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THAT OPERA B0UFFE AT TULSA. Tl iinic opera al Tulsa, which is a little towa in what was recentlj lhe Indian Terrltorj bm is now the full fledged state of Oklahoma. Went another net yesterday. Tbe picayune raei meeting oa tin-I all mile track there was attended by four I k makers. Who could have been arrested by anv count? ■ven-iiihui. with the traditional whiskers and Tils Star of tliee il anv air. -ting bad been needed Tlie governor was panic-stricken at lhe thought "i bookmakers opera t lag there, -o in-ordered out a regiment ol soldiers, who fired * roller ..oi the hoi-.- parading p.i the hi-i in lb, booking gentlemen appear lo have been ovel looked in the shuttle, mid now the whole goah-dana i racing has u.,t u stop, bj whllllkina! Unfortunate!] tin nav.v i- engaged al Tarupl thi i.iu guns might have been requisitioned. — Prascls Nelson in Toronto Globe,