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FAIR PLAY FOR OTTAWA. Inder the caption "Kail- Play Ear Ottawa" the Toronto Globe publishes the following letter from a correspondent signing hhnsolg Mitli hniore: "What I consider most unfair and improper at tacks on the Coniiaught 1ark Jockey Club, the and therefore the most deserving of coaaideratloa among the ••rganizations that will distribute public money among the owners ami breeders of horses in Canada, impel me lo ask a little space in the Globe to urge what 1 hold to Ik- the proper viewpoint. It is alleged that the Cm niught Park Club is discriminating against Caaadian owners and horses. Such a silly statement eat ties its own refutation. The gentlemen who ate interested in the building and main tenanee of this inaguiiieenl property an- men who have achieved such position in the business, social and political lit- of Ottawa as to make il plain to am one ontsMe an idiot as.vlum that they are at least blessed with ordinary common sense, even If il is ;idinitte.l that they are not as capable of l-aluing what is best lor their enterprises as are the geniuses who hare taken to advising them. "My experience takes me back lunch further than the connection with the turf of most men who are new interested in racing in Canadn. and I give you m word that in i|s |r8l year ol existence the Con iiMiighi Park Jot key Club gave tor Caaadtaa burses more than ten times as miuli as the Ontario Jockey Club did in fhe tirst ten years of its exiateace. Thai comparison shows nothing, but it is worth while quotias us ag.iinst the sort of lliing that has been lied in the endeavor the deliberate and intent loaal eiideav./r — to create a false impression where the Coimaught Park club is not so well known. "To all fail ■ minded lovers of the apart of kings iind of fair plav 1 onfidelit ly appeal for whole hearted support of a new and struggling organisation -etling ..ill lo eater to the l ost in the apart, and assuming heavy expenses in order o keep up to that aim. It is the most short sighted policy for borne-men not to aaatst every young club, because they are therebv assisting themselves. •In conclusion I wish to say that I do not own a dollar of Coniiaught Park st,K-k. and have not coa raited any of it- officers, l write as oa* who is in the posftloa of the public and feels that misrepresentation should not go uncorrected."