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NOTES OF THE TURF IN OTHER LANDS. Sir rii:ii Ls Siuiih ha* -ohl his bardie rare nwna l! ii Imuisel privately to Mr. .1. W. Widgei. I Ik- owner of Pwoli I. a — . ft. Riekaby, an apprentice attached la Ann Ktronga -lablo ill Penrith, and who rod* with success last siiis.iii iii Denmark, baa accepted aa -u-gagemenl io ride for one of the principal stables in Germany. Prank Rharpp, :i onetime will known jockey, died March Ul al the Newmarket Union Hospital. aged SS. Tor yeara be rod* in Austria Hungary willi niiii-h -in-ri— . being amongst the leading jockeys there for a long time. He em* ■ native of Northumberland. Inclusive of the sum- won in -takes id Auteiiil ,ii miii .lay. Man-n 22. I In - |io-ilio||- of Ihr I ■•;! il ill •_; _ "riiioh ownii-- of |iiiii|iii- shire ftie commencement ■ ol I be rear are a- follow*: M. C. Plena rt. 22S.tMi4i ■ francs; M. .lames Hemic— y. 20N..,7i franc*; M. A. ■ Veil-Picaril., francs. The OemHM Crown Prine* William, who only recently registered lii* raring colors, won the Siranshi rg Steeplechase on Sunday. March l~ . al Merlin Sirausberg with Baby, which Im-.-h live other*. .in auspicious commencement for his imperial bigness as an owner. Th Brsl American -bred winner of th.- present English ihii racing season was Hie three-year-aid hay coll Uncle Dale, by Onaondaie -Auntie Mum. wliich won the Blaakney Plate ill a mile on the mbc oini ihi.v of ilu- Lincoln Spring Meeting. Mr. iioraiio Bottomlej baa leaned Jamac from Mr. .1. I». colm for the rest of hi- racing career. Tin- horse ran lor the Lincolnshire Handicap in the former gentleman* name and colors. At the end of tin -e.ison lamne return- to Prance and will stand next year ill the ioustranville Stud. Ilalliek, the l.ainhotnii hrainer, has bad had! luck with hi- broodmare* this year. lie baa a half dozen, hut has only had one foal, anil died. 1 1 was a colt by Greenback a horse he prepared for hi- many race- -oui of Sim Bonnet, and though he was apparently a strong, healthy foal he eras found dead in Hie foaling hex. The wmk iii the Socieie si»ortive dBncoarage-meats new race course al Saint-Denis La Oonrnenre near Paris, i- lini-hed. hut. owing to certain ditti rattles with the municipal authorities with regard to tin- mads h-iuliiii; io the entrance gatea, the inanguratioa has I n definitely postponed until the conilliellceinellt of next oal