs, 112. Overweights Stucco, 2 pounds. "I Q rj T THIRD BACK 5-8 Mile. 7011 1 :01:r, 3115. Purse 350. Jt-year-olds and up- JL O O I O ward. Selling. Net value to winner 75: second. 50: third. 23. 7nilex Horses AWtllStU . j Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 13U52-SFS.N P.. wn " 100 3 4 1- ll PJ l5 J McTagrtl M Hedrick 3-5 7-1013-201-4out 13G33- :M 1SS CAYI.12 wi: .! !3 S 3 2" 21 2i 21 F Murphy E W Moore 3 31 lC-57-10out 13593-CHAS. CAN NELL wn ". t3 5 2 53 5 41 3; R XeanderF J Riley 7 10 10 21 1 13531 AM 12 R I CI "S w 115 4 1 31 41 3 4- G Corey T F Sheedy 10 12 10 2 7-10 13C3S.1INDA w 09 10 9 1- Cl 5 , J Smyth JU Strode 30 40 40 10 3 13427 B12N LOYAL wit 7 1K5 9 5 Ah 31 fi C5 J Hanoverll G Bedwell 50 CO CO 25 10 12220 FOIST MONROE wit 15 10S 1 7 Ci - 7 1- F Keogh A AYeber 40 100 100 40 15 1350G IIFDAS BROTHER w :: 104 C C Sl S Ss S AY Doyle Mr Earle 100 100 100 30 12 13C32 WOOLOATI2 w 5 1B5 7 S 92 9 91 9l M Buxton L Thompson 100 150 1G0 CO 25 i5901Pi:OMISI21 LAND w 5 115 2 10 10 10 10 10 AY DunknAY A Rineliart 100 200 200 SO 30 Time, 24, 49, l:03y5. Track heavy. Winner -Ch. f. bv Bearcatcher Torsido trained by L. Blunie. Went to post at !:4S. At post minutes. Start good and slow. AYon easily; second and third driving. SI SAN B. was away well and, taking the lead quickly, disposed of .MISS CAALK in the lirst tlnee-ighths and won easing up. MISS GAYLI2 raced well up throughout, but bad to be bard ridden to outstay HAS. CANNELL near the finish. CIIAS. CANNKLL ran well and finished fast and gamely. AMERICIS ran a good half and tired badly in the last eighth. MINDA closed a good gap iu the last quarter. P.I2N LOYAL quit. Overweights Miss Oayle, 2 pounds; Fort Monroe. 2; Hildas Brother, 1: Promised Land, 5. t Q f rj f FOURTH RACI21 Mile and 70 Yards. lSUi 1:43 1105. Purse 350. r,-year-ohls JL O O I O and upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner 275: second. 50: third. 25. Index Horses AAYtPPSt V4 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II CPS 13561 ROYAL METEOR wit 5 111?. 3 2 li 2- 2s ll 1- C Knight R Hyams 2 21 25 G-5 3-5 13634FI2ATII. DlSTER wn 0 1H" 0 5 31 lh li 2 23 F Tealian J AY Hedrick 2 21 11-57-101-3 13G54;12FFEN1I w S 1S 1 4 0 G A- 31 31 J Hanoverll G Bedwell 10 20 15 5 2 13654OLTHORPI2 w f. IOS 5 1 2l 3 51 4 4ll J McTagrtF E Brown 3 4 1S-3C-5 3-3 13G1G BOP. R. w 7 IOS 2 3 4M C h- 5s C Turner .1 O Talbott S 12 5 2 4-5 13G34-.I UOB P.lNN wn 4 102 4 G a1 5! 3l C C J Smyth J H McCarren S 10 9 21 1 Time, 25, 50, 1:17, 1:45, 1:50. Track heavy. Winner Ch. g, by Star Shoot Queen Regent trained by C. F. Clark. ,,,,,, Went to post at 4:14. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AYon easily; second and third driving. ROY L AIETEOR, showing sudden improvement, was sent into the lead with a rush anil, after being headed on the backstretch, shook off FEATHER DUSTER in the stretch and won going away. FEATHER DUSTER raced into the lead 011 the backstretch, hut failed to withstand the winners challenge. LFILNDI came from a long wav back in the last quarter. YOLTHORPE dropped hack steadily in the early running and canie fast in the stretch, but ran far be!ow the form of bis last race. The others were badly outpaced. The winner, entered for 1,000. was bid up to 1,:;05 and bought in. Overweights Royal .Meteor. 21 pounds: Kffendi. 1. 1 QP77 FIFTH RACK 3-4 Mile. 1S09 1 :12 111.10 Purse 300. 3-year-olds and up- JL O O j I ward. Selling. Net value to winner 225: second. 50: third. 5. Index Horses AAYtPPSt 4 Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 13596RARIUM wit 4 107 11 1 1 1 11 F Murphy J Todd 12 12 10 3 S-5 1359GFONT wit S 112 S S 51 41 31 21 F RandOiO Pons 7-5 7-5 1 2-o out 13530WILL1S wit 4 107 7 4 3 23 2 3n J Smyth J H McCarren 21 4 4 t-o 1-2 13G143PR0Y1C12 w 4 109 3 3 41 5 4 A1 G Corey T F Sheedy 5 7 7 2 i-10 13494 PLUVIOUS w 5 115 4 7 S CI a1 x- S Davis T AV OBrien 15 40 30 10 ; 1359G INCISION w i 112 5 2 21 3 Cl G C Turner J Grifiin 8 15 lo 4 2 a3590BI2RTIS w 0 115 C 0 7 7l 71 71 J AAilliamsX B Davis 50 60 50 15 ; -1340311 RCOURT w ! 112 2 5 Ch S 8 S C Knight D A Brollier 15 20 20 C 21 Time , 24. 49 ,1:18. Track heavy. AAinner Br. c, bv Ncalon Trained Nurse trained by S. R. Howser. Went to post at 4:41. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same BARIUM, running in vastly and suddenly improved form, sprinted into a long lead at once and led all the way, but tired and just lasted long enough to win. FONT began slowly and was weakly ridden tmougiiout, but finished fast and would have won with a stronger rider. AVILLIS raced well, hut tired and swerved badly in the stretch and just lasted long enough to bold third place. PROVINCE ran fairly well iinil linished fast. INCISION quit after going a good half mile. PLUVIOUS came, from a long way back " Saeiicd--i:i541;Lord AVells. 102: 13G41 Semi-quaver. 115: 13502 Joe Finn, 104. c f rT Q SIXTH BACK 1 Mile. 124S 1:40 4 103. Purse 300. 3-year-olds and upward. U I Q Selling. Net value to winner 225: second. 50: third. 25. index Horses AAYtPPSt 54 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 13641 "SPELLBOUND w S 105 3 3 in U B 1 R AAaldronMiss E A Tyson 21 13-513-51 IT 13C12 SFRVICENCI2 w S 114 2 1 3 2h 4 3l 23 J HanoverAA Walker 10 10 S 3 C-5 lSG45ltUlSSEAU wn 5 110 4 5 4 5 31 4 3 C Knight G II Geiger 8-5 H-52 7-101-3 135G3:T NUN DA wn 7 109 1 2 2" 3h G" fi 41 M Buxton J Greenwood 4 4J 31 S-5 4-5 13C17SNOWFLAKES w 4 103 5 S fi 5J 5 54 5 F RandphO Pons 30 30 15 5 2i 13gUCMFL wit S 111 fi C 7 4i 2 21 fi .1 Smyth J II McCarren 10 12 10 4 2 13650OLD JORDAN w 3 09 S 4 5J 71 7" 1- J CallahanN B Davis 10 15 12 5 21 13000 SnJAl"vWAY w 5 111 7 7 S 8 8 S 8 II CliappellG E Ridge 30 30 30 10 5 Time, 2G, 50J. 1:18, 1:47. Track heavy. Winner B. g. bv Abert Hoodoo trained by AV. A. Burttscliell. Went to post at" 5:05. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. m easily; second and third driv-iii" SPELLBOUND raced into the lead soon after the start and. setting the pace all the way. won going nviv SERVICENCE, also recovering his speed suddenly, ran well and held on gamely for the entire race. UUISSFAU made up ground and outstaved TA NUN DA Iu the llnal drive. The latter quit and can do muchbetter SNOWFLAKES ran fairly well. CAMI2L quit after running a good three-quarters. Scratched 135173aty Fallen. Ill Overweights Spellbound, 2 pounds; Old Jordan, 1.

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