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IMPROVEMENTS AT THE WOODBINE. 1 Ue week- from Saturday the bugle will blow at Woodbine for tbe opening race of Hi. Ontario .fockev l lull and Hie tifty fourth running of the Kings Plate, which, the .hii. lastly boasts, is the oldest fixture run continuously in America. Tbe Ontario Jockey Club will provide ii- patrons this spring for the first time with a modem, up to date racing plant, probably tke nicest in Canada. Th" new steel and concrete double-deck grandstand has si. 1 tin" accommodation for s.ikmi people. The west .in end win be included in the members encloanre, but the balance will provide ample a. ■•iiiuiodaliou for the general public. In thi- section the only referred seats will be in tke boxes, wklcfa are sltaated along tin- front of the stand for Its entire length. A- they in limited in number it is expected that they will be in greai demand ami reserved fot tke meeting. The entire coarse can be seea from anv pan ol lhe -land, bul there will be a peculiar fa-cin.itiou in watching a steeplechase from the upper deck. The -.nt- for the stand. Which consist of comfortable latticework aeOCkCS, each With a Car pacit for four persona, are arriving daily ami will be placed in position as fast as the painting Is completed. The contractors wi deilvet the new stand to the jockey club a week before Ibe races, mm pi.te. the say, in every detail, Imlernealh the in-vv stand I here are ottlces and refreshment rooms and aK.. a pot lee station, to he used in case of emergen* . I br h kei olBcee are .il.. im tne north wall with 8 f teen wickets for Kigali! us,, ami twelve extra wlcketi ••• ruah" crowds. The press stand ii.ii UeWspgpi m.r. oiihi will lie local-d ill aboui the same plaei 1. In 1 he old stand. bin in a in Uvautagi «aia |M«a|tbui tnasmuck as in. person can stand In fruat ol ike hoi to bleak the view oi thosi who u ,1 lerlhlnt the races. An attendant will l e In rharge to keep the pre-- baa tor the puipo-. i.e which 11 w a- Intended. Toronto Star.