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AUSTRALIAN GRAND NATIONAL HORSE. Bailawarra is a chaaer well worth bringing li;.ot o miles lo run in the great Liverpool cross-eounti erent. He was unquestionably the best horse orer the jumps in the commonwealth of late ream. As a youngster, ureal things were expected of him on the Hat. bill he became a big. leggy, not to say lank.. bay colt, and jiisi lacked the turn of speed accessary to earn distinction in the best handicap company. As he matured be furnished out int.-a splendid, commanding horse, standing orer a tremendous lot of ground, ami though galloping with an exceptionally long stride, yet bo well muscled and compact as to gie the impression of perfect rythmic motion. Put orer the hurdles, be quickly developed latent jumping talent, and s,,..n earned a place at the top of the handicaps, winning ill the best fields With even 17 pounds In the saddle. Ultimately the ban ilicappet- -in ei-, did in stopping bim ami he was transferred to tbe steeplechaae courses, where in-n.iturai aptitude, stamina aad dogged courage brought additional triumphs. Curiously enough, his spec, I • •ii the flat increase. i with hi- participation in steeplechases, so that it was thought worth while lo enter him In the Australian Cup. which was run earl] in :his month. In all. Bailawarra ha- started in :;_ race-, for 1- wins. 1 seconds and 2 third-. Li- principal victories include I lit- V. R. C. Cup Hurdle, three miles, carrying I7"i nmmila. last No the Doatta Galea Hurdle, two and a half miles, with 103 pounds, last .Lily, and the Australian Steeplechase, I stiles, with 1 »H pounds. iast August. His present owner, Mr. Kormau Falkiner, is ■ member of an immcascly rl -h family of pastoralists. He lias no! loag been associated with-the turf, bul lie ha-, already got gathered the best team ol jumpers la Australia. Originally ir was Intended to atari Bnllawarra in the Winter Steeplechaae la Inly, and -hip him to England In August: bur Mr. Falkiner bas srisely decided to give rhe lnu—- erery • h.ini •■ of l*ecoming acclimated before the big question is asked bim. J. V MeGregor, the crack Ins Italian cross-country Jockey, is coming to England t. ride Bnllawarra, bul be will not arrive until tbe end ..! tbe .Mar. He Is certainly one of the noes horsemen erer born south of the line, aad though smashed apparently beyond repair oa ball ■ • :../.• n occasions, bas always pulled through the mosl appalling spills. With a good bone ol prored lamina -p. . d and courage, an owner whn can afford i" gire his borae ererj chance and a Jockey ■ i knows game, the Australian Inraalon oughl tn impart add tional interest to the Grand Sal *al if l.H ■ ■ -. alaslan" In Loudon Sporting Times.