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HORSES /NRR1VR AT WOODBINE. Toronto, tint., pni 17. Horsemen with their charges •miiicn, lua lo srrlve 11 the Woodbine tra 1. t"i the Ontario. Jockej tSihs spring ui-etiugianL liuiie; Mini Bulcroft, ol arrived vest.-r .hi wlili 1 n horses, maaj oi ahlch ire Canadian iln are tbe pronertj "i V Macfartnate, Sh Montague Ulan. II A. Lkei - and I lie Inviieck Kl ible, also o| Monti . si In charge of Fred New man. the horses Luterpe ■Hid Mi-s Joe. owned In IP. Iliinbl.x. "I Kingston. iiiiv.d at Woodbine yesterday. Tbej wintered at lhe Mmestiaie cit and are la good condition. Roh.11 Bavtes Liberie Hall. which ha- been troubled with id- underpinning for the past two rears, .-. goiue. xoundl this -inine He is recolv Ins. Ill d.iih work at the •» Ihlne with the rest oi tke string. Calgarj has been -unering in a similar way tliii spring.